my new a3 which alloys?


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Aug 15, 2010
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ive not long bought a new audi a3 sport 2007 and was wondering what people think of these wheels and weather i should go for them again.


this is them on my old car.
my new 1 is also black it has rear tinted windows and the aluminum brushed s3 wing mirrors. what does every one reckon i go for the same wheels again or i was also thinking about getting some rs4 alloys any ideas for different alloys would also be helpful????
ive read a few comments on websites about rep rs4 alloys not being that good or people having to get them resprayed is this true?
yeah ive heard storys like that too, i had to respray my wheels which are s-line reps they were starting to have the paint peeling off in a few places but nothing bad and they were on the car for a year and a half before i done them dont know if this helps your choice lol
Generally their finishes isn't quite good but I do have RS4 Reps on my Seat. Not much to cry for if you don't mind some little drip details here and there. Still a great finish.
Go for something different :) RS4 and New RS6 would look better on the car I think.
Not a fan of them, bit Max Power/Halfords.

What about some quality 2nd hand original/OEMs?

I bagged a set of BBS CHs with minor curb rash for £525.
You can pay that for decent reps.

Cant go wrong with RS4s or RS6s.

Or be a bit different and go for MONZA IIs (MK5i Gti rims)? There has been pics posted on here, look ace IMO.

good luck
not sure about that paul... Monzas are gorgeous, but don't suit the A3 at all.
not sure about that paul... Monzas are gorgeous, but don't suit the A3 at all.

I know, they shouldnt work on the A3, but some one posted up here and I was surprised how well they looked. (red A3 iirc)

Im a big fan of MONZAS anyway and even pleased VW stuck with them on the MK6.

seen the photo. wasn't a fan.

agreed about the Monza IIs on the 6.
RS6 for me but they are quite marmite.

What are you going to do kirsty? Have you checked out the rims thread yet for inspiration?
Hi Kirsty

Not really a fan of those alloys. Think your A3 deserves better.
Try some RS6 Reps, RS4, S5, S3 or even BBS reps etc.
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the alloys in the picture will be just as low quality as reps, personally i think you should go for r32 (new style) wheels
Not a fan of those alloys.

I really do like the A5 V-spoke reps or the new TT RS alloys. Only seen one example of each on these forums so far, so both options are more unique than the normal reps. Nothing wrong with the RS4 reps though, still look great!
I got my ch rep from a place called LK performanc. Very good deals on the wheels and tyres. But they have a massive show room with all there wheels. Anyway they sell all VAG rep and the finishs where pretty dam good.
its all down to personal taste i think personaly i would go for some kind of vag reps or bbs reps if your worryed about the finish or the quality then the only other option is to buy oem wheels which are not cheap at all you could prob spend £2000 at audi for a set with tyres , but as said for the best choice look on the rims thread to see what people have put on there cars
has any one ever seen an audi a3 with the golf gti wheels i was wondering if these would look any good?
these have r32 wheels and think they look pretty nice!!

Why would you want VW wheels on an Audi?????

why do i have a vw engine under the hood? or why does a vw have an audi engine under the hood...u choose.
if any one on here has an a3 with alloys that are like the oem ones will you post pics.
As previous post, there is a picture kicking about somewhere on here.

I think they suit the A3 really well, iirc they were on a red A3/S3?

They should be loads of MONZA IIs about, however most if not all will have some kind of corrosion on the polished face.
I know these guys can refurb them though Home
(Im sure N8 our resident wheel whore will knows others)

Many refurb outfits will tell you it cant be done.

So maybe worth worth buying a cheap tatty set of MONZAS or BBS or other OEM then doing a refurb?
Cant imagine its a lot more than brand new reps??

Good luck.

Why would you want VW wheels on an Audi?????

Nicer designs! The Gti Monza wheels look cool on most VAG so why not!

Pretty much every part on my A3 has the VW logo on it so why not the wheels too :)
Cross marque wheel swapping is an interesting one and is very much down to taste.

Personally Im not a fan of most of these types of wheel swaps, ie bentleys, Merc AMG etc....on anything other than a Bentley or a Merc.
And yet MONZAs for example seem to work very well on an A3.

N8 has VW rims on his SB which look well, the important bit is to change the centres to match the car the wheels are on, so IMO VW rims on AUDI should have AUDI centres.

Yes, I know that not very `Euro` but each to they own, and Im obvously not that €,
IMO, flamesuit etc...:thumbsup:

agreed with PaulAr

not the biggest fan of Golf wheels on an A3 but if you're gonna do it then you should have Audi centres defos.
Agree with Apul ...I don't see the point of non-OEM wheels unless of course OEM are naff. What's wrong with 18in 20 spokes or RS4 style 7 arm or even the RS6 5 arm.. all look great on an A3 and make it look like a cool Audi rather than a modded to death with down market kit model. This is of course my personal view and each to their own with their own money.

Also Insurance declaration..... watch out putting on non Audi stuff!
na nar nar the 18" multi spoke anthercite ones sline they are fit

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