Where is the catch...

looks a bit gimicky to me, anyone who claims to give you an extra 35 bhp for £10 is suspicious in my book
HaHa! I like the testomonials - Technical experts say it shouldnt work - But it does! Don't buy this product, the guys just ripped the end off one of those fruit ******* and asking you to put it in your engine.
If this guy sells 100 he's made £400 - Genius!
haha yea, nothing's free in this world, not even horsepowers...even tho it's not completely free, but looks dodgy tho.

For £10, could give it a shot...but yea it simply looks dodgy.

Then again, if it works like magic, it wouldn't be selling for £10. Supply and demand.
i have this vision of the guy with a garage full.........

erm, tis the ultimate gadget, gives you horses and saves you fuel..... much like these money making schemes where they give you maximum returns for little or no risk....reality and logic mean that this is an impossibility.... then he covers the only questionable part by saying 'technical experts say it shouldnt work'....genius
Theres no scientific evidence.....but it is FACT.

Good god, whatever next.

Consider the air running around your engine, so you fit a vortex thingy to the air intake and is swirls the air round a bit (more like creating a restriction).
The air heads into the turbo and is compressed within an inch of it's life. How much swirling do you think the turbo creates??? Then air is forced round all the IC pipes to the inlet manifold, where the fuel is introduced.
Do you think the air at the valves will still have any of this magical swirl fom the vortex thingy?? I think not.
Even if it did, the ECU is measuring the air/fuel ratio, ignition knock etc and will adjust fueling to suit.

I shall not be asking for one of these for christmas.
You would be as well just to cut slits into the top of a baked bean tin by the looks of it..lol...

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