BW 29, 30, 31, 32

Hi Pete, it's a Sline Sportback with a few toys.

I checked with my dealer today and he confirms that my BW29 is locked in and "will not change" (his words!). He estimates 3-4 weeks after build to arrive in Exeter so I'm estimating w/c 11 August. Might be worth pushing your dealer further in case he's promised your build slot to another customer, although that's probably unlikely as both our cars should now be Code 20 (factory ordered production week confirmed) so no further changes are allowed.
Might be worth pushing your dealer further in case he's promised your build slot to another customer

Hi Pete its a lease car via his job with NHS and so a fleet management company handle all of that, its not the end of the world as he gets to hang onto the BMW he currently has until the Audi turns up. Pleased you weren't affected and hopefully no one else will be either.
Got a BW 31 hatchback with just about everything except lane assist, privacy glass, non smoking pack, through load, ski bag, phone box, calipers, mag ride and advanced key coming. UK.

Cannot. Wait.

Maximal blueness attained.

Am wondering if I should have stuck with silver inlays rather than the piano black though - I have silver headlining with the SSS....
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Just had an update from my dealer and my build week has come forward from 30 to 29. I hope to collect on August 17 or not long thereafter.
I'm out of this thread. I have been misled by the dealer, wilfully or otherwise. Week 37 for me - not particularly happy with it!
I'm out of this thread. I have been misled by the dealer, wilfully or otherwise. Week 37 for me - not particularly happy with it!

Very sorry to hear that. I hope he's going to compensate you in some way?
Very sorry to hear that. I hope he's going to compensate you in some way?

I hope so too! I found out today and I am getting a call back from the sales manager tomorrow. She did use the line that "I've already got a good discount so I don't know what else I'll be able to do". Sounds like a classic sales line to me.
Just got a very unexpected call from my dealer to say my build week 30 was now a build week 29. So next week. S3 saloon in Sepang (aren't they all now?!)
Just got a very unexpected call from my dealer to say my build week 30 was now a build week 29. So next week. S3 saloon in Sepang (aren't they all now?!)

I know ours is (S3 sedan in Sepang Blue), and BW 29 as well.
Perhaps they are building all the Sepang S3s in one batch!
Next week is Build Week 29 so all us lucky people getting our cars built will be watching who is the first to receive notification that theirs is built.

I'm signed up to Marine Traffic and am tracking the ships already!
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Confused by this BW thing - given w/c 28th July which, counting up the Mondays since Jan 1st gives BW30. Is that right?
Thanks - had seen that list but couldn't track it down
Phone call from my dealer (Audi Exeter) yesterday afternoon to advise that my car is definitely to be built on Monday (14th). This was an unprompted call so not all dealers are bad with their communication. Mine promised to phone me every 2 weeks and also if additional info is received - and he does! He says he'll phone me again when he knows that it has been built (Check Point 8 I think it's called). Not long now :)
Just had an email off my dealer to say my sline has been brought forward a week, and is confirmed for week 30. Not long to go!
Had my order confirmed a few days ago, and have been give an "estimated delivery date" of 24/19/14, hopefully it comes sooner :eek:
I'm another week 29er. I checked with my dealer last week and the build date was shown as today 14/7/14. (S3 Daytona Grey Sportback, Sydney Australia). Hopefully it's all happening now. I wonder how long it takes to confirm the build and get a VIN.
Hi All, Technically shouldnt be posting in this thread as my car slipped into BW28 but thought I would share the fact that my car was initially BW30, moved to BW29 but as I found out Saturday with a trip to the dealer was built Friday just gone.

As for the VIN and engine number they were on the system this saturday and get updated to the system when they leave the factory, seems that they are running ahead of schedule at the moment which is good news as I want to pick mine up before going on holiday in August.

Car is Daytona COD S-Tronic sportback S-line with a fair few toys added, need to start tracking ships heading to Sheerness (port of entry).

Have also in anticipation ordered myself a new 64Gb SDXC card for music and a bunch of G-Techniq nano coatings for a new car detail :yahoo:
Another call from my dealer to say my car did begin production today and he'll let me know when it's ready for shipment from the factory to Emden. Whoop!
I'm another week 29er. I checked with my dealer last week and the build date was shown as today 14/7/14. (S3 Daytona Grey Sportback, Sydney Australia). Hopefully it's all happening now. I wonder how long it takes to confirm the build and get a VIN.

My dealership said to check with them a week after BW, and they should have a VIN for me.
I don't know if I can wait that long. I might try today or tomorrow.

