My Sig Pic

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Staz, we know why you removed it, but we dont agree with why you removed it.

Just my thoughts but you seem a bit different now, with your school teacher hat on lol :)
its not offensive to all women...rug munchers would love that sig!
Originally Posted by NHN
This is where we disagree, if it was so against the rules then why was it allowed by 1st admin & 2nd by the more involved mods at the time it was up, so now 1 person has a moan it is removed, it was only a bit of fun, if it wasnt an issue before was removed, then only change I've seen recently is your standing on AS, IMHO that is.

I personally always valued your posts & honesty, I hope this remains now you're part of the mod team mate.

i think its because its a woman and were being gentlmen thats why action was taken to take it down ... And im not vexed at katie for bringing this up cos i dont really like it either but wasnt fussed if it stayed there or not i was just vexed at her attacks on my car and ruining my threads, which she he didnt have to go on my thread and bring it up staz just could of bin pm'd by him her and im sure it would of been dealt with the same way that's why i was ******
Oh come on guys. Lets just all kiss and make up!!!:kiss:

Someone could take a photo whilst we do, and then we could all have it as a sig pic!! :)
Staz, we know why you removed it, but we dont agree with why you removed it.

Well please share your views.

Just my thoughts but you seem a bit different now, with your school teacher hat on lol :)

I'm not surprised! lol Wish I never had the sig now!
My view is that KatieKatie is a troll.

All posts have been intended to wind ppl up.

I bet He/She is ******* his/herself right now.

Therefore I beleive there was no need to remove the signature.

-That won't be happening, thanks. Your rights to use Thanks will be disbaled for a little while now...-
To carry on the conversation as has been above just shows that you don't care about anyone's opinion.

We are so disagreeing today mate, but I respectively disagree, I do care about others opinions I really do, its just who said we have to agree with them.

But I will give you that, thanks for letting us express our views & opinions on this matter.
Now worries auroan, it's the techie built into me !

Directory listing on....looks like you had a nasty car crash or rebuild ?
My view is that KatieKatie is a troll.

All posts have been intended to wind ppl up.

Oh the irony.

I bet He/She is ******* his/herself right now.

Therefore I beleive there was no need to remove the signature.

Thank me if you agree. Surely enough thanks should equate to Staz being able to reinstate his signature?

If you're that desperate to see some smut, there are plenty of web sites out there which will cater to your whim. This is an Audi A3 forum, I don't go on Youporn and expect to see pics of a car.
My view is that KatieKatie is a troll.

All posts have been intended to wind ppl up.

I bet He/She is ******* his/herself right now.

Therefore I beleive there was no need to remove the signature.

Although i agree with you mate and there could of been other ways to acheive this but i agree with katie on this one especially if she is a woman mate and im telling the truth believe me there no one else i could think of shooting into space right now after doin my nut in but i still agree with her him .... My girl always come over and says who you debating with now or looks what im doin and she said its descusting... Its like asking you to not be bothered about 2 men snogging which im sure you would be the first to bring it up mate lol no offence along with me .... I honestly dont like it tbh i hate the low morality which most slappers take nower days its gone to pot.... i myself like a lady dont mean to sound like a boring shyte but thats the way i am so i totaly understand katie just not the winding up trolling maybe thats just the way she is if she is in a good job which she has a 30k a5 then shes gona be a ballbreaker naturally so there you go ....i just like a laugh and few funny pics is that to much to ask oh and ignore any trolling on my threads lol:friends::friends:
Thank me if you agree. Surely enough thanks should equate to Staz being able to reinstate his signature?

How many would be enough out of interest??!!

You're totally missing the point. It's not a majority wins issue I'm afraid.

If you were in the pub with your misus and a load of drunken bums were getting naked and she took offense would it be right for them to tell you to f off simply because you're outvoted? No, it's a public place and the public are entitled to be there without being offended.

It's no different here.

I didn't actually WANT to remove the sig in the first place please remember. But I have done it regardless. I have come to terms with it so it's time you guys did too.
We are so disagreeing today mate, but I respectively disagree, I do care about others opinions I really do, its just who said we have to agree with them.

But I will give you that, thanks for letting us express our views & opinions on this matter.

Actually yes you're right mate.

I should have said you don't care about EVERYONES' opinions.

I don't mean you specifically NHN obviously lol
Staz, youve changed. LoL!!
--Moved just in case any that need to reed this missed it when we got to page 2--

29 Viewing this thread at present - I'm sure 'total views' will icrease exponentially. It could be argued that's a pretty sad illustration in what's going-on in the 8P scene.

I've got to applaud staz1000 on his efforts to resolve this issue calmy, and probably with way more public consultation than it actually deserves in guiding it to the status it honestly deserves, which is tomorrow's chip-paper.

