ADI Photos


Registered User
Feb 16, 2011
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West London
Some snaps i took, Only took photos of a few cars as i didn't keep the camera on me for very long and S3 MRU had a beast SLR so i just left him to it!
















yes i know i fail at the number plate deleting thing but i tried.

EDIT: i also fail at putting the images up! HELP LOL

EDIT 556: err i fixed it :)
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Reactions: Tenexx, Paullie and I oOEddOo I
LOL you and Ash were so funny today. Me and Adz were cracking up! Lovely photos loving the rolling ones :wub: thanks for the one of mine :wub:
Farhan, those photos are excellent! LOVING the rolling ones! :yes:
You could've airbrushed out the cow sh*t on my tyre on the last one of mine though! :laugh:

Fran, great montage too!

Ash, those two were tooooooo funny at lunch. What a double act. My face was aching from laughing! It made up for the watered down ketchup and that "******" woman who served the food. :lmfao:
Farhan, those photos are excellent! LOVING the rolling ones! :yes:
You could've airbrushed out the cow sh*t on my tyre on the last one of mine though! :laugh:

Fran, great montage too!

Ash, those two were tooooooo funny at lunch. What a double act. My face was aching from laughing! It made up for the watered down ketchup and that "******" woman who served the food. :lmfao:

Haha agree they are a great act together! :laugh: that woman has serious issues I wasn't sure if she was joking lol. And that ketchup was a mess. Most watered down sh*t ever. Your face was priceless :lmfao:
My face was aching as well it was too funny
Josiah2007 posted this vid in the other ADI thread but it deserves a post here too! :yes:

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A quick video I took. You see a bit of Josiah2007, then Farhan passing by, and then S3RYE.
I wasn't holding my phone landscape so the vid has come out narrow! :sorry:

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Nice snaps everyone. Good memories for us all to look back on!! :thumbsup:
Farhan, those photos are excellent! LOVING the rolling ones! :yes:
You could've airbrushed out the cow sh*t on my tyre on the last one of mine though! :laugh:

Fran, great montage too!

Ash, those two were tooooooo funny at lunch. What a double act. My face was aching from laughing! It made up for the watered down ketchup and that "******" woman who served the food. :lmfao:

LOL theres a reason i didnt take a photo of mine at all! firstly i was rocking tractor stance and secondly the cow ****e!
but i dont know how to airbrush it out...i know your loving the rolling shots tho :wub: its looking epic bro your car and also your coming AMD when i get mine done! Hell we might aswell get our remaps done to!

Haha agree they are a great act together! :laugh: that woman has serious issues I wasn't sure if she was joking lol. And that ketchup was a mess. Most watered down sh*t ever. Your face was priceless :lmfao:
My face was aching as well it was too funny

:jester:LOL i do try, the thing was ash just made it easy for me questioning his decisions that morning!

Nice snaps everyone. Good memories for us all to look back on!! :thumbsup:

defo mate we will catch up for some local meets again as ace cafe always has something running.

just wish it wasnt so dam cold yesturday lol

I was rocking two jackets! It was absolutely freezing out there though luckily the weather held up ok

Fran, Nice images mate. The rolling ones are good.

none of the CampAvant? :(

Cheers dude, i have more on my camera but i didnt keep it with me very long. only when we first parked up did i use it and on the way home we took a rolling shot or two. I think i took a video of your car on track its a very short video of you just flying by! Will try and upload it in this thread when i get a chance.
Cheers dude, i have more on my camera but i didnt keep it with me very long. only when we first parked up did i use it and on the way home we took a rolling shot or two. I think i took a video of your car on track its a very short video of you just flying by! Will try and upload it in this thread when i get a chance.

Very much doubt it was my car mate.
My diesel, automatic avant would not go on the track.
But if it looks like mine, I could try and pass it off as mine on the track. :)
BEAUTIFUL piccies Farhan!!! Thanks for posting these, Dude. Great to see you guys enjoying yourselves, all cars look awesome!!! :wub: xx
LOL theres a reason i didnt take a photo of mine at all! firstly i was rocking tractor stance and secondly the cow ****e!
but i dont know how to airbrush it out...i know your loving the rolling shots tho :wub: its looking epic bro your car and also your coming AMD when i get mine done! Hell we might aswell get our remaps done to!

Seriously can't get enough of the rolling shots! I've already nicked one and put it in my sig. :eyebrows:

Your car is still looking sweet though. To be honest, on the move they all looked similar heights. Sometimes it was hard to tell yours, Ry's and Ash's cars apart. Although I could usually tell when it was Ash's car... I just looked out for the black 8P that was two inches from the car in front and was changing lanes by doing a full lock on the steering wheel! :lmfao:

And yep, I'm down for coming to AMD when you're ready, just give me a shout.
If your going to get yours mapped I think I'll HAVE to get mine done too. That little play we had on the M4 home was too close, and with a map you'll be leaving me! :unsure:
great pics! loving the rolling shots!! :wub:

was a wicked day out! has got me hungry for next year! going to attempt every major event next year!
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Seriously can't get enough of the rolling shots! I've already nicked one and put it in my sig. :eyebrows:

Your car is still looking sweet though. To be honest, on the move they all looked similar heights. Sometimes it was hard to tell yours, Ry's and Ash's cars apart. Although I could usually tell when it was Ash's car... I just looked out for the black 8P that was two inches from the car in front and was changing lanes by doing a full lock on the steering wheel! :lmfao:

And yep, I'm down for coming to AMD when you're ready, just give me a shout.
If your going to get yours mapped I think I'll HAVE to get mine done too. That little play we had on the M4 home was too close, and with a map you'll be leaving me! :unsure:

Cheers dude, Defo gets yours mapped to as it will be a beast. It was close as i got the initial pull off because as i always mention the engine has a broad torque band but you have a DSG aswell so there may have been that delay. But there was no doubting you reeled me in and passed me fairly swiftly. The extra 40BHP does show in the top end and after a map you will be rapid.

