So, am I in the wrong to do 30 in a 30?


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Oct 22, 2007
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Before I start to rant, I am not one of those ‘speed camera hugging’ lefties who believe the national budget should be supplement by speeding motorists. Indeed, I have had many fun drives on national speed limit B roads

But, I have had enough of people speeding in 30mph zones. These ignorant feckers must surely have they heads up their own self ignorant *****, not to understand why a 30 zone is there – built up housing, pedestrians, kids playing, dogs, schools, I could go on..
..but it gets worse, there is a new type of ignorant **** who not only speeds in a 30, but also overtakes if any one sensible enough gets in their way doing 30 mph on cruise (me). Three times I got overtaken tonight, once on the way to a restaurant, and twice back.

The first guy, in an X3 must have been doing close to 50 by the time he went past me. My horn was on by then and so he gave me the finger. A local was pruning a hedge and on hearing my horn and seeing the speed of the X3 then added a finger into the situation, aimed back at the X3. As I drove past we both just shrugged shoulders in that knowing ‘he is driving like a ****’ way.

On the way home, a chav came up behind me in an mk5, rusty, oil-burning escort. He decided to sit on my bumper while he smoked his cigarette (I think it was Marlboro). He then overtook, again he got the horn. The chav decided to brake violently in protest to that, funny I thought he overtook me because 30mph was too slow. I did consider writing off his rusty escort and then get the scratch on my 5ers bumper polished out, but I had my wife and one year old son in the car, so I slowed down. He speed off and that was that.

The third time was a biker, so say no more.

So, am I in the wrong to do 30 in a 30? Or are these ‘*****’ just that, and don’t give a toss about others safety?

Rant over,

You are not wrong at all, they are 30 for a reason.
At the end of the day its easier to watch them make ***** of themselves through 4 ft of glass(screen) than 4 inches ( rear view mirror). Let them go they will get theirs one day !!
Lets face it guys, driving out on the public roads today is a risk in itself, with godknows how many uninsured drivers, under aged drivers, drunken drivers, illegal immigrants... the list is endless. No matter how good and law abiding driver you are, you still have to avoid these types who are all around you to get from A to B, god knows how many nearmisses I've had from being cut up by a dangerous manouver, and I even got pulled over by a copper for beeping my horn in protest at a car which cut me up more than once along the same stretch of road ***! :wtf:
Whilst I applaud you for sticking to the speed limits, why get involved with what other drivers are doing around you, even though you are in the right. I just ignore them now, I would rather get home safely with no hassle, apart from being overtaken by a few chavs and dickheads than lose my hair getting into a confrontation with these losers who usually carry weapons on them as 'protection', but would not hesitate to use it against someone cause they are ****** off.
Not saying all the people carry weapons, but I've seen enough ***** on the news about stabbings and shootings etc. to make me think it's more hassle than it's worth to provoke a complete stranger just because you thing you are right and he is wrong... get over it and move on... and get to your destination safely.
Forgot to say that no, you are not wrong to do 30 in a 30 Zone, you are not even doing wrong doing 20 in a 30 Zone, even though that would irritate me if I was following you, I would still follow behind you until the road opens up, or we go different routes further down the road.
I agree with everything posted so far, of course your not wrong to do 30 in a 30, like it or not it is the law! The thing with drivers like Mr X3 you mentioned is they are happy to speed through someone elses neighbourhood as they are too arrogant to be inconvenienced by speed limits. However you could certainly expect a scowl from them if you drove too fast by their house! As you said, 30's are there for a reason, usually to keep someone's neighbourhood safe.

