Insured car keys?Think carefully


Registered User
Apr 27, 2009
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Having recently had 'visitors' to my home that relieved me of a remote fob, I issue this warning:Check your home policy very carefully.Mine state that the car key is a 'vehicle accesory' and therefore covered by the motor insurance.And then check your motor policy if they cover theft of car fob by burglary.Im 220 squid out of pocket.
you get key care with adrian flux didnt cost me anything just come's with the insurance
thanks for that.Covered on the home insurance? Ill look into that.Shame though co si only renewed 3 weeks ago
Did you just buy a new one? Aren't you worried about the geezer who has your other one? I dunno what you would do in that situation.. ?
luckily my local stealer is brilliant.within two hours of the deed, they recoded my car and spare.He can still get in using the metal key, but cant use the remote/fob to start it.Ive had to buy a spare at 230, but wont replace the locks as ive been quoted over a grand.Im not going to claim on my car insurance, i have a 500 excess and dont want to fu8k up my ncb even though its protected