We could head down and get the trial software put on then you can see if its worth doing.

great pics! loving the rolling shots!! :wub:

Bro the rolling shot cool but this is where its at:wub:

Bro the rolling shot cool but this is where its at:wub:


that is an awesome pic... the only one taken the whole day where my car actually looks half clean!

i also liked thispic S3 MRU took... for some reason though it lookslike only one LED is working! :ermm:

Cheers dude, Defo gets yours mapped to as it will be a beast. It was close as i got the initial pull off because as i always mention the engine has a broad torque band but you have a DSG aswell so there may have been that delay. But there was no doubting you reeled me in and passed me fairly swiftly. The extra 40BHP does show in the top end and after a map you will be rapid.

We could head down and get the trial software put on then you can see if its worth doing.

I forgot to take my car out of 'S' (sport mode) and put it back into 'D' after we had the little tear up, so ended up driving all the way back to Reading Sevices in 5th gear because 'S' doesn't shift up to 6th!
I must've battered some petrol! :faint:

I'm going to have to do a bit of reading of reviews about engine maps on DSG cars. REVO do a DSG map too which I think they recommend getting with the engine map, but that's another £400.
But its going to be hard to pass up getting it done though.

that is an awesome pic... the only one taken the whole day where my car actually looks half clean!

i also liked thispic S3 MRU took... for some reason though it lookslike only one LED is working! :ermm:


Seriously mate, your car from the front looks very menacing.
Its one of those ones where if I was on a motorway at night and you came up behind me I'd move across. Quickly!
At certain times when looking in a rear view mirror you can't even tell its an Audi, let alone an S3. Mean as foooooook!
i haven't really been at home since i got back from ADI so didnt see this thread! nice shots there farhaan! i want to see what S3 MRU got on his lovely SLR!

haha its good we kept you boys laughing... even if it was at my our own expense! lol!

can't wait until the next meet... and i have alot of work to do on my car before then... but the plans have already begun :ninja:
Loving the new sig Ry & Ads.
Next time there another show we should all meet up again was a good laugh

:jester:LOL i do try, the thing was ash just made it easy for me questioning his decisions that morning!

:laugh: i know you questioned every decision he made that day :lmfao: You both are just too funny!
Your mate was safe as well.
I forgot to take my car out of 'S' (sport mode) and put it back into 'D' after we had the little tear up, so ended up driving all the way back to Reading Sevices in 5th gear because 'S' doesn't shift up to 6th!
I must've battered some petrol! :faint:

I'm going to have to do a bit of reading of reviews about engine maps on DSG cars. REVO do a DSG map too which I think they recommend getting with the engine map, but that's another £400.
But its going to be hard to pass up getting it done though.

Seriously mate, your car from the front looks very menacing.
Its one of those ones where if I was on a motorway at night and you came up behind me I'd move across. Quickly!
At certain times when looking in a rear view mirror you can't even tell its an Audi, let alone an S3. Mean as foooooook!

LMAO! Love that! i always leave my car in 5th forgetting i have 6th! Thats the look i went for! just wish we didnt have to have front plates out here! would complete it perfect! :eyebrows:
Couple that I took:

Anybody remember this guy banging on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and ooooooooon!!
He was doing my head in!




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haha lol, Im not fan of the R8 after our visit its all about the RS4s they are just doing MAIN!
i got a few pics of us lot, tbh i was trying to leave it to everybody else as i only had my iphone! couple decent ones i guess. :photo:






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wtf!! ive just swirled all the plates out and they have gone up like this wtf!!!!!!!!!


The plates are all swirled on my photobucket acc.. Yet they are posting up showing most plates. Ive had this before and it did change eventually. Anyone with a problem with it PM me and ill remove the pic.
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I would have taken loads of better rolling ones if i was in the passenger seat. Defo something we could work on at the next few local meets. Theres a couple of tunnels near park royal indoors which are lit up in the evenings so if we have another local meet we can get some good shots in.

For now iv just realized i need a map and some springs ASAP.
Crackin' shots guys. Rye, really likin' the look of your car more I see the Black and the rolling shots. Those 18s look large, more like 19s. Got me thinking about Black cars now!

Would love to meet up at a show, just live far too North.

Planning a trip to Worthersee next year though; can't go another year looking at the pics and vids. Those low familia vids are epic.
Guys how do i make a signature with a photo? I want one LOL

Chop up the photo to the size you want, save it, then upload it to imageshack or photobucket etc, then go into your settings and edit signature and insert the photo link into your sig just the same as you would in a normal post.

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