Women, why do they niggle you so much? And what does yours do that niggles you?


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Nov 7, 2009
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As lovely as they are, every now and then you do get that little bit niggled by them.

I mean, my wife is lovely, love her to death, but she does things every now and then that make me niggled. Like tonight, she is in the shower and suddenly I hear a scream, I run upstairs and it is a moth that has scared her.

We take turns to cook, when it is my turn she sits in front of the telly until I deliver her evening meal. But, when it is her turn, I have to get up every 2 or 3 minutes as she wants this out of the cupboard, or can I drain this, can I mix that, can I tell her if it is enough for me, can I chop the meat up ready, carry in the dinner plates, set up the cutlery etc etc.

And then, when I am driving, she will suddenly jump in her seat and shout "look" so loudly that I am panicking and hitting the brakes, only for her to say "aaah did you see that squirrel" or "Look!!!!! ..................a bunny rabbit in the park aaaah".

And she cannot go to bed without me. Or if she does, she sits and waits for me. And I turn the lights out as I am ready to sleep, but no, not her, this is the best time for her to talk to me. Just when I am so knackered I have finally crashed into bed, now she wants to talk about her day. Now she wants to ask what we should buy people for birthday presents or christmas.

If I lived with another bloke, would just be watching sport, drinking beer and opening the door to the Kebab delivery man.

But I would miss the closeness of our relationship, that bond of trust, the moment of intimacy. Ok, I mean sex.

Cant live with us, cant kill us, lol.
Another pearl of wisdom I heard somewhere along he journey of life:

A man wishes his partner would remain exactly the way she was on the first night they met, whereas a woman spends her life trying to change her man from the man she first met into the man she actually wanted in the first place!

Another mate often says, if women didn't have t1ts and fannies we'd lob rocks at them!

I'm sure there is plenty of truth in both!
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As lovely as they are, every now and then you do get that little bit niggled by them.

I mean, my wife is lovely, love her to death, but she does things every now and then that make me niggled. Like tonight, she is in the shower and suddenly I hear a scream, I run upstairs and it is a moth that has scared her.

We take turns to cook, when it is my turn she sits in front of the telly until I deliver her evening meal. But, when it is her turn, I have to get up every 2 or 3 minutes as she wants this out of the cupboard, or can I drain this, can I mix that, can I tell her if it is enough for me, can I chop the meat up ready, carry in the dinner plates, set up the cutlery etc etc.

And then, when I am driving, she will suddenly jump in her seat and shout "look" so loudly that I am panicking and hitting the brakes, only for her to say "aaah did you see that squirrel" or "Look!!!!! ..................a bunny rabbit in the park aaaah".

And she cannot go to bed without me. Or if she does, she sits and waits for me. And I turn the lights out as I am ready to sleep, but no, not her, this is the best time for her to talk to me. Just when I am so knackered I have finally crashed into bed, now she wants to talk about her day. Now she wants to ask what we should buy people for birthday presents or christmas.

If I lived with another bloke, would just be watching sport, drinking beer and opening the door to the Kebab delivery man.

But I would miss the closeness of our relationship, that bond of trust, the moment of intimacy. Ok, I mean sex.


If your woman didn't do any of those things, you'd think something is up... Can't win! lol
As lovely as they are, every now and then you do get that little bit niggled by them.

I mean, my wife is lovely, love her to death, but she does things every now and then that make me niggled. Like tonight, she is in the shower and suddenly I hear a scream, I run upstairs and it is a moth that has scared her.

We take turns to cook, when it is my turn she sits in front of the telly until I deliver her evening meal. But, when it is her turn, I have to get up every 2 or 3 minutes as she wants this out of the cupboard, or can I drain this, can I mix that, can I tell her if it is enough for me, can I chop the meat up ready, carry in the dinner plates, set up the cutlery etc etc.

And then, when I am driving, she will suddenly jump in her seat and shout "look" so loudly that I am panicking and hitting the brakes, only for her to say "aaah did you see that squirrel" or "Look!!!!! ..................a bunny rabbit in the park aaaah".