We've well over 37,000 registered users here, and probably enough lurkers to bring to total audience to 50,000 or beyond. I'd like to think that the majority probably didn't give all this more than 60 seconds' thought. Of course there would always be some discussion (and fair play, I could set my watch by some of you who will remain nameless); and of the amount that's taken place, we've had some different views brought to the table.

A few have come close to commenting that it doesn't really matter in terms of the remit of an Audi owners discussion forum; and that if it's satisfied even one member of the community (but perhaps more too, in the past who haven't spoken-up, or in the future who might've), without greatly inconveniencing the rest it's fair enough (it's not like the ones and zeros have been banished from existence folks, if you've really nothing better to do than look at an animated GIF of two drunken/attention-seeking girls getting it on, there's a link to it). To those people, a salute.

Then, we have some others on a crusade for either a) free speech, b) a nanometre-accurate response by the mods in respect of every single byte of data that comes from these servers, c) other unspecified human rights, d) all of the above.

Some of you, are clearly just stirring - whether 'innocently' for a laugh, or knowingly to be difficult (and I don't want another debate about whether KatieKatie falls into this group). Either way, just stop it. staz1000 is having to deal with an unfair amount of bulls**t from both sides, and it's winding me up real good that someone who because they're so committed to the community has just been asked to join the site 'staff' is getting so much crap soon after. I for one am grateful he's joined our team, and I think if most of the stirrers of this pot are honest, they probably are too. If that's the case, quit stirring.

To those who 'believe' they have valid political, sociological and philosophical arguments about it - please consider what else is going on in the universe and reprioritise this discussion. It all kicked off over the weekend, it's now Tuesday. If those posting on this discussion awoke breathing this morning and capable of doing it, the success of that should quantify how much worry this issue really deserves. If you've still got political, sociological and philosophical points to be raised, I'm sure it'll be a while since we see them here as you should by rights be on your way to Parliament Square to pitch a tent beside Brian Haw.

In summary, if you're just winding things up, please stop. If you think there's a big issue here, PLEASE re-evaluate and see context. Let's just get on with the business of, clicking the link to 'The Girls' if we feel the need, while staz1000 continues to wish to invest his time helping here.


Political correctness...a complaint was made and the mods have to be seen to do something, simple as that...
I think this can be summed up pretty simply.....

The kissing girls should never have been there... ever!
I don't mind seeing girls kissing, in fact there were times when I would sit there watching Staz's signature for longer than I really should have.
BUT having an image, which I'm sure everyone can see how it COULD possibly cause offence, flashing on your screen everytime staz posted is a no no.
There have been plenty of times when visiting my mum or had my 5 yr old daughter next to me that I had to be very careful not to have one of staz's posts on the screen.
Should I have to worry about this when trying to find advice on my car or provide others with advice?? Nope!

As funny as this thread is, but putting my serious hat on for a moment....
doesn't really matter who plotted it or how the downfall of, what is now known as "The Sig", came about.
The bottom line is it's gone and rightly so (wipes a tear from my eye).

Now anybody got the address of a good lesbo site???
I'm having withdrawal symptoms!!
Right, if you haven't read my last post - please do.

If you have and it didn't quite get through to the good bit of grey in the middle, expect to be pruned.

My 2 pence worth...if you're of such a gentle disposition as to be offended by 2 people kissing then you should turn your internet off, close the curtains, and take an overdose because there's a lot more offensive things than that, everywhere you look.

I mean I was innocently browsing eBay for a new beige caravan the other day and all of a sudden accidentally I was on a website with loads of pictures of hot "women" with bigger ***** than me! I was disgusted...but less so the second time :sex:
Its just typical Political correctness. Forget all the other b0ll0cks in the rest of this meaningless thread.

I really should have been born in Aus. By now i'd be in the bar at lunchtime, downing fosters through my cork filled hat, slapping some Sheila's ****, before going back to work - wrestling Crocs out of ppls houses etc.
Its just typical Political correctness. Forget all the other b0ll0cks in the rest of this meaningless thread.

Yes correct, it is political correctness, but not undue.

I really should have been born in Aus. By now i'd be in the bar at lunchtime, downing fosters through my cork filled hat, slapping some Sheila's ****, before going back to work - wrestling Crocs out of ppls houses etc.

There are Australian members of this forum and I'm pretty sure they would show more respect to the other sex than you obviously do.
'certain' people are offended by two grown women kissing, why?
would these people be offended if it was two men? or
would these people be offended if it was a man and woman?
or are they just homeophobic narrow minded introverts?
we dont live in a country with state imposed censorship,
so unless it is against the law, who is anyone to tell anyone else what
they should or shouldnt have in their signature!
quite pathetic really!

and just for the record staz, i loved the pic, and have saved it,
so that i can publish it all over the web!!! :yahoo:
Its just typical Political correctness. Forget all the other b0ll0cks in the rest of this meaningless thread.

