Thatcher's dead...

sums Leeds up perfectly really..... Yorkshire's finest...... Careful, don't want to start a war of the roses debate

No fair, i'm a leeds man and that video is just plain stupid! There's very few people you should celebrate when they die, and I dont think Thatcher was anywhere near one of them.

I'm too young to remember much of her at all really, so i'll stay out of that side of things. But celebrating in someone's death with cake is perverse.
sums Leeds up perfectly really..... Yorkshire's finest...... Careful, don't want to start a war of the roses debate

Carefull mate, lets not start dissing Leeds and Liverpool on the actions of a few.

For the record i'm from Leeds and an ex miner to boot. She had an agenda from the start to destroy the Miners and went about playing Scargill into battle he could never win. She on the other hand would Win at all costs, i.e buy cheap subsidised coal from abroad while leaving British coal expensive, pay huge amount to the police, overtime to the hilt as long as the miners are destroyed.

She probably orchestrated the Falklands so she could look good, at what cost to our soldiers?

Stuff Thatcher!
RIP Britsh Coal
RIP British Steel
RIP British Soldiers

Carefull mate, lets not start dissing Leeds and Liverpool on the actions of a few.

For the record i'm from Leeds and an ex miner to boot. She had an agenda from the start to destroy the Miners and went about playing Scargill into battle he could never win. She on the other hand would Win at all costs, i.e buy cheap subsidised coal from abroad while leaving British coal expensive, pay huge amount to the police, overtime to the hilt as long as the miners are destroyed.

She probably orchestrated the Falklands so she could look good, at what cost to our soldiers?

Stuff Thatcher!
RIP Britsh Coal
RIP British Steel
RIP British Soldiers


When she came into power the country was in a mess. You must have forgotten that period when there were power cuts, the 3 day working week, dead people not being buried, rubbish piling up on the streets. It was a mess. We had to go to the IMF for help. Inflation was running at something like 16%, but the Labour government agreed to fix pay raises at no more than 4%. Growing up in those times I can tell you life was not rosy. And it needed someone with big balls to stand up and sort the mess out. When we say we were poor, I mean we were poor.

For as many lives she ruined, she saved a nation from destruction.
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I think you will find that scargill did that on his own.Had he realised that it was unwise to call an illegal strike whilst there was a massive stockpile of coal it might have been differant.His actions and a small militant following caused a massive problem.I policed a lot of collieries during the strike and have seen the decimation of communities first hand.I also saw left wing agitators stirring the crap with every political reject on the picket lines tarring most miners with the same brush.And Ive seen parents goading thier kids to throw stones at us and the 'scabs'.Many a time I had shared my meals with some of the locals as they were starving.Had the strike been legal, it would have been differant.He took her on, and lost.Badly.
She probably orchestrated the Falklands so she could look good, at what cost to our soldiers

There were certainly errors of judgement that made the Argentinian invasion of the Falklands more likely, but "orchestrated", really? Have a word with yourself before you say things like that.

At least the war with Argentina was sanctioned by a United Nations resolution.
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sums Leeds up perfectly really..... Yorkshire's finest...... Careful, don't want to start a war of the roses debate[/QUOTE

Where ya from robbiemac??

everywhere...... sorry I wasn't online last night, enjoying the Manchester Derby. Listen, was only having a laugh...... Liverpool is a cool place, got loads of mates from there and Leeds, well it used to have a cracking team once upon a long ago! Sorry, can't help it....... eeee bye gum.:laugh: Glasgow born........ Lived in London for 7 years and now live in Manchester, a true Brit.
everywhere...... sorry I wasn't online last night, enjoying the Manchester Derby. Listen, was only having a laugh...... Liverpool is a cool place, got loads of mates from there and Leeds, well it used to have a cracking team once upon a long ago! Sorry, can't help it....... eeee bye gum.:laugh: Glasgow born........ Lived in London for 7 years and now live in Manchester, a true Brit.

Mate, just a read of your post's on this thread shows that you are not trying to offend, if anything, trying to be lighthearted on such a controversial topic. For me, Doncaster born, now living in Nott's (where the scabs live, joke BTW but they do!!), LFC fan but only go a few times per season, also go to Leeds, Leeds, Leeds because my heart is still in the good 'ole days of Leeds Utd. Politics, pointless argument for most of us as we get a vote but it rarely counts for anything, hence the reason I don't bother.
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Nice one nbray,
I am just having laugh..... I do take it a bit far now and then, but always happy to climb down. You've got to be cautious, sometimes on here; many people post little bait posts to tempt me out into a full blown soapbox debate......
and like a performing seal out I pop, for instance the geezer who starts this thread 'thatchers dead' throws the grenade and then retires a safe distance..... grrrrrrrr...... :beee:
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Mate, just a read of your post's on this thread shows that you are not trying to offend, if anything, trying to be lighthearted on such a controversial topic. For me, Doncaster born, now living in Nott's (where the scabs live, joke BTW but they do!!), LFC fan but only go a few times per season, also go to Leeds, Leeds, Leeds because my heart is still in the good 'ole days of Leeds Utd. Politics, pointless argument for most of us as we get a vote but it rarely counts for anything, hence the reason I don't bother.

Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. :beerchug:
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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.......
yes..... no....... I'm confused! Only joking, Good and bad everywhere. Look the standard pop goes as follows, town where you live, football team you follow, politics, colour of car, diesel or petrol........ do not open any more cans...... ​love my Northern brothers and sisters......
yes..... no....... I'm confused! Only joking, Good and bad everywhere. Look the standard pop goes as follows, town where you live, football team you follow, politics, colour of car, diesel or petrol........ do not open any more cans...... ​love my Northern brothers and sisters......

What about us southerners?
Don't hold our great weather, clean beaches and superior speech patterns against us..........................or something...............:friends:
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you forgot to mention palm trees innit......
Glasgow have celebrated Mrs Thatchers death with a party in George square, just seen the pictures won't post up as I'm utterly sick......... I'm from Glasgow and I've had a bit of fun at others expense on here, what a bunch of utter morons. Glasgow council has always been ultra left wing, Communist party support is prevelant throughout Glasgow and by the looks of things is flourishing. Glasgow and Scotland for that matter has had huge American investment for decades with thousands of jobs created, Margaret Thatcher was at the core of this........ No wonder I left the place, still love it though despite these utter cants.

in life there are those who can and those who can't, these people are can't s......... (works with a Glagow accent):sly:
I'm working from home today, and have Radio Five Live going in the background. There is only one topic of conversation, and the depth of the divide, and the vehemence of the speakers on both sides of it, is breath-taking.

Still, at least it means they're not slagging off SAFC for appointing Paulo DiCanio.....
Glasgow have celebrated Mrs Thatchers death with a party in George square, just seen the pictures won't post up as I'm utterly sick......... I'm from Glasgow and I've had a bit of fun at others expense on here, what a bunch of utter morons. Glasgow council has always been ultra left wing, Communist party support is prevelant throughout Glasgow and by the looks of things is flourishing. Glasgow and Scotland for that matter has had huge American investment for decades with thousands of jobs created, Margaret Thatcher was at the core of this........ No wonder I left the place, still love it though despite these utter cants.

in life there are those who can and those who can't, these people are can't s......... (works with a Glagow accent):sly:

I imagine similar things will have been happening in my old home. Like you, I love the place but am glad I left.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha............ might still work pal
Glasgow have celebrated Mrs Thatchers death with a party in George square, just seen the pictures won't post up as I'm utterly sick......... I'm from Glasgow and I've had a bit of fun at others expense on here, what a bunch of utter morons. Glasgow council has always been ultra left wing, Communist party support is prevelant throughout Glasgow and by the looks of things is flourishing. Glasgow and Scotland for that matter has had huge American investment for decades with thousands of jobs created, Margaret Thatcher was at the core of this........ No wonder I left the place, still love it though despite these utter cants.

in life there are those who can and those who can't, these people are can't s......... (works with a Glagow accent):sly:

I have to agree with what your saying Robbie. I was also quite sickened with the attitude in Glasgow. Im not from Glasgow, but that dont make it easier to watch either. Im proud to be Scottish, and dont like to see people reacting in such a way. I stand by my first comment on this post. Margaret thatcher was a very clever and resourceful woman, i may not agree with everything that she did, but she did a lot of good for this country. :) x
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care to elaborate on that one robbiemac, being a Scouser born and bread, am keen too know what you mean

said all I had to say about Derek Hatton, don't pull bits out of the post to fuel something that ain't there...... Loads of mates from Liverpool and they're proper scouser's........ so no I don't care to elaborate.

check out image below, sums it up well......
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For anyone who thinks she was unpopular, remember that she won an election no less than 3 times by the great British public. I think it is easy to forget how bad things were before she came to power.

For me she lost it when she stood firm on the Poll tax. The theory got a bit lost with that one, yes it makes sense that all citizens pay towards the upkeep of the area they live in, nobody can disagree with that, but the problem was that the poll tax was not means tested. It was unfair, and she should have backed down. But instead John Major took over and he changed it to what it is now. Interestingly, he won re-election, so we had the "nasty" Tories from 1979 through to 1997.

What I found interesting about the people who were celebrating on the streets of Brixton was that a lot of them were not born when she was in power. Strange.
I must be in the minority of not giving a ****.
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said all I had to say about Derek Hatton, don't pull bits out of the post to fuel something that ain't there...... Loads of mates from Liverpool and they're proper scouser's........ so no I don't care
listen as someone who wasn't even born in this country let alone from Liverpool or Leeds you seem to have a lot to say about these areas, And what do you mean proper if you would even know a proper Scouser lmfao
Please dont go so low as to tar everyone with the same brush, you mentioned scousers, now Your summing up of Leeds... are you northaphobic?....;)
And it would seem robbiemac I'm not the only one who thinks you taking it a bit far.
listen as someone who wasn't even born in this country let alone from Liverpool or Leeds you seem to have a lot to say about these areas, And what do you mean proper if you would even know a proper Scouser lmfao

How much trouble will I be in if I say "calm down, calm down!"?
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Scott I see you 3 scousers and raise you
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Lets not goad each other into getting the thread closed, please.
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And it would seem robbiemac I'm not the only one who thinks you taking it a bit far.

Fair enough.......... consider myself warned......
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Thatcher was divisive, it seems alive and in death looking at this thread!

I have never been up north further than Leeds. It was cold, but the people were really friendly.

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