Calling Lancashire/Cumbria/GMC/Merseyside/Cheshire Members!


Staff member
May 23, 2004
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OK; Meets have been a nightmare to organise for me in the past (either that or on totally impossible days from the outset)...

However, that's changed all of a sudden, and I have a huge lust to get geeky over some other Audis...

What are we saying to a meetup one weekend towards the end of Jan?

...If anyone's game for it, are there any preferences to location? I'm in Preston, but I'm by no means bothered about a bit of a drive... How about somewhere with a good location for a little photo-call? Or maybe anywhere central to everyone (Dunsop Bridge is the democratic one there so far, it's the pin-point centre of the British Isles - unfortunately there's a house and a tiny bridge and that's it!) Or alternatively a pub with a ****** big car park near a junction on the M62 - old formulae are the best!

So, does anyone fancy it?


im a member of another car club, we meet as a cheshire region regually at the winwick quay pub in warrington, just of the 62 (not far from IKEA)
Seems to agree with everyone,

also used to run the cheshire region of the VPCC and we used to meet at the hollow tree pub just of the M56 outside warrington.

would be good to have a mmet of some kind, perhaps someone could show me how to get my ****** bumper off!! lol.
Hmm, I just might be able to make it that far [bout 5 miles] /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Cool to see some good early interest!

Cheers folks /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif

So, what about Sunday the 29th for a date? How many of us (the handful so far anyway) would be able to make that?

Also, location... I think this is a discussion that could open up a bit to be honest, I was almost ready to say that somewhere around warrington sounds ideal; but then I noticed that some more of the rare-breed which is Lancashire-members were interested, and out towards Blackburn...

So, what are peoples' feelings about location? I'm not particularly fussed where we go to be totally honest, I'll be happy to drive more or less anywhere... M62/M56 are good for me, but if some more Lancashire members come out of the woodwork maybe there might be somewhere more preferable? I know we have a couple of donkey-lashers (;)) lurking around the boards, maybe some of them are interested?

So, let me know how well the 29th sits with you (or failing that one, perhaps the first or second weekend in February?) - and if you've got a preferential location/range of travel and we'll get the chisel out...


Hi Rob, the 29th's fine with me. Not too bothered about location as have easy access to the motorway network but would prefer something a little closer than Warrington. It's not essential as if that's central/easier for the majority, I'll go along with it. As you say, need to get the opinions of more peeps though.
im happy with warrington (its about 30 miles for me), but will go for the majority decision,
will watch this thread closely to see what happens.
What about a motorway services? Knutsford on the M6 just near jct 19, jus an idea but something straight forward. The last club i was in had this problem & were a bit messy so i never bothered to go, but if it's the same time same place & easy reach for everyone then that could make it more of a success.
What about a motorway services? Knutsford on the M6 just near jct 19, jus an idea but something straight forward. The last club i was in had this problem & were a bit messy so i never bothered to go, but if it's the same time same place & easy reach for everyone then that could make it more of a success.

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Hopefully if we can make sure arrangements are watertight in good time we can have a reasonable turn-out. We should have one or two A4-driving, and an R32-driving friend of mine from work along too.

Back to actual arrangements... Unless anyone voices any objections in the near future I think we should definately aim at the 29th, so people can plan for that now... I suppose the next step is to pick a time on the 29th to meet, I'd prefer any time after about noon because Saturday nights/Sunday mornings are notoriously hectic for me... How is everyone else fixed?

As regards location, I'm more inclined to go with a suggestion of a pub/eatery near the Motorway around Warrington, as I totally agree with your point about Knutsford being a cinch to get to, but it means we'd all immediately have to ship out, because lets face it there's not much to do at the services. griffj mentioned the Winwick Quay pub, which if the googlemobile hasn't failed me is off J9 M62, I'm more than willing to go along with that suggestion if it's agreeable to everyone else?

I'll start leaving reminders everywhere to bring my VAG-COM setup along too, so if anyone needs a scan or tweak some settings on their car, it's there.


29th looks fine to me too.

Warrington is quite local for me, 10 miles. But I've been known to travel 30-40 miles for meets in the past. So the travelling isn't an issue. Just hope there's a good turn out.

