F1 Season 2010

Guess i must have been. The race i Watched saw Shamliton make an **** of himself and blame his team. Get a ticket for driving a road car like a tool too.
"Hamilton was clearly unhappy after the race, which was won by McLaren team-mate Jenson Button.

And it compounded a disappointing weekend for the Englishman, who had his car impounded by Melbourne police after practice on Friday for alleged improper use of a vehicle, while he only managed to finish 11th at the 150mph in qualifying"

Webber driving eratic as always (thank god he is gonna retire at the end of the year) and button owning that circuit, Not to mention Alonso came from last to finish 4th. Id say that was a awsome drive.
Im sure thats the race i wached at 6am this morning mate.:slap:

I dont think Button owned that circuit, he did make a good quick choice with tyres but was very lucky Vettel went out and Mclaren pulled Hamilton in for a second lot of tyres.

As for Hamiltons tickets for wheels spinning, like DC said. Good to see!
Get a ticket for driving a road car like a tool too.
And it compounded a disappointing weekend for the Englishman, who had his car impounded by Melbourne police after practice on Friday for alleged improper use of a vehicle

As usual, you like to talk about things that are not related to racing, who gives a SH!T honestly about what he does outside of F1, I certainly don't, not in this thread anyways....
Some People just don't like Hamilton, you always get haters!

Personally I thought Melbourne was a fantastic race .... just what the sport needed after Bahrain, will that be the season opener next season??, Finally some good battles and some overtaking moves out on track

What about the much hyped return of Micheal Schumacher, struggling to get a grips with that Mercedes in my opinion but its early days
What about the much hyped return of Micheal Schumacher, struggling to get a grips with that Mercedes in my opinion but its early days

Was there really any hype though?... I think quiet a lot of people thought it's a mistake for him to come back, he certainly hasn't got anything to prove to anyone prior to his comeback. Early days as it is, he's being shown up by his team mate two races in a row! And I don't think he has a car to compete this year, it's going to be the Redbulls(if they finish the race), and the McLarens and Ferraris should be up there after them, unless the weather plays it's part like today.
Have to agree re the car
It wasn't a championship winning car at the end of last season, not taking anything away from Jenson, but he did spend the last few races of the 09 season hanging on to his points lead
As usual, you like to talk about things that are not related to racing...

Hmm Thought i posted this about the RACE
Guess i must have been. The race i Watched saw Shamliton make an **** of himself and blame his team. Get a ticket for driving a road car like a tool too.
"Hamilton was clearly unhappy after the race, which was won by McLaren team-mate Jenson Button.

And it compounded a disappointing weekend for the Englishman, who had his car impounded by Melbourne police after practice on Friday for alleged improper use of a vehicle, while he only managed to finish 11th at the 150mph in qualifying"

Webber driving eratic as always (thank god he is gonna retire at the end of the year) and button owning that circuit, Not to mention Alonso came from last to finish 4th. Id say that was a awsome drive.
Im sure thats the race i wached at 6am this morning mate.:slap:

lewis is doing a good job this year in my opinion, he is the only one that looks hungry...just look at wot he done in melbourne.

to qualify 20th(due to mistakes with the weather) i think he done damn good to get to 6th in malayasia. i dont think there are many drivers that look like they have the heart to win it this year. vettel is a wicked young driver and he will go far as long as he has a good car as the red bull's are carrying on with form from last season, just some reliabilty issues hampering some chances they have.
this season is a test to see who has the skills while driving as tyres are key to winning the championship, keep their tyres in good condition and you have a good chance. looking forward to the rest of the season.

hamilton to win!!!!!
this season is a test to see who has the skills while driving as tyres are key to winning the championship, keep their tyres in good condition and you have a good chance. looking forward to the rest of the season.

But by keeping your tyres in good nick throughout the race with no refuelling has meant limited opportunities in over taking. Was there much overtaking in the Malaysian GP? I don't think so...
very impressed with hamilton today, between him and alguersuari they made some lovely over taking moves! The Russian put up a good fight as well for a few laps.
Shame Jenson went on the hard tire so early, you could see his car had no grip for the last 10 or so laps

Wasn't a bad race, spiced up by the rain in qualifying.

Maybe they should just jumble up the grid after qualifying every race.