I must admit I agree with Jojo, I just let them get on with it as it's not safe to get involved in this day and age. Now, drivers on mobiles - thats another matter ..... :gun2:
30 for a reason!! I was in Liverpool last night, and the cabbie was doing nearly 50 in a built up area, on a warm summer's eve, and it made me feel ropey as! No need.
You stick to it, just don't become one of the people who do 3o everywhere, on national speed limit roads etc!
The 30 limit has been devalued from irresponsible use by local authorities. We have a 30 limit on a 3 lane dual carriageway (if that makes sense), not built up and no pedestrians. How they can apply the same limit to a residential street with a school on it god only knows.
They can't both be right. The first one should be a 40 or 50 and the second a 20 with speed humps. If they really want to enforce dangerous 30 limits, then paint the road with those vibro strips they have before roundabouts, or better still SPECs average speed camera's. Why on earth do we only ever get SPEC's camera's on motorways, the safest roads in the country?
But no you're not wrong doing 30 in a 30, but definately don't get involved with other drivers who think you're holding them up, it's way too dangerous these days as Jojo says, although easier said than done. How many times do we have to hear about innocent Mr Smith getting knifed in his own driveway for telling some yoots to stop chucking beer cans in his garden? It's practically a daily occurence. Leave them to it.
It just makes me mad as I've been banned for totting up in the past (I'm no angel), and all offences were motorway speeding, when really they need to be concentrating on the dangerous speeders on residential roads, but apart from the odd fixed camera, which everyone knows to slow down for, they seem to be doing little about it.
I'm sure most of us have had a scare when a little kid runs out into/near the road, or maybe a ball bounces across the road in front of you and you panic brake thinking a kid might run out after it.
This is when you are reminded that 30 should mean 30 max, but I will never understand why there are 30 limits where there never any pedestrians??
My mate once ran a little kid down...luckily he was doing 20ish in a 40 and the little ****** jumped up and ran away, but its fair to say it scared the crap out of both of them. He says the kid ran out from nowhere and luckily rolled over the bonnet rather than going down under the bumper.
We have a 30 limit on a 3 lane dual carriageway (if that makes sense),

I found out what dual carriageway meant (after a brush with the law sadly) - it is in fact any road with 2 lanes (or more) in each direction (usually) seperated by a central reservation. ie the 'dual' doesnt mean 2 "in each direction" but 2 as in "east and westbound". I hope that makes sense :tocktock: its very hard to explain and it is late!

:sign_ot: sorry!
Glad to see consensus on speed in 30 zones. I also do agree about the daft introduction in 30 speed limits on roads that should be 40. These incidents were in well established 30 zones though.

I take on board the ‘horn’ comments. It does makes you feel better when you point out to other road users they have done something wrong, but as said here it doesn’t get you anywhere and could even cause a (potentially dangerous) confrontation. Will just sit back and count to ten

I always stick to 30 & 20 zones, I admit I may push the envelope on Nat speed limit roads but only motorways and Duel carriage ways.

I also think all school zones and heavily built up areas should be 20 not 30 zones.

I quite often get tailgated and funny looks whilst doing 30 in 30 areas etc, they are dust once we hit the open road though!!
you are not even doing wrong doing 20 in a 30 Zone,

I'd consider that dangerously slow. I was behind a grandma that was doing 15mph and not only that but she was on the brakes as she did it. I overtook her first chance I got. If you were doing 20 I'd be past as well (assuming it was safe to do so of course).
So you happily steam past schools at 30mph?
You can't conclude that 20 in a 30 is dangerously slow without knowing what 30 zone we are talking about, which is exactly the point I made above.
30 in a 30 can be dangerously slow, or damn right dangerous!
So you happily steam past schools at 30mph?

Well I'd hardly call 30mph 'steaming past' but outwith school start/finish/break/lunch times, then yes, of course I do. Note I said in my post "when safe to do so".

But the poster I was replying to didn't mention anything like that - just a general 20mph in a 30mph zone for no reason which is just silly. If it was past a school during the times I mentioned then it would be a proper signposted 20mph zone with flashing lights which we have in Scotland which are also legally enforceable. Do you have those in England?
I'd consider that dangerously slow. I was behind a grandma that was doing 15mph and not only that but she was on the brakes as she did it. I overtook her first chance I got. If you were doing 20 I'd be past as well (assuming it was safe to do so of course).