Knutsford is my daily commute at the moment, again not far, but services are a pain, i.e. which side, north-bound or south-bound? Also, there is a big Police presence at Knutsford services, their station is located there!

I'm flexible in terms of the venue. So long as its a decent car-park and decent pub.

I've organised meets in the past, and they can be a pain to organise. Especially when people view 30 miles (1/2 hour driving on a good day roughly) as too far.

Meets are what people make them, and people make meets, i.e. people need to turn up! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Hey AL,

I was hoping you'd make an appearance on the thread; I've seen you putting plenty of elbow-grease into meetups on the boards previously (unfortunately I didn't get to any because until last Friday I was reliant on someone else being willing and able to attend with me), and I was hoping we might benefit from your wisdom on the subject!

I totally agree, a meetup can only be as good as the people at it; so hopefully people will turn out - even if it ends up being me, my car and my laptop in a corner of the car park, I'll be having a whale of a time! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

I appreciate your thoughts regarding location; one of the reasons I've pretty-much settled on a date but left location a little more fuzzy is because I wanted to make sure it was agreeable to as many people as possible, and within reach - I've got plenty of friends, colleagues and acquaintences who are very much members of the "30 miles is too far" set (regardless of the fact it's ~30 minutes down a Motorway), so I know exactly what you mean. I'm also aware that you've had mixed-results as far as turn-out is concerned in the past, for reasons as daft as the venue being 30 minutes away, or there being a spot of cloud overhead, and I was hoping to reduce the risk of that by giving a touch more opportunity for people to suggest more convenient places.

I'm hoping that we can put on a good showing for the North West group though /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif, I know there are a good few of us on the boards, and if the reputation of Northerners having exceptionally staunch backbones is true, I'm sure we can make it happen. Plus this is isn't a Lada meetup, we're talking about Audis, so I'd like to think 30 miles or so and maybe even a dark cloud shouldn't be a problem!

So... It would seem perhaps the Winwick Quay Pub in Warrington is agreeable to everyone, and it's only 30-odd miles down the M6/56 from me, so more than close enough. If there are no objections, shall we say that one's concrete?

What time is good for everyone to meet?


I'm up for the 29th, just make sure my woman hasn't made any other arrangements for me lol! Any idea of a time?
Winwick Quay is OK by me, I have been there once or twice, its a Brewers Fayre type of place so food is usually available.
Leave M62 at junction 9 and follow signs for Warrington. Keep in the outside lane as at the fist roundabout you want to take the 4th exit heading back towards the M62 and keep in the inside lane. The entrance is before you get back to the main motorway roundabout.
The entrance to the carpark has those one-way pop up and down things but they aren't that bad as to effect most lowered cars.
I'm up for the 29th, just make sure my woman hasn't made any other arrangements for me lol! Any idea of a time?

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Excellent, let us know! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

As regards time, I dunno really... Any time in the afternoon onwards is fine for me; I've been telling people that the 29th is right-out for other arrangements now! What about 2PM? Is that OK by everyone else? (or too early for the late sleepers perhaps?)


Hi Rob,

I say go-for-it mate. I'm all for a central-ish based North West meet.

No real wisdom! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif But like you say, location and date/time are the difficult things to arrange. I found some people preferred weekends, some people preferred one night during the week. Couldn't please everyone.

29th is currently ok for me. Time? Flexible. 12, 1, 2 pm.

Will be good to see some new North West faces and some old ones hopefully.

Winwick Quay, 29th, 2pm's fine for me too. Only about 40 miles for me so not too bad a run, might even do the old girl some good!

Lets say 2PM then? (I'll try to be there a little earlier so nobody else has to have the shock of being the first to land!).

So then...

Sunday 29th January 2006 - 14:00

Winwick Quay Pub, Winwick Quay, Warrington, WA2 8RN

...As far as I can see, you need to come off the M62 at Junction 9, and head south (towards warrington) along the A49 - at this point you'll see the pub on the other side of the road(?). Continue to the next roundabout and go all the way around, turning back to head north up the A49. The pub is on the left just before you get back to the junction with the M62.

Clicky Mappy



PS> Dan, your S3 isn't on a W-plate by any chance is it?
Rob, did you not mean J9 of the M62? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif M56 is a bit too far down!