And she cannot go to bed without me. Or if she does, she sits and waits for me. And I turn the lights out as I am ready to sleep, but no, not her, this is the best time for her to talk to me. Just when I am so knackered I have finally crashed into bed, now she wants to talk about her day. Now she wants to ask what we should buy people for birthday presents or christmas.

If I lived with another bloke, would just be watching sport, drinking beer and opening the door to the Kebab delivery man.

But I would miss the closeness of our relationship, that bond of trust, the moment of intimacy. Ok, I mean sex.


My girlfriend and I have just sat and had a right laugh at this, as this describes her EXACTLY!!! Lmao! Always reassuring there's another person having to put up with it lol!
Know exactly where you are coming from fella, my misses screamed for life yesterday on the way Southport, even tried to open the car do at 80mph on the M58, and what was it for???

The smallest ******* spider i have ever seen hanging from the sun visor.

****** stupid women give me a right shock, then proceeded to shout "get it, get it" forgetting i am trying to drive.

This is not the first time and wont be the last i am sure !!
Sharks with tits!!!!!!! Still love mine but she drives me nuts! Bedtime 'im so tired lets go to bed' Im not tired but ok. Into bed followed by 2 hours of her reading with lights like the Blackpool illuminations blazing in my retina. When i get up early the cat doesnt even hear me. When she gets up early even the kettle has its volume turned up. But at the end of the day I get sex when i annoy her enough so realistically its a win win situation........i.e. I get occassional sex....................funnily enough though the lights got to be off lol.........................................:Flush:
How about in a restaurant and they say oh I can't manage a starter I'll save my self for pudding so you order a starter because your hungry and then they proceed to pick at your food :no:

My wife doesn't understand about my interest in cars either to her a car needs to get from a to b anything I want to do to it mod wise and there's quite a bit at the mo but it's NO NO NO why are they like this :uhm:
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I hate it when she orders her food but then wants half of mine and expects me to want some of hers. No! I order what I want, you order what you want and we'll both be happy eating our own food.... Unless you've got something that I like the look of.
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Every time I get up to do something I get "oh, while you are up can you get me......"

I said to her the other day, *** girl, you keep complaining that your bum looks big, so get up off your **** every now and then and it will get smaller.

Thankfully I never said it out loud.
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Alex told me a bit of his wisdom; there's no mod, it's just maintenance...
For the restaurant thing, I see this between my mum and dad XD she doesn't try it with me because last time she did, I gave her my plate and simply went away :')
For the fat *** thing... I don't know why they don't understand that a perfect *** deserves hard work and genetics. Without hard work... Well don't complain. My fiancée complains all the time and it's always the big clash... She doesn't understand that getting in shape is 80 % good food and 20 % training. She does training and goes to Haagen Dazs just after that...

Men, we have our cons, such as... Well forgot, do we have flaws?
Every time I get up to do something I get "oh, while you are up can you get me......"

I said to her the other day, *** girl, you keep complaining that your bum looks big, so get up off your **** every now and then and it will get smaller.

Thankfully I never said it out loud.

LMFAO! :laugh:
mine gets into bed and switches the telly on and says i cant get to sleep unless i have background noise in the room .Do some f#"*ing work and get knackered you'l f#"*ing sleep then *****.I hate women my ex wife was a ***** as well must be bred into them.
You cant even accelerate in the dynamik when she is with me in it before she starts screaming, it is alright to have a little race every now and then ??
i seem to have a different breed of girlfriend. if i ask for something even though im blatantly not doing anything she will go get it. be it a beer or anything.

she cooks even though she cant really cook, she would struggle rather than ask me for help.

i think shes well trained and she knows i take no sh!t or any prisoners.

as for going fast in the car with her on board i can go as fast as i like :D she does drive a LCR her self.

only thing is i have to say love you before she will go to sleep if i dont she will stay wake mulling it around in her head that i don't love her ... :/ and put lots of kisses on texts and facebook... but its worth loosing a few man points to make her happy in her own little lady world.

im pretty caveman i could say alright? and that would be my conversation boshed right off for at least a few hours lol.

but as for my ex Jesus Christ... that was a dark age. used to pussy foot around been the best person in the world to please her but for nothing. then i kicked her out along with all her stuff. aww yeaahh man power!

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