I strongly disagree with your reply, how is driving 20 in 30 Zone deemed dangerously slow?! I have no problem with you making a pass at such a driver, so long as you do it safely and swiftly, then going back down to 30 once cleared. A 30Zone means MAX 30mph, you can do whatever speed you want under that!! You have to learn a bit of patience sitting behind the wheel of a motor car my friend, then you will live longer. :o.k:
I strongly disagree with your reply, how is driving 20 in 30 Zone deemed dangerously slow?! I have no problem with you making a pass at such a driver, so long as you do it safely and swiftly, then going back down to 30 once cleared. A 30Zone means MAX 30mph, you can do whatever speed you want under that!! You have to learn a bit of patience sitting behind the wheel of a motor car my friend, then you will live longer. :o.k:

I'm fully aware what a 30 zone means. I'm also patient which is why I said I'd pass "when safe to do so".

People sitting at 10mph under the limit in a normal 30mph and for no reason is plain silly. Other drivers don't expect it, pedestrians/cyclists don't expect it. It holds up traffic and just serves to annoy people following which in itself can lead to an accident. Someone sitting at 20mph with no reason only suggests to me that that person is lacking in confidence or competence and as such should not be on the road.

You are incorrect to say you are allowed to do any speed under 30. Try going for a trip down to Tesco's at 5-10mph. The traffics would have you pulled over in seconds. OR see what would happen if you sat your driving test at 20mph... that's right... big fail.
People sitting at 10mph under the limit in a normal 30mph and for no reason is plain silly. Other drivers don't expect it, pedestrians/cyclists don't expect it. It holds up traffic and just serves to annoy people following which in itself can lead to an accident. Someone sitting at 20mph with no reason only suggests to me that that person is lacking in confidence or competence and as such should not be on the road.

I'm afraid this is the world we live in today, I have lost count of the amount of drivers - usually OAP's - doing 20mph in a 30Zone which i'm following, it's a common occurance, so live with it, you make it sound so easy. I'm clearly not qualified to judge a 60+year old on their driving skills, but lacking a bit of confidence or competence maybe, but it's goes with the age, reaction times are slower, so they drive slower to compensate.

You are incorrect to say you are allowed to do any speed under 30. Try going for a trip down to Tesco's at 5-10mph. The traffics would have you pulled over in seconds. OR see what would happen if you sat your driving test at 20mph... that's right... big fail.

It's not techinically breaking the law is it to drive at a lower speed than stated, we are not talking about taking a driving test anyway. I personally don't think the local traffic officer is going to pull me over fo doing a constant 20mph in a 30, 15 or below maybe, but not 20 in my opinion.... but they really have got nothing better to do these days don't they? :busted_cop:
For it to be illegal for you to drive slower than the limit, the police would have to prove that you were not driving as fast as you felt conditions allowed, I believe a prosecution would not get far, all you would have to do is say you though you heard childrens voices or saw a football in the road.
I guess the main thing is that the roads belong to us all, If someone wants to go slow they can, All we can do is wait for a chance to safely overtake. Just the same as if you get stuck behind a slow bunch of people walking down a pavement, annoying yes, but you wouldn't barge past them and shout at them would you?
The third time was a biker, so say no more.

So, am I in the wrong to do 30 in a 30? Or are these ‘*****’ just that, and don’t give a toss about others safety?

No, you're not wrong to do 30 in a 30. I do it all the time.

