admiral car insurance cancelled my policy due to fmic!!!


14.0 @ 98mph 2s 60ft
Mar 31, 2013
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kent nr maidstone
hey all admiral wound me up yesterday, i had to add my girlfriend as her car failed its mot so i thought i'd add the fmic and remap as i kept meaning to, i got as far as the fmic to which they replyed we dont insure that mod because aftermarket fmic can damage your engine and make it dangerous!!! lol, wasnt happy as i'd payed my insurance in full in April at 800 quid, they are refunding me 360 after a 45 pound charge for the cancellation....
turned out ok though as lucked i out a bit in the end, flux direct quoted me and the girlfriend with all mods, 3 points for speeding and a crash in 2011 (on a r1 but i didnt claim and settled the damage to the cars in cash) for 475 for the year, added breakdown for 54 quid happy days!

Thanks admiral you just saved me money lol!-)
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That's lucky. I guess with mods you have to choose the right people to insure with. Having said that Sheila's wheels! insured mine with remap all in for £430 paid in full.

Ps do admiral know something about fmic and modding that we don't...?
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lol, maybe they are scared of seriously modded cars and prefer saxo's with bodykits... i assumed when their website said about modified cars it would be pretty much un-conditional not refused for something so basic! was only 800 last year due to a dispute about my no claims due to being on a bike for a year!
You need a word with yourself for letting that bunch of clueless cretins insure anything more interesting than your kitchen toaster. I have dealt with them on many occasions and without exception they are the biggest shower of **** going.

Specialist car needs specialist insurance, Direct Line guarnateed to beat my renewal quote according to their letter. Their quote when I rang was £2400, the only thing the woman said when I said my renewal was £370 was that they could do installments. I nearly fell off my chair laughing
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Elephant tried doubling my insurance upon renewal when i declared the coilovers and filter/silicon intake (up to £1600) rang adrian flux, boom, £600. I'm going to stick with the specialists now.
Sheila's wheels were good for me too, I insured my standard 2.0 tdci focus for £450 inc. business cover and protected no claims, called to swap for my new a3 and expected the worst, cost me £8.70 to swap cars! And I have insured my excess so they cover it for me in the event of a claim which is good as I have age excess, car type excess, voluntary excess and normal excess amounting to £400 odd.
Mine is a happy £2200 that covers anything and everything, 4 cars and insured to drive up to 30K trade value (most common stuff on the road) 5 million pubic, 1 million work error, 20k stock and 30k tools and equipment, incs Rach aswell, i didnt think that was to bad
Admiral at the renewal was quoting me 1.3k when bunch of others on comparison website were giving me half that price. No more to say.
I say Sheila's wheels! Oh and I found out you don't have to be a woman lol, so lose the high pitched voice ;)
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1381780193774283yet they will insure her
Admiral a terrible for anything not standard! I did the go compare thing online, and they called me up 5 minutes later, as I put
I have 4 cars, they wanted to offer me their multi car policy! I told they couldn't help me, they wanted to know why, I said one car was on a classic policy I pay 200, you wouldn't cover my S3 because it's too modified, and the same with my Passat, which leaves only one car you can cover me on, so no thanks!
Surely its more lucky you never had a crash with undeclared mods on the car? they prob would have voided your policy and not paid out.
It's all too easy to jump on the net and use a comparison site but specialist insurers have work out the cheapest for me over the past 3 years , gone with sky insurance most recently. Just takes a bit of time to ring round but its worth it for cover with mods etc.
i thought i'd add the fmic and remap as i kept meaning to, i got as far as the fmic to which they replyed we dont insure that mod because aftermarket fmic can damage your engine and make it dangerous!!!
They haven't a clue have they.
I was insured by Direct Line years ago and rang up asking if they would insure me driving my car at a race circuit,the lady said 'you want to race your car in the F1 grand prix' ....clueless
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Admiral insure my TDI golf with remap, lowered suspension and wheels declared for £235.

They weren't competitive on the S3 though, maybe they don't like tweeked audis!
I have had insurance with flux in the past for years rolling over. Then when imoved in with the gf i sold my old s3 and went on her policy on her car. We split up and due to being on her policy id lost all my ncb so had my current s3 and thought nothing of insuring it. Called flux up and they wanted 3.5k per year. I simply couldnt believe it. In the end i got it through admiral for 700. Id rather a specialist but they just wouldnt touch me. But 3.5k on a 3.5k car is a joke. The guy on the fone was smug and totally unhelpful. Not at all what id previously had from them. Ill have 2 yrs ncb soon i hope tuat will help this time!
Insurance companies are a right bunch of tits.
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Insurance companies are a right bunch of tits.

Or maybe some are not set up to deal with modified cars? There are plenty of insurers out there who cater for modifications. There are two or three affiliated with
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Insurance companies are a right bunch of tits.

Not all, everyone has good and bad to say of them all. I am with Flux and have no problems, many others won't touch them with a barge pole/ I tried many other modified type insurers and no one could come close to the cover and renewal. Must be my tender age ( 42)and full NCB that does it....
The bit everyone forgets, and THE problem with insurance companies, is that they arent actually out to help you. They exist SOLELY to make money.

And making money means paying out as little as possible, and taking in as much as possible. Ofcourse they cant break the law, but they will skirt right up against it to maximise their profit.

It also means that until you actually have an incident, and make a claim, you dont realise just how ****y they can be. My brothers been waiting over 5 months for a claim to be sorted out by his forum affiliated insurance broker provided policy. They washed their hands of it and said it was between him and the underwriter.
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^^^And if you ever wanted to sink a boat that'd be the one to do :)
Check your cover and you will see they will only pay out against standard equipment not your aftermarket stuff. So they hike your premium for the extra risk of aftermarket wheels and then won't honour a claim against them.
I love my insurance company! My only quarm is that they won't let me drive an rs4 until I'm 25 :-( ........... But they insure me on my m3!!! :-D


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