Monkey Coffee/Toast/Watches/Sony/Tabasco/Trainers/Merge/Multi-tool/The List/Confusion

Better use for you! But for someone else a 20 grand watch is all important, even if they drive a thousand pound car.

What we did observe from this thread, dear children, is that human needs/desires/wallets are a veritable rainbow of variety...hooray!!! :happy:
Better use for you! But for someone else a 20 grand watch is all important, even if they drive a thousand pound car.

Well that was my point, I consider myself to have more sense that person A who would spend it on a watch!
Like what? I've had loads of Sony stuff and it's all been top notch!

Sony Ericsson make watches BTW :)

-3 Sony Walkmans, after they all broke I seem to remember moving to Aiwa with no problems
-Sony TV, broke after 3 years
-Sony PS2, broke just out of the warranty and Sony wanted quite a bit to fix it, plus they charged the shipping on top and surprise surprise it just about came to the price of a new one
-Sony Car Audio, absolute crap, never again.
-Sony PS3, had it 2 years and it keeps intermittantly refusing to eject discs which is gradually annoying me more and more.

I'm sure there are more, but needless to say, I will avoid Sony now at all cost, unless the PS4 comes out anytime soon and then I might make exception.

I'm sure everybody has their aversions to certain brands because of personal experience. My Dad refuses to ever entertain the idea of a SEAT because he had one donkeys years ago and the paint basically peeled off the whole of one side of it and the customer service he experience in the process was awful, he refuses to believe they are better these days.
Despite the above, there are companies/sellers whose products or service are pretty exceptional:

> Revo
> Apple
> Casio
> Dualit
> Magimix
> Salomon
> Smeg
> Bosch
> Miele
> Nikon (Customer svcs are fantastic, as are Grays of Westminster store)
> Dynaudio speakers
> Cox & Power jewellers in Marylebone Rd, London
> Panasonic (again not a premium brand, but everything of theirs we have works seemlessly)
> John Lewis / Waitrose (one of the few companies we are exposed to daily that always exceed our expectations)

Thats a good list and i'd agree with some of them, the rest I haven't owned their products or used their service.

I'd add;

>Pioneer (Great TVs)
> cars in the world! haha ;)

And changing the subject completely, is anybody else getting as P155ED OFF AS ME WITH THESE SODDING LADYBIRDS EVERYWHERE!!!!??
-3 Sony Walkmans, after they all broke I seem to remember moving to Aiwa with no problems
-Sony TV, broke after 3 years
-Sony PS2, broke just out of the warranty and Sony wanted quite a bit to fix it, plus they charged the shipping on top and surprise surprise it just about came to the price of a new one
-Sony Car Audio, absolute crap, never again.
-Sony PS3, had it 2 years and it keeps intermittantly refusing to eject discs which is gradually annoying me more and more.

Not had experiences like that TBH. Not going to list everything I've had etc etc but the only problems I have had were my first mp3 (well ATRAC) player which I gave to my brother and he broke it somehow, my midi stereo which I had to get the minidisc mechanism replaced on but worked ok for 9 years until I just stopped using it and binned it and my camera which got a load of dirty in the mechanism in Afghan. Serves me right for trying to video a Chinook landing!

My old TV is nearly 9 years old and never missed a beat.

My dad used to work in a TV place and he said they always had problems with B&O stuff. I guess there's no brand that's completely infallible and sometimes it can just be bad luck :shrug:
Sony aside, if you could name one product (and it's not allowed to be a car to avoid arguments!) that you believe to be the best ever made, what would it be?

I'll start with...the Mag-lite
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I honestly couldn't say TBH. Although I've had problems with Mag-lite bulbs before lol
Watches are tools for a trade and cars as well, I have a peculiar example, a distant acquiantance of mine is in the pimping business with his uncle being the bossman.....

One of them is in charge of the paperwork with miscellaneous issues and the like....