BUT, you are wrong to tar all bikers with the same brush. I'll freely admit to exceeding the speed limit on the open road but I do NOT speed in 20, 30, 40 & 50 limits and I know plenty of fellow bikers who do the same. Of course there are tossers who ignore the 30s but they're in ALL types of vehicle.
I agree to doing 30 in a 30 as with everyone else. The thing that really winds me up is following a car doing 40 in a 60 limit then going into a 30 limit and the car continues at 40. It's like they only know how to drive at one speed. Makes me wish i was a copper.
no you're not at all wrong to do 30 in a 30, and i do the same(although i was not always so sensable). I am the same, in that it annoys me to see others speeding in built up areas, but like others have said, its not worth getting youself stabbed or anything. It is also frustraiting when people drive unnecessarily slow, but we must make allowances for other people on the road, as we do not know their reason for driving slow. The most annoying type of driver in my opinion, is the one who will drive a along nice wide country lane at 40mph(frustraiting, but nothing wrong with it) but upon entering a 30mph zone will continue at the same 40mph as if paying no attention to speed limits, and just bumbling along in their own little world!! what are other people thoughts on these drivers?? sorry to go slightly off the main topic...:tapedshut:
BUT, you are wrong to tar all bikers with the same brush..
thats is spot on
as for driving at 20 in a 30 thats taking the ****,a bloke who works at my place drives at 40 in a 60 and I cannot believe he hasn't caused a crash,anyone driving at ten under the speed limit needs a push in my opinion...pensioners are exempt though :respekt:

by the way has anyone tried driving at Tescos 5 mph?
TBH I pay absolutely no attention to speed limits.

Some times I exceed 30 mph limits. Sometimes I go slower. I drive to the conditions, not what the government tells me to do. There's a 30mph dual carriageway that goes through Southampton which I generally do 50mph on. There's also a 30mph near where I live which I only do 20-25mph as it's a narrow road right outside a school.

Before any of you ask, my license is clean :thumbsup:
I'm clearly not qualified to judge a 60+year old on their driving skills, but lacking a bit of confidence or competence maybe, but it's goes with the age, reaction times are slower, so they drive slower to compensate.

Slower reaction times of a pensioner (or indeed anybody) should not be compensated for by travelling at 2/3's of the speed limit. That just serves to underline their potential danger on the road. You really should not be on the road if you can't handle 30mph in a straight line. The day I realise I'm not capable I'm handing my license back.

For it to be illegal for you to drive slower than the limit, the police would have to prove that you were not driving as fast as you felt conditions allowed

Unfortunately it'd be the drivers word against two police officers which 99% of the time results in the driver getting shafted. I'd be willing to bet that the police would win it. As you point out though, I'd hope they had better things to do with their time.
TBH I pay absolutely no attention to speed limits.

Some times I exceed 30 mph limits. Sometimes I go slower. I drive to the conditions, not what the government tells me to do. There's a 30mph dual carriageway that goes through Southampton which I generally do 50mph on. There's also a 30mph near where I live which I only do 20-25mph as it's a narrow road right outside a school.

Before any of you ask, my license is clean :thumbsup:

seems reasonable
No, you're not wrong to do 30 in a 30. I do it all the time.

BUT, you are wrong to tar all bikers with the same brush. I'll freely admit to exceeding the speed limit on the open road but I do NOT speed in 20, 30, 40 & 50 limits and I know plenty of fellow bikers who do the same. Of course there are tossers who ignore the 30s but they're in ALL types of vehicle.

Glad to hear you follow the 30-50 speed limits :)
I know quite a few bikers (and the antics they get up to) so I am far from being an anti-biker. I didn’t even bother to ‘beep’ the biker as he went past, but it did feel like the preverbal straw that broke the camel’s back after already being overtaken twice.

Arguably though, I think bikes do overtake more than cars in 50 and below speed limits. (gets ready for a :asskicking:) Equally though, as they can overtake more quickly than a car, it could be said they therefore overtake more safely.

My point is though, it doesn’t matter what these ‘*****’ are driving (4x4’s, chav mobiles or bikes etc) , it is the fact they are more likely to wipe out a kid because they are simply going too fast.

30 is ****** annoying especially when your in a rush, dont even get me started on speed bumps however... Just one of those things that you must stick too...

I was so ****** off the other night.. cruising back from a mates house doing 30mph in a 30.. around 2:45am quiet despite being a saturday night/sunday morning ... some kid looks about 13-14 yrs old maxx.. steps off the kerb and keeps walking, most def drunk or had a death wish.. walks straight infront of me.
If i was havin a convo with my m8 in the car, or even changin the track on the CD player i would have def hit him.. Had to swerve out the way, if there was a car in the next lane, car would have been wrecked... was inches away, and i know 100% if i was even going 5mph faster he would have gone straight over the bonnet.

