How will you vote?

How will you vote?

  • BNP

    Votes: 5 11.9%
  • CON

    Votes: 17 40.5%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • LAB

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • LIB

    Votes: 6 14.3%
  • SNP

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • UKIP

    Votes: 6 14.3%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

    Votes: 3 7.1%

  • Total voters

Just Plain Old

Registered User
Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
I thought I'd give someone else a chance to do it......... But it seems you buggers ain't bothered who f**ks up the Country...!!!:)
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ive taken a bit of an interest in the up coming election, am leaning towards ukip if im honest, their leader (dont know his name) was doing an interview and what he had to say was along the lines of this: britain is in a massive amount of debt, to be in the eu costs britain £120 billion pounds a year, pull out of the eu and that money can go towards paying off the national debt and save the need for tax hikes/new taxes, furthermore if out of the eu we dont have to accept all these immigrants from europe (although we probably still will anyway)

makes sense to me, although im sure pulling out of the eu would have its downsides but saving £120 billion a year seems a pretty big up side?!

i think bnp need more seats to have more of a say as they do have some good thoughts about protecting our country from being totally over run by illegals, but are too extreme to actually be in power

as for the 3 main parties, well lets be honest, none of them will deliver what they promise, labour certainly havent, conservatives, wasnt margret thatcher conservative? nuff said! lib dems, havent really paid any attention to them to be honest

who ever wins nothing will change imo, the rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer, the working class will get shat all over and those who cant keep it in their pants will continue to shaft the benefits system
conservatives, wasnt margret thatcher conservative? nuff said!

But then there have been five Tory leaders since her so there's a bit of a chance that things are a bit different now :keule:
I am voting for the Icelandic Volcano Party. Its done more to stop immigration in the last 5 days than Labour have done in teh last 10 years !

Oops unpolitically correct joke in a serious Forum....
do you know i cant believe that after 13 years of labour people in this country are stiil prepared to vote for them cant they see what as happened to this country are they blind every man woman and child owe £30.000 that was the cost of bailing out the banks our childrens children will be paying for this and the banks are still giving obscene bonuses to theire top people well it was those top ?? people that got the whole country in this mess .my area i kid you not it is rare to hear an english voice ho can i say that probably not because labour as made it an offence to speak your mind and still people are prepared to vote for them my mind boggles people keep harping back to thatchers days that was 20 years ago a lot of water as passed under the bridge since maggie and lets face it what was her crime sorting out nationalised industries that was holding the government to ransom and costing the tax payers millions of pounds a day i kid you not
Before this thread goes south and is locked/deleted can you just say who you voted for or better still just vote,please
So when did you think Thatcher was in power then?

i would be guessing at the mid eighties?

It concerns me that you would vote for a party without even knowing the name of the leader.....

hmmmmm well to be honest with you ive got better things to do than research every single polictical party, what they stand for and who does what in their party, referring back to my first reply, none of the smaller parties will get in power and out of the three main parties who really cares who gets in, can you honestly say that you believe they will bring change?

im 23 and this is the first time il be voting and ever really paid attention to politics, and to be honest im not buying into anything any of the party leaders are spewing out, broken britain is beyond repair if you ask me, a write off if you will

to the op, there was a reason why no one started this sort of thread before now, controversy.....
do you know i cant believe that after 13 years of labour people in this country are stiil prepared to vote for them cant they see what as happened to this country are they blind every man woman and child owe £30.000 that was the cost of bailing out the banks our childrens children will be paying for this and the banks are still giving obscene bonuses to theire top people well it was those top ?? people that got the whole country in this mess .my area i kid you not it is rare to hear an english voice ho can i say that probably not because labour as made it an offence to speak your mind and still people are prepared to vote for them my mind boggles people keep harping back to thatchers days that was 20 years ago a lot of water as passed under the bridge since maggie and lets face it what was her crime sorting out nationalised industries that was holding the government to ransom and costing the tax payers millions of pounds a day i kid you not

+1. Labour are a total joke and GB is a buffoon of the highest order. You could see that clearly in the election debate.