The craft and skill of their trade was cultivated in Germany where his uncle was the protege of the number one dude in the country at the time making him number 2.

This craft is one of the oldest as we all know and heard in sayings, and sayings are true for the most part especially this one...

Now in Germany it's so organized that there's pimp insurance brokerage.. Beleive it or not!

Meaning that a pimp pays a certain amount of money every month with the security that if they are caught and their money is confiscated and so forth...

The broker bails them out, legally represents them and supplies them with start up funds and two tools of the trade... What are those tools?

Two tools of the trade for a pimp which are material..... which two are those?

A flash car and a flash watch.... A rolex was mentioned in the conversation as an example....

Anyway sometimes these items are tools for trades less peculiar than the one above.... Just thought I'd share the most peculiar to my knowledge...

Sort of like a civilians form of displayed rank... Helping to emit or parry involuntary expressions during contract, deal closing poker....

Some people prefer to be more simple, depending on the circumstances.... and some people wear sunglasses when they play poker some don't...
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Sony aside, if you could name one product (and it's not allowed to be a car to avoid arguments!) that you believe to be the best ever made, what would it be?

I'll start with...the Mag-lite

Excellent change of direction beanoir. I'll go second. Tabasco sauce.
Tabasco, interesting choice, green or red?

Red for me. So versatile and - like Maglites - the constituent parts haven't needed to change in decades. And never will. Products like these transcend time.
oooh, now that's a tough one.

Partly because it could be affected by the customer service in the back end. You can have a great product, and if the support/aftercare is poor then it's not so great.

I guess key considerations here are:

> How has the product weathered the sands of time / coped with technological change?

> How strong is the brand, its ethos and its customer service ethic?

> Does it demonstrate value for money at some level, and give a length of service with trouble free ownership?

After much head searching I'm going to go for the Nikon D3X digital SLR.

It captures your happiest moments in 20 odd megapixel glory. Based fundamentally on the concept of the old 35mm film based Nikon F5 this is a product that can cope in the harshest sandstorm, take photos in the most severe of conditions, has integrated massive technological change into it's fairly diminutive shell, and still manages to capture history as it happens (whether it be world history or just your own). It's a beautiful piece of engineering, well made, dependable, fast, wireless & GPS enabled and well supported. It's a product that has evolved beautifully over 4 or so decades.

A touch pricey, but it still holds dear to the principles Nikon instilled 40 years ago about the ethos of putting the users needs first to enable them to capture the critical image. I don't own one (yet), but one day I would love to.

Quick google search reveals these to be £4,800. Is that right ?
That's a hell of a lot of money for a camera - you'd have to expect that to last your lifetime and to come with a hassle free lifetime warranty.

Nice list so far:

1. Maglite
2. Tabasco (red)
3. Nikon D3X
Quick google search reveals these to be £4,800. Is that right ?
That's a hell of a lot of money for a camera - you'd have to expect that to last your lifetime and to come with a hassle free lifetime warranty.

Nikon Pro membership gives immense support. I have a Nikon D2H (older version), and they've been superb with servicing / maintenance and updates. Never misses a beat, and it's been pushed hard. Prices have gone up a lot recently due to unfavourable exchange rates (nearly a grand), but it's a legendary piece of kit that keeps pace with the times.

Nice list forming....
Converse Chuck Taylor Allstars - I'm never without a pair (or several).

They don't last forever (canvas and rubber shoes never will) but they are inexpensive and really well made - a consistent product!

Unlike Doc Martens...they used to be awesome :ermm:
Converse Chuck Taylor Allstars - I'm never without a pair (or several).

They don't last forever (canvas and rubber shoes never will) but they are inexpensive and really well made - a consistent product!

Unlike Doc Martens...they used to be awesome :ermm:

With you on the Converse (although not high tops for me), they compliment a good pair of jeans well (Diesel or Replay my choice). They are also my favourite pair of driving shoes as you can judge the pedal application well. :thumbsup:
Exactly :happy: they're my favourite driving (as in vroom-vroom driving, not sat in a traffic jam on the way to work) shoes as well!
Converse Chuck Taylor Allstars - I'm never without a pair (or several).

