TT or S3?

If you can live with a TT then you can live with a S3 why go for a no frills SB when you could save a few bob and have a S3 2 door with some bits added ?

I have to say at the risk of be hung out to dry...I just dont get the S3 ?. At £30+k for a decently spec'd one you are talking low milage Carrera 4S money....To the man in the street an S3 looks just like any other A3 infact with the skirts it looks daft...What my dear departed mum used to call An "Aunty molly shopping car" :) she would turn in her grave if she could see my A3. !!!!

I'll get my coat.........:wacko:

Found your coat Pat


I happen to agree with you on 1 pov & not on another.

I think the S3 sb is a great car overall, you get power in man or auto, it has room for kids in back & a dog/shopping, not to big for wife, but big enough for a bloke to use, so overall its a good choice for someone who wants these things & lets be honest for a guy on the street with a family its a very good choice overall.

Now the thing I do agree with you on is the styling, its rather bland for an S3, it looks good but at least my S3 8L had some slightly fatter wings, it was definitely distinctive visually from the rest of the 8L's, but S3 as said many times before is just like an sline until you drive it, but the S3 body does improve the Sport styling alot, lol, hence why I did it, I can live with that for now.

Keep eyeing up a Scirocco tbh, man it looks sweet on the road & forecourt.
Do you think I should wear it over my head ?...and where are my matching goggles and hat ?
Looks like my toad of toad hall Kit....:)
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lmfao it does doesnt it, toad, lol
Between you and me mate ....i got up early to wipe the bit of my post about the S3 before anyone had seen it :yes: Once i had seen you had quoted it i just knew I will be taken outside and shot by everyone and their dog here....teach me not to post at 3 O'clock in the morning without my "be nice" filter switched on :)
If you can live with a TT then you can live with a S3 why go for a no frills SB when you could save a few bob and have a S3 2 door with some bits added ?

I would turn this around to say, what is the point of getting a 3door S3 when for not much more money you can get an SB which looks much better? Not everyone buys them just to get 5 doors.

As for the TT, isn't it a girls car? :undwech:
Yea...Nige has me wrong, i like the S3 SB better but the guy has a choice of a loaded TT or a basic SB because of money. I was just saying that as the SB is more expensive he could take a different option and go for a 3 door S3 and save a few bob towards some extra's....If he could live with a TT he obviously doesn't need 5 doors...
If you can get over the hair dresser stigma then buy the TT and tell eveyone else to get a taxi. After the wife has divorced you for buying the TT then get a Cayman/Carrera :thumbsup:

Maybe I have simplified it a bit too much :laugh:

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