
Smell my finger.
Mar 3, 2009
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So I'm driving down to town to pick up some beers for a BBQ at my parents tonight and there's a little bottle neck what people slow down for. I slow down, see its clear so cruise through only to be met half way by some little male sexual organ in his poorly modified Astra doing about 50mph.

The spotty faced little female reproductive organ has no where to go so I end up having to bang up the kerb to avoid him hitting me. I stop and he floors it off. I hear his bean can 'wikkid bad innit' zorst as he tears off. The damaged front wheel...




Male reproductive organ head in the Astras long gone how so no point going after having a chat and getting some cash off him to get it refurbed. So I'm now going to have to get it done and pay for it myself.

The little solid bodily waste was driving a previous generation black astra with chrome wing mirrors. He also had his frightfully ugly lady companion in the passenger seat looking rather lovely with her 'combed with a pork chop' hair'. She had poor taste in earings.

Dad thinks he's seen the car before so it might be local. I'm here for a few days, its not a very big place so I'll be doing my best to catch up with the little solid human waste and educating him.

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Ouch,sorry to hear Tom and hope you get to have a 'chat' with him.
I have to say following you yesterday I was thinking them wheels are tight.
Thats ***** mate, shame you didnt get his no plate. Any cctv that may assist you to find him? I am sure if you turned up in uniform the chancs of him no assisting you with your inquires is slim
Sorry to hear that Tom. Hope you do find the little pr*ck and make him pay for the damage. If you do find him pay him a visit in your uniform pretty sure he pay up straight away...How much you think its gonna cost to repair? Same happend to me back in March and the gf done both right side alloys, they were only 3 months old when this happend and both in the same month. I might aswell stick all 4 in to get done!
Hey, thing to do is bite the bullet and get your wheel refurbed...there is no way you will ever get the tosser to put in his hand in his pocket. and cough up the cash (unless you are a 20 stone rugby playing body builder built like a brick sh*thouse)....and his benefits cheque won't cover the cost of your alloy wheel refurb anyways.....put it down to experience...

Just find out where he lives and tip an entire can of brake fluid over the astra at dusk when no one can see you doing it.....take it from me, by morning the paintwork will be trashed certainly trashed one of my old motors (yellow Ford Capri) when I wronged a lady I was seeing :redface: a looooong time ago !
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So I'm driving down to town to pick up some beers for a BBQ at my parents tonight and there's a little bottle neck what people slow down for. I slow down, see its clear so cruise through only to be met half way by some little f*cking penis in his chavved up sh*t box Astra doing about 50mph.

The spotty faced little c*nt has no where to go so I end up having to bang up the kerb to avoid him hitting me. I stop and he floors it off. I hear his bean can 'wikkid bad innit' zort as he tears off. The f*cked front wheel...

Dickehad in the Astras long gone how so no point going after him and dancing all over his face and taking some cash off him to get it refurbed. So I'm now going to have to get it done and pay for it myself.

The little sh*t was driving a previous generation black astra with chrome wing mirrors. He also had his sl&g 12 year old chav b*tch in the passenger seat looking rather lovely with her council scrape back hair to. Lose 5 stone love, it'll make you look better than the f*cking gigantic hula hoops you had in your ears.

Dad thinks he's seen the car before so it might be local. I'm here for a few days, its not a very big place so I'll be doing my best to catch up with the little **** and educating him.


I'd probably delete your opening post, if I were you.

I totally understand where you and your feelings are coming from, in fact I'd be saying and doing a lot worse in the same situation. But being a policeman and venting on an internet forum like that probably isn't the best thing to do.
MPs, police etc can't say sh*t now days without that same sh*t hitting the fan, and it blowing out of proportion.

Slim chance of anything coming from it, i know, but a chance nonetheless.

Just my ten cents worth mate.

Sorry about the wheels.
Absolutely gutted for you mate. It's those wheels, they're cursed... I had similar happen to me (but this was vs a bus) resulting in 2 kerbed alloys. But, like aythreee said, I'd be very careful what you say on here mate - I don't disagree with anything you've said and I wouldn't hesitate in posting the same - but you need to think carefully.

If you're like me, you'll want it repaired NOW. Mine happened on the way to work and I had the day off to find someone available (40 miles from home) to refurb them straight away. Likewise, the stone chip on my door I wanted repairing asap, but it happened mid day on a Saturday so I wasn't even able to get a quote until the Monday and I'm having to wait about 20 days for an Audi approved bodyshop.

Sorry to hear about it mate but sleep on it, you won't be half as ****** off in the morning. IT COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE! Thankfully it's one alloy and it's repairable.....
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Oddly enough I'm still allowed an opinion. Time spent on here is my own time and nothing to do with work, everythings posted from my laptop in my own time. Work dont own me (yet ;) ) however i have calmed the language down ;)

Anyway, back to the wheels. I'll never find the lad I know, its ****** annoying but karma will get him at some point I'm sure, saying that if he carries on driving how he is Darwin will get him soon enough.

Wheel refurb will be about £80 for the wheel....annoying as I only had them done a couple of months ago...nightmare.

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Sorry to hear this dude, the wheels are awesome, im sure you will be able to get them sorted, you might be better getting them done in Brum, as they might be able to sort them out cheapo for ya from where you had them done originally.

Loving the 1st post, you must've really put some time into wording that!!

Anyway, what goes around comes around....he's time will come!!!!!
Unlucky Tom, as things go, a kerbed wheel is better than a car accident, and at the end of the day, it's a piece of metal, albeit one that you've spent your time and hard earned on. Get the wheel refurbed and live to fight another day.... :racer:

Incidently, a young customer pulled up outside my shop today in a tarted previous generation Black Astra with chrome mirrors and bodykit. Hope it wasn't him.... :sadlike:
Oddly enough I'm still allowed an opinion. Time spent on here is my own time and nothing to do with work, everythings posted from my laptop in my own time. Work dont own me (yet ;) ) however i have calmed the language down ;)

Good cop Bad cop eh? :)
Well I've spoken to the place that did my wheels, looks like its going to be around the £80 mark so not too bad.....but thats a couple of weeks worth of fuel for me...grrrr.

Never mind!, rage has gone now.....I'm just annoyed everytime I look at the passenger side of my car because I can see it....I have to park the other way around on the drive now so its not facing me when I look out the window :)

Well I've spoken to the place that did my wheels, looks like its going to be around the £80 mark so not too bad.....but thats a couple of weeks worth of fuel for me...grrrr.

Never mind!, rage has gone now.....I'm just annoyed everytime I look at the passenger side of my car because I can see it....I have to park the other way around on the drive now so its not facing me when I look out the window :)


lol, how do you think I feel?? In the last month or so I've had 2 punctures (got spare wheel in now) and a big stone chip on my door that's being resprayed on Monday. I also kerbed 2 alloys on passenger side avoiding a bus similar to your story. sucks to be me! :p
Oddly enough I'm still allowed an opinion. Time spent on here is my own time and nothing to do with work, everythings posted from my laptop in my own time. Work dont own me (yet ;) ) however i have calmed the language down ;)

Anyway, back to the wheels. I'll never find the lad I know, its ****** annoying but karma will get him at some point I'm sure, saying that if he carries on driving how he is Darwin will get him soon enough.

Wheel refurb will be about £80 for the wheel....annoying as I only had them done a couple of months ago...nightmare.


here here. In the same club. :shutup2:

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