Bought a new watch :)

I LOL'd! You know they'd be on the phone the second you owe them a cent. It does look like they're starting to get vB4 sorted now, but I for one am exceedingly cheesed off that they sold us something which managed to make a Microsoft initial gold release look quick and stable. I think we'll be examining broader options when it's time for the next upgrade...

:thumbsup: Phew! I've been involved in a good few debates about that, and I think it's fair to say it's a tricky topic to summarise in a sentence or two!



Shouldn't your signature be start from right to left! :idea:
Shouldn't your signature be start from right to left! :idea:
Yes and no I guess is the best answer to that question...

This is a common one with binary, it's a bit more misleading by nature (I guess because it's quite a perculiar way of using number when we have base-10 beaten into us from an early age). You always effectively parse it from right to left, but that's just the same as decimal (base 10). In base 10, you go from 0-9 in the 'units/ones' position then reset and add a 'tens' position. It's exactly the same in binary, you're just incrementing earlier, and therefore 'adding-up' sooner - if that makes sense.


000 = 0
001 = 1
010 = 2
011 = 3
100 = 4
101 = 5
110 = 6
111 = 7

So the right most place represents decimal (base-10) one, the middle represents two, and the left four. If there was another bit (because I guess aside from SCSI IDs there aren't many 3-bit systems around), that would be left again, and would represent base-10 eight.

So there 1111 would effectively be

1 (right most position), + 2 (next left), + 4, + 8
= 15

...and so on and so forth.

Either way it's all good, because discussing it just validates the statement I suppose ;)