It shocks me even more than the public being questioned on the news state that their parents voted Labour so they will. Get a grip!

i would be guessing at the mid eighties?

hmmmmm well to be honest with you ive got better things to do than research every single polictical party, what they stand for and who does what in their party, referring back to my first reply, none of the smaller parties will get in power and out of the three main parties who really cares who gets in, can you honestly say that you believe they will bring change?

im 23 and this is the first time il be voting and ever really paid attention to politics, and to be honest im not buying into anything any of the party leaders are spewing out, broken britain is beyond repair if you ask me, a write off if you will

to the op, there was a reason why no one started this sort of thread before now, controversy.....

Better things to do than do a tiny bit of research on who you're going to vote for?

Tony Blair made some massive changes when he came into power and most of them were for the better. There's absolutely no reason why one of the other parties wouldn't do the same. I bet, like many of us, they're sat there each day completely frustrated about how things have turned out and are desperate to get in and make some positive changes.

I bet many from the Labour cabinet are thinking the same also, but there's nothing they can do as Gordon has decided to stay on.
for me the yellow teletubby is saying all the right things. which lier do you trust... tis a hard one.
And here was me thinking that Audi Sport forums would be a "General Election" free zone...grumble.....

Bring in Proportional Representation, ban MP's from holding second jobs/directorships, ban unelected (so called) Government Ministers (like bent Mandleson), ban MP's from buying second homes with taxpayers money, stop Labour bashing Tory MP's about their Eton education.....have any of you guys seen where Blair was educated - a place called Fettes in Edinburgh at about £8K a term !
...and NO i cannot afford to send my kids there :-(
I had better stop now or else I will get wound up.....:aggressive:
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Have missed my local MP pitching up at my front door.....shame that

I was at my band practice when the three leaders were on the telly last week......on asking the wife if she watched it she said that she would rather put her head in the oven and turn the gas on than watch that utter drivel.......think she has apoint u know.... 700'th post - yippee, as he snicks into 4th Gear !
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Voting for BNP/UKIP is a waste of a vote because they will never ever win, they are in the minority regardless of how good some of their policies maybe, they also have some quite scary and extreme policies.

Labour need to be removed, no government should be in power for 12/13 years, even the american presidents only get 2 terms! no matter how good or bad they are.

Its time to give someone else a chance, yes they all lie but which one is the lesser evil?, Im voting conservative because i want to see what they can do, labour have had their chance and i dont trust the lib dems.

Besides who actually elected brown?.......... exactly.

Anyone who votes labour needs their f****g head examining, all labour care about is tax, tax, tax and making sure the benefit scroungers and immigrants are happy.
broken britain is beyond repair if you ask me, a write off if you will

This isn't the attitude that put the Great into Britain. I'm voting Conservative because Labour have completely screwed this country up and somebody else should now be given the chance of sorting it out.
Labour is the party for benefit scroungers.

Thatcher years actually look good compared to what this set have done.

I'm voting Conservative as they suit me but lib dems make some valid points. Would be nice to mix and match a bit but no can do
Lab, Con, Lib's are all controled by the same people behind the scenes, thats why it dont matter who gets in, the same shits gonna go on, why do you think UKIP has been pushed aside on all Tv debates? yer the fcukers behind the scenes are not in control of them so they wont be putting them on the Tv now will they?

Im voting UKIP, its about time we had a real change for the better of British people in this Land our for fathers spilt there blood for!

All the big 3 partys want to hand over power to Europe and they want to do it fast! The best bit is this, They wont ask you for your permission to do so!

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Lab, Con, Lib's are all controled by the same people behind the scenes, thats why it dont matter who gets in, the same shits gonna go on, why do you think UKIP has been pushed aside on all Tv debates? yer the fcukers behind the scenes are not in control of them so they wont be putting them on the Tv now will they?

I think you will be disappointed to find UKIP are nothing more than an 'establishment' safety valve against the BNP.