They don't last forever (canvas and rubber shoes never will) but they are inexpensive and really well made - a consistent product!

Unlike Doc Martens...they used to be awesome :ermm:

Now, I have to confess, I hate Converse, but not because I dont like the style, I do, but they dont fit my feet and look silly on me which annoys me immensely because I've always wanted them. But in terms of there status and making the list, I'd vote for them.

I'm an Addidas Samba man myself, for similar reasons as above people have mentiond, great for driving and look simple and go well with a good pair of jeans.

Now using Warren's criteria, which makes a good set of judging parameters, I have another vote...the Fender Telecaster. Undoudtedly a design classic, hasn't changed its fundemental design in over 50 years, bomb proof and such a versatile tool in many situations. Can't speak for Fender customer service as i've never had to use it ever, wich must count for something in itself?

And here's my baby....2008 Fender Telecaster American Deluxe in Honey Sunburst.

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I'm an Addidas Samba man myself, for similar reasons as above people have mentiond, great for driving and look simple and go well with a good pair of jeans.

And here's my baby....2008 Fender Telecaster American Deluxe in Honey Sunburst.


That's the other shoe I'm never without, been buying Sambas since I was 15...due a new pair as it happens :happy:

I wish I was cool and skilful and could play guitar :thrashi: that's a lovely axe
Err Guys. What has all this to do with the 8P A3.

Perhaps you should start a new thread in the General chat section.

Let me know if you want this thread transferred....
I'm an Adidas Samba man myself, for similar reasons as above people have mentiond, great for driving and look simple and go well with a good pair of jeans.

Move the thread David and you'll kill the thread.
Samba are classics, Gazelles also - but for the ultimate suede adidas it has to be Campus:



Move the thread David and you'll kill the thread.
Samba are classics, Gazelles also - but for the ultimate suede adidas it has to be Campus:

Maybe, but it's has nothing to do with the 8P A3 and should NOT be in this forum.

I will lock it and add a post to say where it has be moved to.
This is the new location for this thread.

The previous one was located in the A3 8P forum and has now been LOCKED. Please use this thread to continue....

Rules are rules, so fairplay. I guess that it went off topic so it needed to reside somewhere else. Look at the plus points, as it resides here in general chat it's guilt free and anything goes!
Cool thread (In the 8P section), just killed 30 minutes reading it all :)
I have some of the Converse hi boots in grey, and agree they are a great driving shoe.

Wife has some of the Puma's with the Goodyear soles and swears by them.

I've been scratching a teenage itch this summer with some old skool Adidas basketball boots (again, hi tops). Not deeply practical but a good blast from the past. Bought them in a 'boutique' (overpriced) trainer shop in old Ibiza town so did wonder if they were the real deal. Like them, but they are no where near on the money to enter the list of fame.

Rules are rules, so fairplay. I guess that it went off topic so it needed to reside somewhere else. Look at the plus points, as it resides here in general chat it's guilt free and anything goes!

Agreed as there is sometimes a lack of parity in the rules for posts in 8P, but why hasn't the whole thread been moved? This seems strange starting a new thread, meaning that people have to switch between two threads (and Sections) to make any sense of it. Dave can these two threads be joined into one in the General chat section please?
Ive some old Adidas shell toes from 12yr back that you can still buy in virtually the same design.

Moral: Never chuck trainers oot:o.k:
Agreed as there is sometimes a lack of parity in the rules for posts in 8P, but why hasn't the whole thread been moved? This seems strange starting a new thread, meaning that people have to switch between two threads (and Sections) to make any sense of it. Dave can these two threads be joined into one in the General chat section please?

