Unusual advice request...


335D Driver :-)
Aug 5, 2009
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OK.... This one is a bit weird for me, but I am struggling with it none the less.

I have decided to pop the big question to my significant other on NYE this year. We've been together a year and a half, and I have decided the time has come.

BUT, the big worry for me is the asking the dad thing. I'm normally a VERY outgoing person,a nd don't get phased by much, however this has got me is a bit of a tiz.

Any suggestions on methods, or tips?

All advice welcome... lol.
I think you should start the conversation with the immortal phrase (in a fairly harsh local accent) 'Alright Shag!'

Sorry it wasn't particularly useful - good luck dude! remember someone will be asking you to marry your little un eventually.
Yeah. And I'll ****** kill them.... lol.

Lets all remember this:

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I arranged a meal before popping the question with her parents. Brought the subject up and went from there. Her dad shook my hand, was all a bit touchy but couldnt have gone any better. Good luck and congratulations :)
I frigging love that part of the film its amazin' The above sounds like a good idea
I guess it depends on the relationship you have with her father.
I get on well with my GFs dad, when the time comes i'll wait till we are on are own and say "Is it ok if i marry your daughter?"
but then thats me. lol

When my ex-brother in law asked my dad if he could marry my sister, he took him down the pub and asked.
My dad was not to happy about agreeing (the guy was a compelete tool) but he knew it would make his daughter happy, so he said yet.

which ever way you do it, good luck and dont worry. It will be fine. :)
I guess it depends on the relationship you have with her father.
I get on well with my GFs dad, when the time comes i'll wait till we are on are own and say "Is it ok if i marry your daughter?"
but then thats me. lol

When my ex-brother in law asked my dad if he could marry my sister, he took him down the pub and asked.
My dad was not to happy about agreeing (the guy was a compelete tool) but he knew it would make his daughter happy, so he said yet.

which ever way you do it, good luck and dont worry. It will be fine. :)

LOL, he's OK now. He didn't like me that much at first due to the fact that I was on my way to her house for lunch one day (first time meeting her parents) and was late. Thus I had the foot down...

Unknowingly, I overtook her dad, who was also on his way home, in my bright yellow A3 (at the time) doing about a ton up an A road.

He wasn't impressed.

LOL, he's OK now. He didn't like me that much at first due to the fact that I was on my way to her house for lunch one day (first time meeting her parents) and was late. Thus I had the foot down...

Unknowingly, I overtook her dad, who was also on his way home, in my bright yellow A3 (at the time) doing about a ton up an A road.

He wasn't impressed.


One way to make an impression.

I can't remember the first time I was introduced to Sarah's dad, it was so long ago (5 years :|).
You dudes are brave these days..I wouldn't dream of getting engaged after 18months..most girls turn into the devil roughly at that period haha.

Ok, on a serious note..I guess it don't matter whether you do it at a posh restaurant or at his house...I think what will be important is how you ask the man..show him that you respect him and ask him proudly..Good luck mate..gosh your brave.
when i asked my mrs's mum (long story) i just phoned her (long distance) and came striaght out with it, just remember not to make it not so obvious that your mrs to be, gets suspicious. She was so happy or shocked that she didnt really have any words!

So how are you going to ask your mrs to be?
Are you seeing the GF's family at Christmas? If so, that's probably a good time, you're likely to be able to get him alone and can ask him then when it's not too obvious maybe? Just a thought as i've not done it, but I'd be aiming for then I reckon.

Whatever way you choose, he's unlikely to say no I expect, I'd be more worried about asking the GF!! ;)
Dude, take him out for a drink, just sweeten him up a bit and then say the usual, she means the world blah blah blah and that you would be honoured to have her as the missus and so on, you have to make out that she will be your everything and your number one.

Just bear in mind that nobody is ever going to be good enough for 'daddys little princess', so just let him see that you are the one and all will be good....trust me, thats what I did and 5 years on, the sun still shines out of my ar5e in their eyes :)
i dont have the best relationship with my gf's dad, he's away alot, so we hardly see or talk and he's very well, quiet, which is the opposite to me. so personally, i would like to take some time to actually get to know him, do somethin he likes, in my instance id probably go on a fishing trip or something like that, that way you can, and hope to, build a better relationship and gain some respect and then you'd feel more comfortable asking/telling.

my question is, in this day and age is it really neccessary to ask the father?? i mean, tell them yes some how, but as for a formal asking of permission, i don't think its really the norm anymore. maybe thats just me. or it could be down to the fathers age and how old fashioned they are.

what you could do is if you have any girl friends, ask there dads how they would like there daughters bf to go about it, get some different opinions off plenty of girls dads.

best of luck! i've been holding it off for 4 years, and dont plan on it for another year at least!!
my question is, in this day and age is it really neccessary to ask the father?? i mean, tell them yes some how, but as for a formal asking of permission, i don't think its really the norm anymore. maybe thats just me. or it could be down to the fathers age and how old fashioned they are.

You have to think of it from their POV - its their little girl your talking about here, how would you feel if it was your daughter (obviously differently as you don't think you need to)
I think its more common curtsy thing more then a necessity. Times might be changing but I bet he will always appreciated you asking him.

The other thing you have to think about is... what if their dad does actually say no?
You going to ask her to marry you anyway, ofc you are :p
yeh i see your point, your right, the courtesy of asking and showing that bit of respect will go along way i suppose. i guess asking the father is somethin i've completely overlooked myself.
my question is, in this day and age is it really neccessary to ask the father?? i mean, tell them yes some how, but as for a formal asking of permission, i don't think its really the norm anymore. maybe thats just me. or it could be down to the fathers age and how old fashioned they are.

My father was not asked when my sister got engaged (I got 5 sisters) and he was not happy at all. It made a bit of a gap between my father and future brother in law.
My GFs sisters husband (That makes sense right?) never asked their dad, he was more hurt by the lack of respect his future son-in-law had for him than any thing.

Like matt said, its common curtsy than any thing and as long as the father likes you enough he's going to say yes. The chances are he might even like you a bit more for doing it.

Just a thought. :)
I think the tradition of asking the father goes back to the days when the Father of the Bride would pay for the wedding (I know, thats generally the case these days, shame eh!) so asking his permission was not just about will you let me have the hand of your daughter, but also will you cough up the cost of doing it.

These days it's not quite so common over here in the UK for the above to happen, but I agree with the above, it's still worth asking for reasons of common courtesy and tradition.
you better hope that Miss welly doesnt read audisport.net... or that will blow the surprise out of the water.

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