Don't need kers of any fancy electronics, just put a couple of the fast drivers at the back of the grid and watch them come through the pack
macher should quit, like i said when this thread started, he is too old now and hasnt got wot it takes to compete against the younger fitter drivers, he has a good car as rosberg is doing ok with his i think he is just past it now sadly as he is a legend.
OMG when is poomacker gonna quit? He is just reminding us exactly why he quit the last time!! he stopped because he was crap and Alonso made him look like a amature twice on the trot and i will bet he will quit at the end of this year saying some crap like "i only signed up to help ross for one year" BLEH
jarvis what ya forgetting is the chap above has no concept other than 'Alonso is king' running through his mind..... funny how Alonso superstar is doing this season, really standing out from the pack as like the last few seasons
you really shouldn't rely on the media so much....just makes an **** of ya as your effectively basing your argument on 'at best' second hand misintepreted info ;)
about the only excitement in the whole race, now remind me when F1 is going to get better with all these rule changes ????
i dunno but ive heard on the grapevine that 'dummy's' will be banned next season too....when do you expect we'll have Alonso's resignation

Damn hard luck for Lewis, saying what everyone is thinking....nobody managed to or was expected to split the red bulls..... poor Alonso lost loads of time from the go, poor thing :)
interesting thoughts from the BBC ;)

"Lewis and Jenson have both driven brilliantly this year," he said. "They have both had a bit of misfortune and both could have got better results than they have had.
"Jenson has made some very good calls, and obviously has two wins to his name and leads the championship.
"Lewis has driven just outstandingly. Prior to this weekend he had 32 competitive overtakings in the first four races which is just unprecedented."

Lewis Hamilton says that a new helmet design could help him to repeat his 2008 victory
LOL now that is funny.
ive just changed my pants, hope it makes my car go faster.
well surely they think the aerodynamics will be improved..the key here is the word 'help' which clearly means they think it will contribute to the performance of the car, which any normal person would assume to be the case considering their head is bang in the middle of the aerodynamics package

but then you can make a mockery out of that and take the world champ part, ignore the 'help' and you have yourself something funny

so please explain your point here Reptor, either that or take literacy classes to make up the shortfall you so clearly have

strangest thing i find is that you actually copied the whole wording which has actually shown you as a very ignorant individual with an obvious blind awareness of what he is reading

You've got some patience Tim, he won the battle of making me & a couple of other decent posters go & find something less boring to do than try to have a healthy discussion about F1, I think he's trying to eventually make it his own one man thread.

Keep the faith!
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Please lets keep this with the boundaries of decency and no slating members despite difference of opinions
Looks like "redbull ARE going to win all the races" today. What about rubbens throwing the teddy out the pram or should i say wheel out of the car..
I would rather Webber than Vettel winning these races.

I see Schumi is upto his old tricks again, I wonder if his 6th place will stand up? Alonso did well to get into the points from the back of the frid though... 76laps on same set of tyres!!.. he was the only one doing any form of overtaking though, so :respekt:
Alonso Went from P22 to P6 until poomacher stole it. Its still being investigated so we will see. Button was on fire tho, Literally. :arco:
Smell the justice baby. :applaus:
Schumacher demoted to 12th after safety-car penalty
Michael Schumacher has been slapped with a 20-second penalty after being found guilty of overtaking Fernando Alonso on the final corner of the Monaco Grand Prix, in contravention of a new rule brought into force at the start of the season. The decision means he drops from sixth to 12th.

yeah i couldnt be ***** to watch the skyplus'd monaco as i had a nasty feeling it would be boring after seeing qualifying
Hmm well I'm not sure that I like that decision, I would say given the data that Ross shared with us (via the BBC) that it is un-clear what shumey should have done. Personally given the ambiguity of the wording of the regulation and the situation on the day (Race control gave the Green Light for racing, the Safety car was in before the race end and that you could see a green light from the in-car footage) that they should have just reversed the position back. Personally I think that the 20 sec penalty was a bit harsh.

Race was fairly boring though, I wouldn't like to be the Engineer that left the plate in Button's car.

you would think after all the years schuey has been cheating. i mean racing, that he would no better by now. i mean he pulled a stupid stunt the ast time he was at monaco on alonso`s fastest lap and blocked the road. He should do us all a favour and retire. he`s past it!!
he's not doing bad considering the car underneath him...... sure he's not what he was but he could be doing a damn site worse

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