Im voting UKIP, its about time we had a real change for the better of British people in this Land our for fathers spilt there blood for!
See above. Vote BNP if that's what you really want.!
Is that the same BNP who allow coloured people to join yet they are racists ?! seems a bit peculier that.
I'm voting Conservative because Labour have completely screwed this country up and somebody else should now be given the chance of sorting it out

Didn't the conservatives also have a good go at "screwing this country up" when they were in power and wasn't New Labour supposed to sort out their mess! now it appears the tide has turned.

I'm really at a loss on the way I will vote. Being a public sector worker, I think the conservatives are gunning for us, Labour, well I think its time for a change, so that really only leaves Liberal. This is a bit like letting your 17 year old son take your new S3 out though. Perhaps a hung parliment with a bit of all sorts thrown in will be the best way to go and let out No. 10 to a few needy immigrants.
I hope people dont vote for these jokers... Lib Dems

"Allow asylum seekers to work" - WTF!!

" The Lib Dems are committed to joining the euro" - No thanks!!
Labour need to be removed, no government should be in power for 12/13 years, even the american presidents only get 2 terms! no matter how good or bad they are

Presidents represent a party mate, so even if presidents have only a possibility of 2 terms the next one can still be from the same party, so kinda irrelevant tbh.

Lab, Con, Lib's are all controled by the same people behind the scenes

Are you for real???

To be fair Staz, I think Turkster maybe means the business world & on this note I also believe this, as when campaigning, promises are made to some fairly important people behind closed doors as happens in the american elections, different country but same processes & pretty damn sure backhanders are given, no politician is as clean as they'd like to think, the business world does have an impact on the controlling party IMHO, even if its just massive campaign donations that enable tv/magazine/newspaper ads, all relevant at end of day.

Also where's the option for NONE OF THE ABOVE "Brewsters Millions"
Voting for BNP/UKIP is a waste of a vote because they will never ever win

well of course they wont win if everyone thought like you, duh!

you all say to let someone else have a go but will only vote for conservatives, and 'x' amount of years down the line when dc has ****** it all up you will all be slagging him off and saying to vote labour because you wont give any of the smaller parties a chance, and to be fair i dont think anyone will vote lib dems (nc is gagging to sell us out to europe)

im sure conservatives will get in next month, and i hope things change for the better, but im not holding my breath

UKIP :arco:
Presidents represent a party mate, so even if presidents have only a possibility of 2 terms the next one can still be from the same party, so kinda irrelevant tbh.

The point is, you wont see president obama in power for the next 13 years, regardless of the party!
He doesnt control every single thing in the party, he obviously has certain powers, but they have a govermental system as we do to vote for things etc, Senate & House are the 2 areas I believe handle these things, maybe someone bit more wise of US politics could correct me if I'm indeed wrong.
The point is, you wont see president obama in power for the next 13 years, regardless of the party!

But his party will be (If voted), and most of the backroom staff.

Labour.... the dirty tea-leafs, take, take, take from Mr middle class worker, to feed the scabs that just breed scabets!
Just look at crime and immigration since they came to power - and as someone else stated - who voted for Br*wn....!

Since they've been in power they've made being a scab a luxury, made over a million public sector jobs (You're not going to vote out your boss are you?!) And they're addicted to debt and spending money we don't have - A bit like all those people that took all the equity in their houses and spent it on a new Car and flash Holidays!

BNP... Don't even get me started on those mugs - How can anyone take them serious?! They hijack our flag and make you feel like a racist chav for having one outside of the World Cup. :tocktock:
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BNP... Don't even get me started on those mugs - How can anyone take them serious?! They hijack our flag and make you feel like a racist chav for having one outside of the World Cup. :tocktock:

I think you may have fallen for the 'establishment' spin there....... The BNP have not hijacked the flag, the 'liberal elite' have TOLD you they have,,, and you seem to believe them..??
Birmingham and Bradford councils have banned the flying of the flag of St George on St Georges day in case it offends anyone. Its exactly what Plain old said, you have been told its offensive and you believe it. There is nothing wrong in being a patriotic Englishman. You have the Scottish Nationals, the Welsh Nationals but only the British Nationals are classed as racist. Why? Because it doesn't fit in the with governments plan of multiculturalism.

