1 day 8 hours to go!!!!!


Registered User
Feb 18, 2013
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Can't believe only 1 day to go till my wait is over! Getting nervous now, hope all goes well without any bumps or scratches! Finish work at 14.45 and should be there for 3pm I can not wait!!!
Brilliant news, I know how your feeling I pick mine up at 2pm can't wait.

Best of luck mate.

It's my first ever brand new car as well well always had ones a year old etc before!
Wow, I bet you are excited. How long have you been waiting since your order? And how have you kept sane, not thinking about it very day? Lol
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Can't believe only 1 day to go till my wait is over! Getting nervous now, hope all goes well without any bumps or scratches! Finish work at 14.45 and should be there for 3pm I can not wait!!!

Good choice of colour and the sunroof is great!

About to drive 400 miles today up to Scotland, long way but I'm looking forward to the drive in my A3!
Well thought I'd ordered it in December but a fax was not recieved or something so officially it was the 6th February! Haven't really kept sain to be honest just gone on and on and on about it to my bf, family and friends lol!
oh and yes the glacier white with pano sunroof is a really fab combination IMO! I saw the Quattro that did the rounds which had the same and had to have it!
Very different to what I've gone for but the glacier/panoramic/privacy combo does look good. I notice that two of the first people on the forum this morning are picking up cars today. Couldn't sleep eh?
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Well I'm up at 5am for work tomorrow anyway so not much sleep for me anyway!
Sounds like you have had a fair wait for you pride and joy to arrive. Will look forward to see any pics you post on the forum. Good luck tomorrow and I'm sure you will have the "Audi grin"!
Oh yes especially having had this awful polo since October! Worst car ever! Think my cheeks will be hurting by the end of the day!
Yep 3 years ish I reckon! Never had a car that long!
Good luck for tomorrow, then you be an official member of "the grin club" :) x
Cheers yep massive grin club! Only 26 so it feels a big adult car I'm getting now all grown up lol!
Thank G-d, you finally made it Ruthus. For a while i thought your car had been shipped over on a slow boat from China.

Very pleased that your wait is now finally over.

You will certainly enjoy today and most importantly, you will enjoy the car as it is a pleasure to drive!

Kind regards,
4 1/2 hours to go! Sun is shinning work is very very busy so going fast!!!!
If I love the car as much as I think I will! I'll be getting it again in 3 years hopefully black edition though!!!!
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Well I've got her! She's so beautiful! Pictures to follow!!!!
no pcp or gap!
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bit dusty and rubbish pic off phone but thought I'd put one on!

oh and how do you change sig can't work it out for the life of me!
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Oh and there's some serious manual reading going to have to happen! Can't work anything out its al in kilometres lol!
Great pic, thanks. To change your sig, go into settings on your profile page, click, this opens ip a bix below your avtar/username on the left handside, click edit signature, change then click save changes, done. :) x

Looks very much like mine!

After about 5000 miles, mine has got even more fun to drive....so much power:racer:

I bet you are delighted:yum:
Very nice indeed. Good choice of colour and spec.
Just put her down from 3pm today! Keep peering at it through the window though lol!
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That looks stunning! Bet the wait was worth it :)

Don't bother with reading the manuals, jump in and push all the buttons! :p
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I've had a few minutes but was driving mostly! Fit Wednesday Thursday off so will have a look through all bits and bobs in mmi!
I really am in love with this car!

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