thanks alot ya little ******!


Yes its diesel, now cry u lost
Apr 8, 2008
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thanks to the 30+ sized gang out side my house i missed the most of top gear. leaning up against my car, walking round it eyeing up whats inside.

little ****** tossers twice i went out there and told em to get off my car. on my wall. throwing things in my garden wtf?? i have no enamys so it was compleatly random that they ****** with me.

eventually 8 cars of them left. whats wrong with young people today???

so hard not to kick off with them, im sure it would of just made matters worse.

rant over. expect pictures of my car all smashed up in the next couple of days.
police wont do nothing round ere..... in all honestly they let us sort em out.

yes my spelling is very shat! lol

just trying to keep out of trouble these days.
Hope nothing comes of it and they just move onto a empty park somewhere get high and f*ck themselves up!!!
Where abouts do you live? I'm in Lewisham so I fully understand the types of people in these parts...
this sort of little ***** need lined up against a wall and shot if you ask me.
Hope nothing comes of it dude. Gimme a shout if it does ;) haha. No respect kids these days.
the kids act this way because of US... we don't want to be disrespected and teach our kids that the are kings and deserve everything they can get and don't take **** from no one... if it was your kid and someone smacked the **** out of him for sitting on their car, you would want to Sue and beat the crap out of the SOB for smacking your kid... but we don't want to be disrespected... double edged sword my friends
and if you look back at how we acted when we were kids we all were just as bad
and now we are the old ******* down the street that does not want the kids to have any fun... funny how things work.... KARMA my friends Karma :banghead:
well i can tell you the way i was brough up you had more respect and manners to be leaning on sombodys car!also you would never think of behaving the way most of the chavs etc do!if you ask me its because of the parents of them not us.thats like saying its our fault people go out and nick cars.
the kids act this way because of US... we don't want to be disrespected and teach our kids that the are kings and deserve everything they can get and don't take **** from no one... if it was your kid and someone smacked the **** out of him for sitting on their car, you would want to Sue and beat the crap out of the SOB for smacking your kid... but we don't want to be disrespected... double edged sword my friends
and if you look back at how we acted when we were kids we all were just as bad
and now we are the old ******* down the street that does not want the kids to have any fun... funny how things work.... KARMA my friends Karma :banghead:

There's lots of issues raised here! The punishment has to fit the crime! IF my kid sat on someones car and they took hold of him to remove him then I would have no issues with that. IF they beat crap out of him then sure I would have issues. BUT if they asked him to get off and he either refused or gave a mouthful of abuse back then I would be less sympathetic to him. How many people would beat the crap out of a kid for sitting on their car? I'm pretty sure most people would forcibly remove them first.

And I'm sorry but the kids of today are very very different to how we were when I was a kid (I'm 34). We certainly did not behave how lots (not all) of kids do these days. And the people we were most afraid of? Our parents! It's pretty rare in this day and age for that to be the case.
And I'm sorry but the kids of today are very very different to how we were when I was a kid (I'm 34). We certainly did not behave how lots (not all) of kids do these days. And the people we were most afraid of? Our parents! It's pretty rare in this day and age for that to be the case.

I was petrified of my old man but I still did a lot of very bad things which I am not proud of (I'm 40)

If my eldest does something minor I go ballistic at him to make him realise that he daren't do something serious...seems to work for the time being.
...........'til he reports you to the police for shouting at him :no:
spare the rod spoil the child, I am 45 and i feel the same as voorhees my father was very rough and i still did a lot of crap but I knew if caught I would get the belt today they will report you and the kids know these things, hold you hostage in your own house... this is why I believe the violence has risen, when I was a kid you settled things with your fist and if you got your *** whipped you got passed it and moved on kids today are not getting that lesson everyone is owed something :asskicking:
im 18 live in quite a ruff part of my city. but never when i was younger would i disrespect some one and lean on there car or throw things at them or there garden and shout at them. I'd only ever react in a bad manner when i was pushed.
some kids these days think they are "it" that they can do any thing. But some will have to learn the easy way. To be honest the parents should put them in line and the police(haha).

I did act quite bad when i bought my first audi a3 a few weeks back. A gipsey (never against them) boy was sitting on my car he moved and said sorry was i came towards my car i said aww dont worry. His older brother seemed to not like me or my car so decided to spit towards my car and start shouting abuse towards me i just laughed and said grow up your like 22 stop hanging around shops get a job and find some friend your own age not 13-17 year olds. He didnt like it as a few of his friends laughed...

Decided to kick my car and spit on it again. then i was p*ssed got out of my car, my friend were just laughing and sat in my car. I said do it again and watch what happens he did one better spat on me!

So i headbutted him :) broke his nose and kicked him in his chest. I know i did over react a bit but he needed to be put in line he beats up little kids robs young people threats older people 60+. and to be honest i had enough. I've seen him since he doesnt look at me and i've been told he been on his best behave i did say sorry after it as i saw he was in quite a bit of pain but thats what happens if you push people. And i love my a3 to bits only a 1.6 se 54plate but she my baby lol

But i've seen kids get a a big group of 20+ and then they think they can do any thing. But in my area as they look up to the older ones if you speak to some one a bit older who may know the little sh*ts they tend to behave. They tend to go to the next estate now to course trouble and get drunk.
Don't know if kids today are actually worse than when I was young, or if it's just a perception built up by the media, but it definitely feels like the former to me.
Growing up I mostly respected adults & certainly wouldn't lip one to their face, but then my folks brought me up to have respect for others & I knew damn well that if I acted like a little s**t, & they found out, I'd catch hell for it!
im near bexleyheath mate.

I know what you mean. Bexleyheath is getting worse. esp the area near the Broadway.

Welling isn't better. It was so nice 3 years ago when I moved in the area. Now it's just full of these little f*ckers everywhere on the high street and even the once small quiet streets

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