F1 Season 2009

hmm interesting

"Brawn GP should not sack Rubens Barrichello in favour of reigning World Champion Lewis Hamilton, Sir Jackie Stewart has warned.
"if found guilty on the disrepute charge - the most likely sanction for McLaren is suspension for multiple races, which could also trigger the 24-year-old and his furious father and manager Anthony's departure."


Can't see it happening myself, Barrichello isn't doing a bad job is he? and I don't think Jenson would be too happy neither, that's not to say the Hamilton is a faster driver, but realistically, Jenson with Barrichello as a teammate has the best chance to win the title this year in the Brawn car.
I can't see it happening either. Jenson and Rubens are set where they are. I think what they might do is similar to what they did when they took their points away with "spy-gate". They could race, but couldn't pick up any points. I think it may be a similar story. Ban them from points for x amount of races, but still allow Hamilton to score points.

Saying that, anything can happen. We'll have to wait and see what the result of tomorrow brings firsts with the diffusers!
I'm still a bit excited at the faintest wiff of Hamilton going to Ferrari. Just would seem like a hell of a combination dont you think!
I'm still a bit excited at the faintest wiff of Hamilton going to Ferrari. Just would seem like a hell of a combination dont you think!

:) Doubt he'll be able to do much with their current form tho! At least with McLaren he had to deal with inters in the dry, with Ferrari he'll have to deal with full wets! :nyah:
Diffuser verdict is out and they are now declared legal. Right decision I think. Fair play to the 3 that thought outside the box. The other teams are just ****** off that they never thought of it! Apparently RBR and Ferrari have to repackage the rear of the car to have them fitted which means designing a new gearbox. Ferrari are going to be hopeless this year! With these rule changes, we may well have entered a new era in F1 now. Roll on China!
Part of me thinks ok Brawn, Toyota etc. have got it right this season but Ferrari, McLaren etc. are only going to learn from their mistakes and come back better than ever next year now? I hope so anyway
sooner or later Ferrari, McLaren etc will work out why Brawn are so much faster but i think Brawn will take it this year.

Hamilton has had a bad start but he often pulls it back outta no where.

My bet is still on Hamilton, but if he doesnt win then its Button i want next
So, Just to clarify that Ross brawn got it right and all the other teams were bitching and crying like little girls with grazed knees.

I think that ferrari and mclaren will only do good half way through the year and therefore will be too late for the championship. Next years cars might be worthy of racing but not this year.

The words "Mclaren" and "No adrian newey" spring to mind for the complete no idea on how to build a car from scratch and this mess is proving it it my mind.

As for you people wanting lewis to win and button second. Then who cares and by the sounds of anthony shamilton, he will be in a ferrari or a brawnGP car next year or possibly this year anyways. I for one think its a load of poop as all the other drivers on the grid have gone though tuff seasons in a crappy car (Kimi, Alonso, Button, Massa, Heidfield and so on) and yet there not throwing there toys out. There just getting on with it. :rockwoot:
I think you will find Hamilton is p**sed off with the team & being made to look a fool with this liargate thing, comparing to his team mate I would still say that he is driving well and `getting on with it`,in a car that lets be honest is a little sh*te at the mo. I really dont see him throwing his toys out of the pram about the car as you put it?
Anyway, right decision on the diffuser issue, good on the teams that came up with it, hopefully the others will catch up soon and we will get some even closer racing with more cars much closer:icon_thumright:
I really dont see him throwing his toys out of the pram about the car as you put it?

Hamilton's father, Anthony, is distressed that his son's integrity and brand image may have been damaged by the allegations of fibbing surrounding the aftermath of the Australian Grand Prix.

And Hamilton junior is undoubtedly annoyed that his team have provided him with an apparently ropey car with which to attempt to defend his championship.

Hamilton's father, Anthony, is distressed that his son's integrity and brand image may have been damaged by the allegations of fibbing surrounding the aftermath of the Australian Grand Prix.

And Hamilton junior is undoubtedly annoyed that his team have provided him with an apparently ropey car with which to attempt to defend his championship.


Well first of all if Hamilton Snr was happy with everything thats happened so far this year, he'd be a very **** manager. It's the manager's interests (and job) to get their driver in the best team possible, winning titles. In this case, McLaren has made Lewis look like a right idiot and any father (and manager) has every right to be ****** off.

