Recent content by George1002

  1. George1002

    Mechatronics problem... To sell or not to sell?

    Driving home last night in my 2004 A3 3.2 quattro with dsg transmission and 89,000 on the clock (that I've only owned for 3 months) when all of a sudden there's a clunk, loss of power, another clunk, power back on. Meanwhile, PRNDS lights are all flashing simultaneously. I pull over on the side...
  2. George1002

    2004 A3 DSG selector cover spare and advice please!

    I'm the proud new owner of a lovely 2004 A3 Quattro - 3.2 litre, S-line, DSG... It's beautiful! However, being a bit of a perfectionist, there are two minor things bugging me on the interior that are keeping it from being in mint condition: - The cover on the drivers side switch for locking /...