wing mirrors


poking badgers with spoons
Oct 12, 2010
Reaction score
Middlesbrough, United Kingdom
so iv started to notice these stupid knobs that get in there car and drive off with out folding there wing mirrors out like WTF! you look in them before you pull away, and all the time while driving.

this morning this tool in his Megan pulls across in front of my mother (shes taking me to work since the cars off the road) she mega papped her pants and he had his wing mirrors folded in, like man how the hell are people so stupid. if i was in my own car i would of followed him and had a go.

people are just careless therefore causing crashes putting peoples insurance costs up it just boils my p1ss

Rant over !
I feel vulnerable driving without any mirrors, I use them constantly - I like to know exactly where people are around me. I rarely folded the mirrors in on my old car (didn't care much for it) but did once, drove off with my passenger mirror still folded in (only checked my driver's side as I was parked up on the edge of the road) and shat myself when I realised! Immediately pulled over and popped it out - I feel completely blind without them!

If someone nicked my mirrors or smashed them off, I'd leave my car where it stood until I could get replacements. No question! No idea how people drive around with smashed mirrors etc. They're just as important as the steering wheel if you ask me!
Lol, for sure there are sum class A idiots out there!
Pah! Wing mirrors are for wimps. Driving is all about guess work and taking chances.
It wasn't too long ago that some cars were manufactured with only one wing mirror, to be found on the driver's side. Back in those days you had to be a real man to drive a car. None of this 'i'm a big softy with mirrors on both sides of my car' rubbish. Its embarrassing.
I agree with Jameze about the importance of the mirrors. I use them relentlessly.

That said, I am not surprised that people manage to drive without them. After all, what about the number of people who somehow manage to drive at night without noticing they haven't switched their headlights on! I mean, WTF?!
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lol Ads, what you like!

I like my mirrors but annoys me that most women dont know what they are for except for doing their hair!!! Im as girly as the next but come on.....

Talking of driving without lights, 2 lads over here a few weeks ago did that on a country lane and had a head on, both sadly died, what a complete waste of life for what.

Last thing thats annoying is folk driving along with the indicators on...bugs me.

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