I wouldn't class Hamilton as throwing toys out of the pram either. As a rule of thumb, I take anything out of the papers with a pinch of salt. Even in this case, they've written "...Hamilton junior is undoubtedly annoyed...". At the end of the day, thats just speculation. Lewis hasn't come on TV saying "I'm annoyed, the team have given me a **** car and they need to sort it out". In my eyes thats throwing toys out of the pram. As far as I'm aware, he hasn't said anything public that puts the team down. If anything, he would have said "we need to find some more speed" which is what every team/driver says throught every season.
So when Sebastian Vettel won at monza last year, lewis walked off the circuit and was going to leave without giving interveiws. It was only because his team asked him to come back that he did. When louise goodman asked him who won the race. he didnt even no. His answer was "i dont no who won" seems to me he was throwing a paddy and if im worng then why did his team ask him to come back when he didnt want to.

Just reminds me of when Kimi was racing for Mclaren and he broke down at monte carlo. He when and got ****** on his boat and Mclaren was well annoyed at him. Then he went to ferrarithe very next year.
Oh I won't deny that he's walked off in a huff at some point. But every single driver on the grid thats expected to challenge for a win and has a bad weekend will walk off in a strop. MS, Alonso, Kimi... the lot of them. They've all done it. You might not even have to challenge for the win. If you've had a below par weekend (relative to you team's performance) you won't wanna talk to anyone. You may not hear about it as much with the drivers lower down the grid, but thats only because they haven't got the cameras on them anywhere near as much as the top drivers.
Having not missed a race on 20 years I think Hamilton must be the most dislikable Driver out there. His success is down to his golden spoon from Uncle Ron Dennis; he's shows a complete lack of respect for other drivers, such as calling them Monkeys at the back. He's a well engineered Mclaren sprog, say the right thing look right, clean cut bla bla.

The latest fiasco just goes to show him up. He knew what he was saying when he said his didn't let Trulli through. He's only gutted and apologising because he got found out. Drivers has driven hard on track and made mistakes but this has time to discuss and he and Ryan decided to let Trulli take a penalty. That sucks and so does Shamilton.
The words "Mclaren" and "No adrian newey" spring to mind for the complete no idea on how to build a car from scratch and this mess is proving it it my mind.

Yeah & the Red Bull cars are winning all the races aren't they:wacko:
Hmmmm.... Ron Dennis cuts ties with McLaren all together now. I think we're definately heading into a different era now in F1. The past 10-15 or so years saw the same people running the big teams and they were pretty much at the top. Now they've all left (Todt and Dennis along with other key names in Ferrari and McLaren) they are hurting somewhat.

Not being funny or anything, but here's a serious thought. With all this happening with McLaren right now, and Ron Dennis leaving, whats the chances of Lewis leaving the team too?
When have you heard Hami call the other drivers `Monkeys at the back`... If he has said that then I would agree with you, but IF he had said that, the press would have had a field day slagging him off etc...be interested in seeing\hearing where he has done this???
So his success if purely down to the years of working with the team? Are you saying he has no talent? If me or anyone else has some training ,could we be as good then??? Also why is Heikki falling off the track at every opp" & somehow Hami makes the car work?
I dont just support Hamilton either, I love the sport in general, he is one of a few drivers that I like to see competing at the front, but I wouldnt slag any of the other drivers off ,I would like to be proved wrong and see where he has talked about the other drivers as you have said, as I see lots of people giving him sh*t, but have never seen why?
Not having a dig, just dont understand how some people hate him so much, I think we should try to support any british sports personel in whatever sports we can...
Looking forward to the race this week...so do we think anyone will be able to challenge Button & Brawn then?:racer::thrashi:
Not being funny or anything, but here's a serious thought. With all this happening with McLaren right now, and Ron Dennis leaving, whats the chances of Lewis leaving the team too?

Its odds on he will leave next year to go to ferrari.

"Rumours indicate an increasingly broken relationship between the Hamilton camp - particularly the 24-year-old's father-manager Anthony - and Dennis, worsened by the damage done to Lewis' image by the lying affair."

money grabber, money grabber, money grabber like we didnt no that from the first year he sat in the mclaren.


i for one cant wait for him to leave Mclaren then i can once again support this team.
Same Old Same Old zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....:lazy::lazy::lazy::lazy:

lol! that made me chuckle lol

If Lewis does leave McLaren, it'll have sod all to do with money but with whats gone on lately. I'm sure other teams offered him more money before he re-newed his contract with McLaren but he stayed with them. Obviously with a pay hike to reflect his performance.