Why ? Because the moderators on here like to feel empowered AuldReekie. They exist in a Kafka-esque world of bureaucracy and order and don't appreciate that a forum can be a place of fun and flippancy to while away the empty moments in a working day. Just look at the CAPITAL letters in this selection and you will see the friendly culture of this site laid bare. They are not interested in making the lives of forum members like you and me easy - if our convenience conflicts with their Weltanschauung we will be crushed like the ants we are.

"it's (sic) has nothing to do with the 8P A3 and should NOT be in this forum. I will lock it and add a post to say where it has be moved to."
"As this thread no longer has anything to do with the 8P A3 it has been LOCKED and I have created a new thread in the General Chat forum."

Oo-er ....
Ive some old Adidas shell toes from 12yr back that you can still buy in virtually the same design.

Moral: Never chuck trainers oot:o.k:

I never chuck mine...when they walk away by themselves then I go for a new pair. Because I only buy 3 or 4 designs, getting trainers in is easy! Buying other stuff...well I'm worse than a bird :ohmy: the missus won't come shopping with me any more; bonus!

Why ? Because the moderators on here like to feel empowered AuldReekie. They exist in a Kafka-esque world of bureaucracy and order and don't appreciate that a forum can be a place of fun and flippancy to while away the empty moments in a working day. Just look at the CAPITAL letters in this selection and you will see the friendly culture of this site laid bare. They are not interested in making the lives of forum members like you and me easy - if our convenience conflicts with their Weltanschauung we will be crushed like the ants we are.

"it's (sic) has nothing to do with the 8P A3 and should NOT be in this forum. I will lock it and add a post to say where it has be moved to."
"As this thread no longer has anything to do with the 8P A3 it has been LOCKED and I have created a new thread in the General Chat forum."

Oo-er ....

They are going to get you Iggu :angrymod: :laugh:
There should be consistency in whatever rules are applied, period. It shouldn't be personal or based on a case of "I am having a bad day so I'm going to exercise my rights" etc...

Whilst any forum site is an information resource, it's not an audited tool, or an encyclopaedia. It's a place where people of likeminded dispositions choose to come and proactively share information and give their time and opinions, hopefully for the benefit of the greater good. A bit of deviation can add personality, and isn't necessarily a crime against the forum or the quality therein. Sometimes it can add depth to the fabric of the relationships and friendships beyond that which a thread based on an intermittent flashing dash light can. It's when we actually get to know each other.

I think all this depends on your perspectives / sensitivities as to how you view the submitted content, but I've always tended to be lenient and accommodating rather than overly rigorous or dictatorial.

Likewise, I think the whole thread should be migrated here.

By the nature of the way I work, I tend to find solution management is the best way to overcome any issues, and there is an issue here that the S3 8P members maybe don't stray outside their immediate community sections into other areas of the site. This can either be due to our laziness of posting in 'our' section, or the fact that the forum isn't meeting our needs in some way down it is construct (eg. the 8P area is the heavy usage area so people tend to hang there).

I don't think just going off and setting up another forum is always the answer, as there are some really interesting folk on here outside the 8P limits. By doing so you dilute the knowledge base further and fragment the community.

I tend to search by New Posts sometimes to get some variety, but it's raised an interesting issue, and one I'd rather see resolved than causing any discord or disharmony.

Anyway, enough of all that serious stuff. Has anyone ever seen a set of the $1000 Dizzee Rascal limited edition Nike Air Max Hi Tops with the Dirtee Stank Logo (pile of steaming shyte with some flies circulating) on the tongue. Maximum rarity value, but not the most evolved shoe in the world! I think Saloman or Merrell are pushing the shoe boundaries right now, the Saloman XA Pro Ultra 3D is an immense shoe.

Again, shoes have been with us since Roman times, but is their an ultimate evolution of the product?
I don't even have an 8P any more and I still go there first :happy: I believe it's called 'habit strength'. There are certain subforums I've never been to...

Audiless but not leaving Audisport, I enjoy it too much. And on the occasions it annoys me, I leave it alone for a little while :thumbsup:

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