RAC directions say come off at M6 J22 and then onto A49, couple of rounsabouts later and Bob's your uncle! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif

"Leave the M6 at junction M6 J22 and straight ahead into A49 (Winwick Link Road) direction [A49] WARRINGTON (NORTH).

"After 1.7 miles take the 2nd Exit off the Newton Road (A49) (Roundabout) into A49 for 1 mile(Newton Road).
( Warrington )"
Hahah. Doh....

Indeed I did... Not concentrating properly yet... Still fizzing a bit about a bit of a manic incident on the way home (see spotters forum)...


Yeah, just read that. Doesn't surprise me it was a bint in a Micra either! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif Plenty of Numpties about unfortunately. Glad it wasn't any worse tho. See ya on the 29th then. TTFN! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Yes mate,

Everyone's welcome as far as I'm concerned, the more the merrier!

There's probably not much of a better time to come along, a taste of things to come you might say...


Might make this, have a run out planned that weekend but I'm not sure of the date yet, good excuse not to have the usuall Sunday dinner
PS> Dan, your S3 isn't on a W-plate by any chance is it?

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My S3 was a 2000X and had about 95k miles on the clock when sold last week. I doubt it will appear on the market for a week or two yet as there was a number transfer to process and in the past I have received the V5 for my old car back and then had to pass it on the garage!

I don't suppose anyone is bringing a laptop, VAG.COM and lead with them? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/1luvu.gif
I have a lead and laptop but can't seem to suss it out.
Dan - fair play fella, it was just spotting an S3 around the area that I'm pretty sure I've not seen before, couldn't help wondering!

richy - excellent squire! It's good to see more people putting there names down, see ya there mate!

owdgit - I think I might've mentioned in one of my earlier posts, but I'll be taking my laptop along with a HEX-USB+CAN lead; and anyone wishing to make use of any of the kit at the meet is very welcome.


complete and utter boll*cks!!

i suggested this venue, really chuffed you've taken it up, and was really looking forward to meeting up with you all at one of my favourite pubs,

but my bro has gone and planned a party for his little lad for his birthday on that day, so im not sure if i can make it, the only way i may be able to meet is that the party starts at 12.30, so may be able to pop over about 3pm, but will have wife and kids in tow, (anyone else bringing spouses/kids?)
griffj: Bah! Still, can't miss the little fella's party mate! If you have to miss the meet totally, I'm sure we'll get another one together soon; if you can get along later-on though, that'd be cool! Unfortunately I can't say I'll have mrs' and offspring in tow, but I'll certainly make the effort to blag a ladyfriend into coming along if it'd help! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/lol.gif

owdgit: No problems fella, I'm happy to help out as much as I can. I'm no VAG-COM expert though; but I think a good knowledge of computers (well, maybe not that good, but don't tell my boss!), a bit of reading the ross-tech guides, and some general fiddling with my car, my Dad's, about 4 from work, and a few more of my mates' that I've got a workable knowledge for common checks and tweaks. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif


also just found out that one of the other car clubs i run in is having a meet that day too, not to far away, in fact the other end of the car park!!
say hello to the vectra lads for me wont you!!
(oh and look out for a fire breathing 3.0 V6 twin turbo 460bhp mk3 astra gsi)
i will be up for it to im from stockport /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
i will be up for it to im from stockport /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

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Spot on mate! Be good to see ya there! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beerchug.gif

It'd be cool to round up a few more heads from Manchester/Stockport way, there's gotta be a few around there and it's only a little blast down the 62...

...Thinking about it, we could maybe badger people from farther away too; I've just learned I've got a trip to Telford and back in the morning before the meetup, maybe I should go rounding people up on the way back north?


there is a few new audi's in stockport but when i see them im never in mine. where about in manchester you from mate
there is a few new audi's in stockport but when i see them im never in mine. where about in manchester you from mate

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I'm up in Preston fella, but I just knock about in Manchester a bit, know Failsworth, Burnage, Fallowfield, Rusholme and a few other places because of mates there (of course the City centre too, a good friend of mine has a record shop near Afflecks and I used to play a few mates' nights a while ago).

I know there are a good number on the boards from GMC though, so it'd be good to see some representatives!


I'll have a bit of this audi geek meeting too!! count me in. I will probably be wearing a false beard and glasses tho /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

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