So reptor, does that mean that you dont like Button either? A few years back he tried wriggling his way out of his contract with a then **** team (which got really messy I'm sure you'll remember), to sign up with someone else with more money. Now if thats not money grabbing, I dont know what is! Don't get me wrong, I've got nothing against Button I'm just using an example to show that even if Lewis is a money grabber, he aint the only one.
button doesnt consider himself as lewis`s dad says "a Brand" im sure jensons dad doesnt think about how he can sell his name to watches, signed helmets on his web site. shunning the media an so on.

Like i said pages ago, i think lewis is fast and a great driver. its just the sell, sell, sell, money money momney that his dad is clearly driven by. One breath he says he just loves racing and nothing more, then next breath his dads is asking for more money.

"Jenson Button, who has taken a massive wage cut to be a part of the team put together by former Ferrari man Ross Brawn"

Clearly a man driven by not money


unlike this guy
fair enough but don't go on and on about it, Its as boring as me going on and on about you going on and on you know what I'm on about ( how many on's! )
button doesnt consider himself as lewis`s dad says "a Brand" im sure jensons dad doesnt think about how he can sell his name to watches, signed helmets on his web site. shunning the media an so on.

Like i said pages ago, i think lewis is fast and a great driver. its just the sell, sell, sell, money money momney that his dad is clearly driven by. One breath he says he just loves racing and nothing more, then next breath his dads is asking for more money.

"Jenson Button, who has taken a massive wage cut to be a part of the team put together by former Ferrari man Ross Brawn"

Clearly a man driven by not money


unlike this guy

Oh I agree. Lewis is a brand. MS was the same. Got his face everywhere! And living in Spain, Alonso is the same too. If you're high profile in F1, you're a brand.

I agree with what you have said thats its the dad thats pushing for all the promotional stuff. I dont think Lewis gives a stuff if he's on a mug or not. He just wants to get on with his racing. Its the dad 100% thats pushing for it all so if anything its the dad thats the money grabber. But by the same token, he's his manager and I suppose its his job to make Lewis money. Especially if he takes a cut!!!

Going back to Button, if you've got nowhere else to go and somebody says to you to either take a pay cut, or hang your helmet up... you take the pay cut! Especailly if he knew the potential of the car which was to come. If Button goes on to win the title this year, you can bet your life on his pay packet going up too.
fair enough but don't go on and on about it, Its as boring as me going on and on about you going on and on you know what I'm on about ( how many on's! )

I counted 8 :)

(9 if you count the 'on' in 'dont' :undwech: lol)
Well,well,well...Hamilton fastest ahead of the two Brawn cars in first practice with his new rear diffuser...now we should see some closer racing at the front of the grid for the weekend:hubbahubba::racer::racer::racer: Lets hope there is no contact so we can see how good Button really is under pressure, and who else will join the fight...cant wait.:thumbsup:
Second practice, not so good but will see tomorrow in quali"...:thrashi:
Second practice, not so good but will see tomorrow in quali"...:thrashi:

he was obviously thinking about money :anbet: and not concentrating on his driving in the 2nd practice...

I really really hope he can get further up the grid tomorrow and give those Brawn cars something to worry about :icon_thumright:

Same Old Same Old zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....:lazy::lazy::lazy::lazy:

Well it's shaping up to be another great weekend! I know I'll be up :racer:
"Jenson Button has revealed that Renault's Flavio Briatore ‘tried to employ me’ for the 2009 season."


im sorry, what was your point again?

Well my point is quite clear. If you have a choice of either hanging up your helmet, or taking a pay cut... you take the pay cut.

Renault announced their drivers beginning of November which means the contacts for both drivers would have been finalised and signed. Maybe even a while before the announcement. Button took his paycut in March this year just before Honda pulled out. So at that point he had nowhere else to go. See... crystal clear :)
Yeah & the Red Bull cars are winning all the races aren't they:wacko:

Eat your words dude. Red bull not only owned today but today`s pole sitter won last years Italian GP. In a newey car. LOL

Lier Lewis Clearly had no fuel on board to get into Q3 and been almost last outta the 10 proved it really.
It just goes to show that its all about the car and not the driver.
Jenson had 170+ starts in F1 and only won 2 races?

Hamilton is doing ***** because the car is *****, thats about it.
Lier Lewis Clearly had no fuel on board to get into Q3 and been almost last outta the 10 proved it really.
How many times can you pull one driver down man?,
I can't work it out it's like you know him or something & it's personal,
I'm mad at myself for reacting to it all the time,
don't you get it by the other posts that everyone is bored by you constantly going on about hamilton in a negative way, he isn't a **** driver at all, nor are most of the grid , but he clearly is in the top three drivers in my opinion ( not that it counts for owt !) along with alonso & vettel, not sure in which order yet.

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