Haha, yes, it feels more real once you can get your hands on the proper VIN and commence the tracking, next 12 weeks will be worst then the last 5 months of waiting for the BW.
Haha, yes, it feels more real once you can get your hands on the proper VIN and commence the tracking, next 12 weeks will be worst then the last 5 months of waiting for the BW.

Exactly. I guess at least it will give us some feeling of progress - looking at the tracking that is. The wait before the build did seem like an eternity.
I now have an updated Audi order screen shot - 2 days after the listed build date (Monday 14-07-14). It now shows my full VIN number, which is a completely different number to the part VIN that was shown before the build. However it doesn't show anything against the completion date (still shows 00/00). Maybe the cars aren't completed on the day and still need more time before they are released for shipping? At least things are happening for me. Next job to wait (again) before trying the VIN with the link previously listed in the forum, and keep checking until we get a hit:-
- type in your ‘vin’ in the ‘cargo id’ field and click on track.

So the guess is how long from production to being loaded onto a ship - from previous comments it looks like anything between 2 weeks if one's really lucky or otherwise maybe 4 weeks????
I've just had a call from Listers of Coventry to confirm my spec and to say they are ordering my A3 SB today. She added the expected arrival would be towards the end of November. How would I go about forecasting the BW, or should I be a patient gent and wait for them to tell me?

Even if it arrives earlier my lease company won't let me swap my 8P till 24/11/14.
If you take 4 weeks off of the expected arrival date, that is roughly when the BW will be. In theory you should get an update from the dealer when they have a provisional BW, around 2 weeks after you placed the order. It depends on the dealer though; some are considerably better than others.
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I've just had a call from Listers of Coventry to confirm my spec and to say they are ordering my A3 SB today. She added the expected arrival would be towards the end of November. How would I go about forecasting the BW, or should I be a patient gent and wait for them to tell me?

Even if it arrives earlier my lease company won't let me swap my 8P till 24/11/14.

You guys are lucky, only 4 weeks delivery after production. We wait close to 3 months (to Australia) and it appears we wait longer to get it built too. If you leave it a few weeks or so from your order, the dealer can send you a computer screen shot of your order, and once your car is scheduled for production it will show the week there. When it gets close to production it should show the build day as well. For me I think mine came up fairly quickly - a couple of weeks I think from ordering.
I've had an update from my dealer - my car has left the factory and is on its way to the docks at Emden. Still not collecting until 18 August though.

I can almost feel it :rockwoot:
Yeah! Not just to show of with a 64 plate but be better resale value, I expect my delivery around same time as you but have been advised to hold off until September
I don't think that the difference between a 64 plate and a two week older (in registration terms - the car will still have been built in July regardless) 14 plate come resale time will make much difference. I intend to keep the car for several years (I always tell my wife that as well).

The other issue is that the dealer will have a lot of cars to prepare for September 1st (my salesman says it absolutely bedlam on that day) and you just don't know what corners they cut (if any) to get all the cars ready in time. I'd rather be ahead of the rush and hope that the PDI etc is done properly.

Finally, the only reason I'm leaving it until the 18th August is that my son is getting married on the 15th and we are using my current A5 Sportback as his wedding car.
Just had an update from dealer, car is now on a ship and expect it to dock in sheerness over the weekend. Two candidates African highway is the most likely.

For others that's week after leaving factory to being on a ship ready to leave Emden.
Just had an update from dealer, car is now on a ship and expect it to dock in sheerness over the weekend. Two candidates African highway is the most likely.

For others that's week after leaving factory to being on a ship ready to leave Emden.

So your car was built in Week 29 and is now on a ship? Wow that's amazing. I haven't been around this week so am looking forward to my call from my dealer on Monday - perhaps he'll tell me my car is ready for collection LOL
So your car was built in Week 29 and is now on a ship? Wow that's amazing. I haven't been around this week so am looking forward to my call from my dealer on Monday - perhaps he'll tell me my car is ready for collection LOL
It was built end of BW28, it was BW29 but got pulled forward into the last friday of BW28, but it is only 7 days since it was released from the factory whhihc is great progress just need to see how quickly it can get from sheerness to the dealership in Camberley.Thought it would help others knowing rough time-lines on the factory to emden/ship journey.
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African Highway is bound for Grimsby - maybe with my car on board :) Probaly not though as it was only built earlier this week.
It was built end of BW28, it was BW29 but got pulled forward into the last friday of BW28, but it is only 7 days since it was released from the factory whhihc is great progress just need to see how quickly it can get from sheerness to the dealership in Camberley.Thought it would help others knowing rough time-lines on the factory to emden/ship journey.

I was a worried that mine was built on Monday, straight after Germany's World Cup match. I mean if they won they'd still be ****** and if they lost they'd be in a bad mood. A lose lose I thought? A good job we never played them this time?

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