30 is 30 for a reason.:end_of_discction:

Some parents these days.. letting ther kids go out getting ****** that time in the morning.. stopped gave him an earful.. if he was a few years older i probably would have put him on his ****, didnt have a clue where he was so i just left it.
I agree with everything posted so far, of course your not wrong to do 30 in a 30, like it or not it is the law! The thing with drivers like Mr X3 you mentioned is they are happy to speed through someone elses neighbourhood as they are too arrogant to be inconvenienced by speed limits. However you could certainly expect a scowl from them if you drove too fast by their house! As you said, 30's are there for a reason, usually to keep someone's neighbourhood safe.

I must admit I agree with Jojo, I just let them get on with it as it's not safe to get involved in this day and age. Now, drivers on mobiles - thats another matter ..... :gun2:

You are right! A few years ago I was going through a neighbouring village with a mate in the car when some nob in an x5 came litterally steaming up behind me at 30, gesticulating! He could not pass for a ewhile but accelerated up a hill and pass me oveer a blind summit at we left the village, before the 30 zone ended. I booted mine as soon as we left the village 30 zone (once he was past) and soon caught him up, and took great delight in overtaking him, not going over the speed limit mind you, before the village I live in! He then started gesticulating like mad when I went down to 30 (gps) in my vilage, and overtook me and caned it through the village at maybe 60-70mph!
I took a gamble as to whihc way he left the villlage and instead of going home took the main route out, as soon as leaving the 30 zone, I got the golf wound up abit and soon caught, him, but this time I kept distance and followed him......about 2 miles until he drove into a new devt of housing in the next village (he went a lot slower in his neighbourhood, but was still speeding). I stopped in the entrance to his road, we saw him dither about, not exactly in a rush, getting his two kids out the car (!) and go inside. It was a new house with no front lawn, he then came out and started to unload about a tonne of turf out of the back of his x5!! My mate wanted to go and have a pop there and then, but I told him to calm down, clearly he lives there.

So speeding through local villages in a "rush" with his 2 kids and about a tonne of gear on board!! We could not believe it, at least he could have like jumped form his car and legged it in the hosue like there was an emergency!!

Three weeks later my mate went back on his enduro bike at 2am, and did a massive doughnut burnout on his newley laid lawn, woke him, his family and all his neighbours up, accidently rode over his sprinkler, and when the lights came on, waited for his a window to open (it was his wife there first)!. In a really polite voice and very calmly, he told her to tell he husband to start driving a bit more responsibly through the local villages- respect our environment, and he will respect yours! I saw it a few days later and it was a proper mess, real deep ruts!!

Whilst I know he was wrong to resort to such tactics, hopefully it made the guy think about being so impatient a mile or two from his home and also goes to show you should be careful who you pxxs off out there! "Dont sxxt on yor own doorstep" phrase sort of comes to mind!
lol thats a brilliant story.
So wrong but so right :), but as he was a BMW driver he deserved it anyway, without the speeding
I should add that my mate has his reasons as his lad was knocked off his bike by a motorist in his village at age 6, when crossing at a junction. Thankfully was pretty ok, kids are rubbery! But was very scuffed up, lots of scarring and in hospital for a week or so. His lad is very nervous near the road to this day!

Still naughtly but hopefully made the guy think a bit.....
30 is ****** annoying especially when your in a rush, dont even get me started on speed bumps however... Just one of those things that you must stick too...

I was so ****** off the other night.. cruising back from a mates house doing 30mph in a 30.. around 2:45am quiet despite being a saturday night/sunday morning ... some kid looks about 13-14 yrs old maxx.. steps off the kerb and keeps walking, most def drunk or had a death wish.. walks straight infront of me.
If i was havin a convo with my m8 in the car, or even changin the track on the CD player i would have def hit him.. Had to swerve out the way, if there was a car in the next lane, car would have been wrecked... was inches away, and i know 100% if i was even going 5mph faster he would have gone straight over the bonnet.

