California Car scents - anyone use them?

Yes I have been using them for a while now after getting fed up with magic trees and big feet lasting only a few days!! The strongest scent they do coranado cherry and its excellent. It lasts for ages and hides the smell of me smoking and the dog I usually carry in the boot.....some of their scents are not so strong/good though and are best avoided. Stick with the cherry and you wont be dissapointed!
I'm presently using the smoke away one and to be honest it isnt doing a good job. I may have to try Phoenix's one. I bought mine from Elite Car Care.
I love these and they last ages
I get mine from awesome gti funnily enough! Under a fiver delivered for 5-6 weeks of nice smell! Cant beat that! Handy hint, rotate the pads in the tin every other week to rejuvinate the strenght/freshness. Another good thing i have tried is to soak a cork in your favourite aftershave then take it out and leave it to dry out. The smell lasts for weeks and its custom to you! I stopped doing this because the cork actually soaks up a fair bit of expensive hugo boss!! Too costly for me! I didnt really fancy switching to hasslehoff or brut!! Lol!!
Yep using these as well, I currently have the Mango one, its a very sweet smell, but not over bearing, I also have the cherry one, which I havent opened yet.

My fave of all time still has to be the Vanilla Magic Tree :)
the Vanilla Magic Tree reminds me of my Astra GTE 16V i bought a whole load from the states so i always had a supply for my GTE.

just dont looks right in my a4
I have the cherry one
That is lovely.......they have quite a few to be fair
We have them on display and they have a scratch N sniff to them too
I love the cherry one though
Even have it where I store my slippers ;) at home

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