Off Topic - Don't forget Top Gear On Sunday!!!


Sepang Blue S3
Oct 14, 2003
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I also think we should allw Write in asking for the new S3 to have a hot lap / be tested againt other hatches.

We all know what the outcome will be, but it should at least have a chance.

The S3 has had a p00 press, probably down to the hefty pricetag.
Clarkson would say its too expensive and that you are better off buying something like a Focus ST instead I reckon.

Not that I agree with that.

I'm loving the lateral thinking in getting rid of the soulless engine note of the standard fit 4 pot engne.


I'm loving the lateral thinking in getting rid of the soulless engine note of the standard fit 4 pot engne.

They can sound quite naughty with a little bit of attention! ;)


I'm loving the lateral thinking in getting rid of the soulless engine note of the standard fit 4 pot engne.

Well my 2.0T sounds good to me. And I was very impressed when a mate of mine who has an M5 told me that the Audi sounded fantastic, and thats coming from a V10 owner.
They can sound quite naughty with a little bit of attention! ;)

Naughty in a generic 4 pot with a straight through exhaust sort of way...just like any number of 4 cylinder turbod 4 pots.

Better than the 1.8T..but still not exactly soulful, to my ears.
No doubt about the way they go though (same with the 1.8T) just...dare I say, bland?
Well my 2.0T sounds good to me. And I was very impressed when a mate of mine who has an M5 told me that the Audi sounded fantastic, and thats coming from a V10 owner.

They sound better than the 1.8T...but it's an engineered noise to mask a bland engine (in my view)...and if your mate thinks they sound better than an M5, he must be either deaf, or not taking his M5 above 3000 RPM!
Glen, have you tried the new S3 in comparison to your old one? I know your not a fan of turbo'd engines..


Only briefly...but enough to know the car on the whole is a huge step over and beyond the 8P S3 standard.
The engine sounds better too...but it's still soulless, to me.

Sadly, it's not easy to make a tractible, great sounding turbo engine without resorting to an exhaust sounding like it came off an RS Turbo, a Saxo-esqe cone filter roar or a dump valve in a Chav Subaru stylee.
Sorry am I missing something is the S3 being featured on Top Gear cant see it mentioned in the schedule
Nothing on there regarding S3's. Defo off topic. Mind you was pretty funny and garish
DaveS3Turbo: Did you see the green Gallardo? Is that the colour you were going to have on the S3? Looked stunning.
Yes it was.... Not so good on an s3 maybe.

I didn't know TG was on until I watched Last Man Standing last night which I had Sky+d and the trailer came on! Anyone know when it's repeated?

Clarkson would say its too expensive and that you are better off buying something like a Focus ST instead I reckon.

Not that I agree with that.

The 3 of them came to visit us in Afghan before Christmas and someone asked them if they had £30k to spend on a car what would they get, JC said an R32.
Just saw on the news Clarkson had 170 complaints about saying "truck drivers go around murdering proseys" offcom are meant to be investigating! hope he dosen't have any angry truck drivers pull up beside him on his travels!:gun2:
Just saw on the news Clarkson had 170 complaints about saying "truck drivers go around murdering proseys" offcom are meant to be investigating! hope he dosen't have any angry truck drivers pull up beside him on his travels!:gun2:

Lol..hes a mad guy!

i remember when he admitted that the most he's done on a UK Road was 157 (or there abouts) lol..what a plank!

Since we're off topic, i my aswell drag it a bit more off road...

How come they never have any Derv's on top gear? The last one i seen was when the Skoda Diesel beat the mini but thats been it!

Should get a A3 TDI Quattro 170 up i think....Make clarkson take back his remarks on it being satins fuel :p (or the R8 :p)

I'm impressed with the way diesels are nowadays :D
Sorry to drag this old chestnut up agan BUT..... Does anyone have a clue who the Stig is this year? The general concensus is that it's Ben Collins (think he was last year too). Some people still keep saying it's Damon Hill or Jonny Herbert but i'm not sure about that....
jeremy is the new celeb on the hit list for sad people who moan about everything!!!

if your watched it on sunday it was about his comment on lorry drivers and dead prossies!! was a bit bad taste but seriously you cant say anything anymore.

anyway just heard loads of people are now complaining about mr.clarkson dont think its as bad as the Ross fiasco.
Jezza walked out of his house this morning to a huge backlash:

dear good that was terrible
:cold: so bad it sent a shiver down my spine ha
Regarding the show itself, I just dont think there are anywhere near enough cars on it!
About half of this weeks show was dedicated to the `HGV Challenge` which was way too much for me.
It was still reasonably entertaining purely on the basis that JC/May/Hamster are an excellent triple act, but I hope this is not indicative of the rest of the series.

In fact I reckon there should 2 shows in series over 2 seasons.

One where they **** around in general and do arctic challenges etc, and the other which is more car focused.
As a motoring show, at times it gets a bit diluted for me.

Although its still the best thing on TV.

Fifth gear for reviews. Top Gear for dicking around. Sorted.
Fifth gear for reviews. Top Gear for dicking around. Sorted.


The fat guy with the hair likes pretty much everything and cant seem to tell the difference between `****` and `quirky`.

Tiff only likes cars that can go sideways and/or can perform on a track, which is hardly relevant.

VBH is a bird, and squeaks a lot, and is posh.



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