I want the right to defend my property without conviction.
I want to be able to use my car without feeling guilty for damagng the ozone, or being ripped off with fuel duty.
I want to be able to work, earn money and buy what I want without having to bail out others who don't work.
I want to be able to retire having paid into a pension and get something back to support me in later life.
I want to be able to walk the streets at night without fear of being attacked.
I don't want to finance Gender awareness in Uganda or condoms for slum dwellers in South Africa, I think that the UK should sort out its own finances before throwing millions at foreign countrys.
I want to know that the government represents me and is prepared to listen.
I want my politicians to do the job they are elected for and not just for as much money as they can srcrew out of the taxpayers.
I want to know that any illegal immigrant comits a crime gets deported to serve their sentence.
When I find a party that can meet all of the above, then I will pay more attention.
Birmingham and Bradford councils have banned the flying of the flag of St George on St Georges day in case it offends anyone. Its exactly what Plain old said, you have been told its offensive and you believe it. There is nothing wrong in being a patriotic Englishman. You have the Scottish Nationals, the Welsh Nationals but only the British Nationals are classed as racist. Why? Because it doesn't fit in the with governments plan of multiculturalism.

I want the right to defend my property without conviction.
I want to be able to use my car without feeling guilty for damagng the ozone, or being ripped off with fuel duty.
I want to be able to work, earn money and buy what I want without having to bail out others who don't work.
I want to be able to retire having paid into a pension and get something back to support me in later life.
I want to be able to walk the streets at night without fear of being attacked.
I don't want to finance Gender awareness in Uganda or condoms for slum dwellers in South Africa, I think that the UK should sort out its own finances before throwing millions at foreign countrys.
I want to know that the government represents me and is prepared to listen.
I want my politicians to do the job they are elected for and not just for as much money as they can srcrew out of the taxpayers.
I want to know that any illegal immigrant comits a crime gets deported to serve their sentence.
When I find a party that can meet all of the above, then I will pay more attention.
Birmingham and Bradford councils have banned the flying of the flag of St George on St Georges day in case it offends anyone. Its exactly what Plain old said, you have been told its offensive and you believe it. There is nothing wrong in being a patriotic Englishman. You have the Scottish Nationals, the Welsh Nationals but only the British Nationals are classed as racist. Why? Because it doesn't fit in the with governments plan of multiculturalism.

Feck that full stop, I'd goto there offices with a big flag on the day & stand there waving it, its not illegal, no law that says you cant, end of, sod that, this is england, if people from other places dont like, then they can feck of back to where they came from, starting to get so fedup hearing this ******, really am, all there doing is creating more of a sub culture in these areas & segregating these areas from the rest of the country, thats not good for everyone.
Birmingham and Bradford councils have banned the flying of the flag of St George on St Georges day in case it offends anyone. Its exactly what Plain old said, you have been told its offensive and you believe it. There is nothing wrong in being a patriotic Englishman. You have the Scottish Nationals, the Welsh Nationals but only the British Nationals are classed as racist. Why? Because it doesn't fit in the with governments plan of multiculturalism.

I want the right to defend my property without conviction.
I want to be able to use my car without feeling guilty for damagng the ozone, or being ripped off with fuel duty.
I want to be able to work, earn money and buy what I want without having to bail out others who don't work.
I want to be able to retire having paid into a pension and get something back to support me in later life.
I want to be able to walk the streets at night without fear of being attacked.
I don't want to finance Gender awareness in Uganda or condoms for slum dwellers in South Africa, I think that the UK should sort out its own finances before throwing millions at foreign countrys.
I want to know that the government represents me and is prepared to listen.
I want my politicians to do the job they are elected for and not just for as much money as they can srcrew out of the taxpayers.
I want to know that any illegal immigrant comits a crime gets deported to serve their sentence.
When I find a party that can meet all of the above, then I will pay more attention.

also :applaus: I love being a British man, loud and proud..... if it offends anyone i suggest the feck off to where they came from!

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