30 is 30 for a reason.:end_of_discction:

Some parents these days.. letting ther kids go out getting ****** that time in the morning.. stopped gave him an earful.. if he was a few years older i probably would have put him on his ****, didnt have a clue where he was so i just left it.

If you was going 5mph faster you would of been long gone before he stepped off the kerb.:moa:
Lets face it guys, driving out on the public roads today is a risk in itself, with godknows how many uninsured drivers, under aged drivers, drunken drivers, illegal immigrants... the list is endless. No matter how good and law abiding driver you are, you still have to avoid these types who are all around you to get from A to B, god knows how many nearmisses I've had from being cut up by a dangerous manouver, and I even got pulled over by a copper for beeping my horn in protest at a car which cut me up more than once along the same stretch of road ***! :wtf:
Whilst I applaud you for sticking to the speed limits, why get involved with what other drivers are doing around you, even though you are in the right. I just ignore them now, I would rather get home safely with no hassle, apart from being overtaken by a few chavs and dickheads than lose my hair getting into a confrontation with these losers who usually carry weapons on them as 'protection', but would not hesitate to use it against someone cause they are ****** off.
Not saying all the people carry weapons, but I've seen enough ***** on the news about stabbings and shootings etc. to make me think it's more hassle than it's worth to provoke a complete stranger just because you thing you are right and he is wrong... get over it and move on... and get to your destination safely.
Those paragraphs precisely sums up my thoughts on it too - a great post jojo. By coincidence, my Prius switches from its electric motor to petrol at 30mph, so that's the maximum speed I can travel while not using any fuel (which I've been doing a lot recently), and it's amazing how much pressure you feel under to stay at the limit. Bizarre, but as you say, trying to highlight to others their shortcomings generally isn't worth the risk.

Having said that, I've noticed a lot over the past few weeks that a lot of people are driving more slowly - I think this is because of higher fuel prices. Coming back from my folks on the A120 through Essex on Sunday, at a steady 80ish, very few cars overtook me.
You are right to do 30 in a 30, but its not worth the risk anymore to point out other peoples mistakes. It can quite easily all turn nasty as I found out in February.

I made the unfortunate mistake of taking too much notice of what someone else was doing with their driving while driving on a motorway, and not paying full attention to my own. The result was I lost control of the vehicle i was driving, spun, hit the central reservation, and ended up parked it in lane one. Thankfully nobody was hurt including myself and only the vehicle I was in paid the price

I learnt a very valuable lesson that day. If someone else want to drive like a complete moron. Let them, its not worth getting involved.

Having said that, I've noticed a lot over the past few weeks that a lot of people are driving more slowly - I think this is because of higher fuel prices.

I noticed this travelling up the M5 from Bristol yesterday. I did 65/70 all the way back to conserve fuel and i was still passing loads of cars going slower than me.
I've actually noticed that there was less cars out on the road, never mind driving slower to conserve petrol, maybe increasing fuel prices is the solution to reducing carbon emmissions.....
I think it's admirable that you always stick to 30 in a 30 - I usually do also, dont understand why you would use your horn at someone that decides it's safe to overtake you though - if he has not cuased you a problem (almost run you off the road / overtaken outside school etc) then I dont think it's any of your business.......and as I understood it you are allowed to overtake if it's safe to do so and also to exceed the limit a little at that point...

A motorbike will more often than not overtake you if he has good visability down the road and deem it safe - when I was doing my test years back the instructor drilled into us to make 'good progress' - right think to do imo - why should he sit behind you if there is a clear road in front which will give him better visability around himself..
A motorbike will more often than not overtake you if he has good visability down the road and deem it safe - when I was doing my test years back the instructor drilled into us to make 'good progress' - right think to do imo - why should he sit behind you if there is a clear road in front which will give him better visability around himself..

I think your instructor was talking about making progress on NSL roads. I've done quite a bit of further training and none of the instructors would advise to overtake a car doing 30 in a 30 (or any other posted limit for that matter). It's just taking the pi$$.

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