It's a non starter


Well-Known Member
VCDS Map User
Jan 20, 2010
Reaction score
East Sussex
Went out Friday night in the car. As i locked it and walked off, the alarm went off. Unlocked and relocked it and alarm didn't go off again. After 2 hours, I go out to my car to find that the fob wont unlock the car, i then realize that the red flashing immob light isn't on either, so I'm thinking flat battery, although its a bit odd to be dead after only 1 hours when lights weren't left on... So I unlock the car with the key!!! get in and nothing lights up.
I open the bonnet, swap battery for a fully charged spare from my old A3 and car unlocks with key, turn on ignition and get wood thinking it was just a flat battery and I can now drive home, go to start it and get a click click click from the engine area, try once more and get the same, then car is dead as it was before. I went and got ANOTHER battery from my uncles Astra, put it in the a3 and it was still deader then madeline mccann.
Sat morning I tried jumping it from uncles van and was still getting nothing on the dash at all.

I have tried earthing using jump leads, checked the fuses that sit in the little plastic bit above the battery, and cleaned some of the rust from a couple of the cables that go into the same box that the 3 30amp fuses are in (after spraying them with wd the car actually came alive, but by the time I had gone to get some gunk to put on the connectors to stop any more rust occuring, car was flatter then a witches tit again :( )

Anyone got any ideas, suggestions?

Bump starting is out the question as it's parked on a majorly steep hill.
Reesy, sounds like you have some major wiring issue stemming from the battery area. Especially if you managed to get some life it from fiddling a bit.

I think best bet might be to just trace everything from the battery tray area and clean up all the terminals as much as you can.
Mechanic has looked over the car, done the usual things with jump leads etc to try and get some life in to it, or at least find some power somewhere and still nothing, so it's being taken on the back of a recovery lorry tomorrow to his garage for a better look.
Bad luck reesey, hope you get it sorted, apart from the dodgy alarm thing, it sounds just like when i had intermitten fault with the cam postion sensor.
Sort of good news..

As car was being rolled down the hill towards the recovery lorry we got lights and then the car actually fired up, meaning its nothing mechanical, i'd guessed that already but nice to confirm it, although the car was only running for about 3 seconds before it died again :( But at least it still runs!

It's at the garage now so will see what happens.
Sort of good news..

As car was being rolled down the hill towards the recovery lorry we got lights and then the car actually fired up, meaning its nothing mechanical, i'd guessed that already but nice to confirm it, although the car was only running for about 3 seconds before it died again :( But at least it still runs!

It's at the garage now so will see what happens.

Sounds like the loose connection from hell! Did you mech check the alternator too yesterday?
Dave, Fred, Karl & Cam (the only fkers reading this)

IT'S ALIVE!! :yahoo: :thumbsup: :yes: :racer:

Fusebox has been replaced has been replaced and charred connections have been repaired and all seems well.


Slightly charred!
:yippee: was it expensive for the fuse box? I assume you don't mean the main box on the drivers side behind the panel of the dash?

Not sure mate, won't find out until tomorrow after work. No, that box is fine, i'm guessing the relay board that is above where the charring is (if memory is correct) is all one unit.. If I had to guess, I'd say it won't be cheap as Audi have good form for making these little bits fkn expensive :(
Have you had any kind of an explanation from your mech as to how this might have happened?

I am waiting on a text back, and failing that I will chat to him tomorrow to see what the problem is.
Well you can see the relay holders, so inside the car, how did you wire up the boost gauge lighting again....?:)

Cheeky fkn OAP, it was wired in by a professional, not some fkn pikey yut with a phobia of anything electric related in cars.. And it was wired into the lights :moa:
Best to know what exactly happend so yiu can prevent it again.
I reckon its scotts fault. Deffo. Too much cider, led test boards making, and pastys = bad news
The nut that secures the wiring to terminal 30 was loose, causing it to arc and get hot and melt. It's the main relay board above the pedals. The boost gauge was wired to a different terminal on the board, so no blame there. (Unfortunately :undwech:)
Good to hear its sorted... No more shall you need to work late waiting for a lift!
Is it going to get a good hooning round town tonight?

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