My 2 pence worth...if you're of such a gentle disposition as to be offended by 2 people kissing then you should turn your internet off, close the curtains, and take an overdose because there's a lot more offensive things than that, everywhere you look.

You're right, there are more offensive things in other places, but when there are people avoiding or quickly scrolling past posts because of an image that could cause embarrassment/offence to them or other people nearby who they wouldn't want seeing it (young children/parents/etc), then surely its better if the image is removed.

If you had a daughter and she saw you on the site and said.... "daddy, why are you looking at two women sticking their tongues in each others mouths? Can I also do that in public when I'm older???"

So come on, at least see it from another angle and see that there are some valid reasons for it to be removed.
That man directly below me now - Iggu - Talks sense!
I found KatieKatie's objection offensive, bigoted and slightly mysoginistic.

What was offensive about it. Two girls kissing ? Or two girls having fun ? Does KatieKatie find lesbianism offensive ? If so she is a bigot. Does she find men looking at images of two girls kissing offensive ? If so she is an ignorant bigot. Those girls in your sig were behaving freely and were not under duress - to find that image offensive is to find women's freedom offensive.

You're an intelligent man Staz and you know what I'm saying. Her reaction had no thought behind it at all. It was a case of "I should be offended by that so I will be" and so she lodged a complaint.

It was a mean-spirited, bigoted, slightly discriminatory, possibly mysoginistic and petty act which I would not have thought this site would support. KatieKatie appears to hate women and hate women's freedom to act as they wish. Not nice.
'certain' people are offended by two grown women kissing, why?
would these people be offended if it was two men? or
would these people be offended if it was a man and woman?
or are they just homeophobic narrow minded introverts?
we dont live in a country with state imposed censorship,
so unless it is against the law, who is anyone to tell anyone else what
they should or shouldnt have in their signature!
quite pathetic really!

and just for the record staz, i loved the pic, and have saved it,
so that i can publish it all over the web!!! :yahoo:

the question is mate would you be offended if it was 2 men id find it imposible if your not ..thats iff your not gay if you are then fine
the question is mate would you be offended if it was 2 men id find it imposible if your not ..thats iff your not gay if you are then fine

There goes another bigot
If you had a daughter and she saw you on the site and said.... "daddy, why are you looking at two women sticking their tongues in each others mouths? Can I also do that in public when I'm older???"

I have a 6 year old son...if he grows up to be a gaylord bummer then I won't exactly be over the moon, but it won't be the end of the world.

If I have any daughters then I would prefer if they kissed fact no men-kissing allowed until they're at least 30!!!:no:

I try and see everything fairly and from all different perspectives...but narrow-mindedness and intolerance, I can't do it sorry.
the question is mate would you be offended if it was 2 men id find it imposible if your not ..thats iff your not gay if you are then fine

i wouldnt be offended, but i wouldnt sit staring at it either,
im quite confident with my sexuality and therefore feel no need
to react to things, like 2 adults kissing, in a homeophobic manner!
(ps. no im not gay!)
(pps. at least i dont think so! :))
I found KatieKatie's objection offensive, bigoted and slightly mysoginistic.

What was offensive about it. Two girls kissing ? Or two girls having fun ? Does KatieKatie find lesbianism offensive ? If so she is a bigot. Does she find men looking at images of two girls kissing offensive ? If so she is an ignorant bigot. Those girls in your sig were behaving freely and were not under duress - to find that image offensive is to find women's freedom offensive.

You're an intelligent man Staz and you know what I'm saying. Her reaction had no thought behind it at all. It was a case of "I should be offended by that so I will be" and so she lodged a complaint.

It was a mean-spirited, bigoted, slightly discriminatory, possibly mysoginistic and petty act which I would not have thought this site would support. KatieKatie appears to hate women and hate women's freedom to act as they wish. Not nice.

dont think im being funny with you cos im not but would your mother see it the same way ..and wouldnt mind to dykes snogging im sure she would say its you see the point im trying to make iggu its not freedom at all its lack of morals and respect for other people when you see a guy and girl goin for it against a club wall or infront of people like in a kebab shop i just think *** get a room
There goes another bigot

why wouldnt you be men going for it on katies sig wizbit you chatting shyte now if not maybe you have tendancies ...if katie had 2 men doing it we would all scream blue murder but because its 2 dykes thats fine well thats ******** ......i cant believe im backing her up but its my believes and totally understand her your not seeing it from a females view what so ever.... just acting like some brothel goer lol....
There are two arguments here....

1) KatieKatie's approach and "real reasons" for wanting the sig gone
2) Whether the sig should've been removed for the simple fact that it could offend some people.

Each argument is seperate.... and the intentions of number 1 are definitely suspect and debatable IMO.
Number 2 is fair cop, and if i'm being fair, I agree with it.
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