Monkey Coffee/Toast/Watches/Sony/Tabasco/Trainers/Merge/Multi-tool/The List/Confusion

s3gg, shutup mate. your boring us all. your not the first person in the world to own a few cars, except you seem to post like you do. grow up fella.
shut up ? boring? seems like you need to evolve there mature guy and just stay out of it.... I haven't recalled being on an entertainment channel, all my replies are relevant info along with the typical blog-insult tennis which is boring and childish but if its thrown at you ultimately you reply, it all started because of a stripper owning a boxster haa hee.... all grown up there buddy.
*** will you all just give it a rest, tit for tat on here or what, if you wanna argue like kids go find a playground somewhere ok, this is for adults, so either ignore eachother or all put a sock in it, fedup seeing this stupidity on this site day in day out, now before a moderator steps in do you think we can leave this childish insults out of the thread & actually discuss Warrens situation.
less of the insults please
FLAF !! BLAT BLOT !! :faint:

And warren id choose an rs4 , rapid ,four doors , the dogs... Or the s5 personally ...
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I would go for an e92 m3 over a cayman s or a s5!! OOPS did i say that out loud on here :whistle2:
I think Warren's after a 3 door \ 2 seater type spec of a car. If we're throwing away the rule book where price is concerned and in the same price bracket as the 997 i would consider the new Nissan GTR for me...

For me, RS3 if it ever materialises, an S4 or if I feel completely mad, RS4 or M5 but the latter two would have to be part used (< 6 Months) because they're silly money brand new.
This topic has caught my eye, although I'm unlikely to be in the same sort of situation as the OP (not least due to having a baby!).

The thing that strikes me is that a move from an S3 to an S5 or Boxster is quite a serious jump, especially in terms of buying and running costs. I think it's important to keep some sense of perspective about this, because the S3 is IMO a good value car - 4-pot engine, Golf chassis practicality and low depreciation. Going to a V8 or flat-6 is going to cost a lot more in running costs (not to mention environmental concerns) and I can't see either car being great value in terms of outright depreciation.

Personally, I'd consider keeping the S3! I understand entirely that it's a personal choice, but I can't imagine that there's anything "wrong" with the S3 and for 95% of people it's already a dream car. We're talking about a lot of cash here, either in monthly payments or outright - and, if this was me, I'd just ask what the value for money test is?
Ben H - Love the avatar mate! ;)

I'm surprised nobody has even mentioned an S3....with a sportback!? Lets face it, Warren if you love the S3 so much, why not just get the same car with 4 doors and have the ease of getting the squiddly diddlies in and out, I know it's not much bigger in terms of boot space and rear legroom, but could be an idea?
If we're throwing away the rule book where price is concerned and in the same price bracket as the 997 i would consider the new Nissan GTR for me...

Are we still talking about daily driven cars here? Or has this gone offtopic?

Had the chance to be a passenger in a GTR for a full day recently, from town driving, to the twisties, and then a short track session. It's loud, it's noisy, it's uncomfortable, it drinks fuel like a student on free-beer night, but damm the thing can move and turn for a 1.8tonne car.

Shamelessly mingling with the posh euro boys, and I like it!:thumbsup: Tinggi/10102009571.jpg
Are we still talking about daily driven cars here? Or has this gone offtopic?

Had the chance to be a passenger in a GTR for a full day recently, from town driving, to the twisties, and then a short track session. It's loud, it's noisy, it's uncomfortable, it drinks fuel like a student on free-beer night, but damm the thing can move and turn for a 1.8tonne car.

Shamelessly mingling with the posh euro boys, and I like it!:thumbsup: Tinggi/10102009571.jpg

It's all of that and more,including being substantially under-specc'd....on power alone,most easily exceed the manufacturer's figures.

The other thing is it's one big car......that would probably count it out for me....but then again....
Ben H - Love the avatar mate! ;)

Warren if you love the S3 so much, why not just get the same car with 4 doors and have the ease of getting the squiddly diddlies in and out

I'll perform my own castration ahead of any 'squiddly diddlies' entering the back of my car mate!!!

This weekend I've had a 'head based' reflection session, and realised I really need >£40k to be progressing seriously with my aspirations. I'm not embarrassed to admit that currently I'm not in this space.

I'd seriously misinterpreted my contribution to the pot, and also in terms of what else I was prepared to sacrifice in my life as I live pretty well (holidays / weekends away / gadgets / lifestyle etc...)

But more importantly I'm not prepared to be bent over by some monkey in an ill fitting cheap suit, who is mistakenly delusional about the inflated values of their own stock pile; particularly when they do their best to make it sound like they are doing you a favour, when blatantly they are so obviously not! Businesses don't stay in business doing favours, so I get that, but they are in many cases so insincere about it, that it makes the pill of the overall cost to bitter to sign up to.

I have an aspiration of saving up a very significant proportion of a vehicles value in cash, taking out a small bank loan for the balance, and then buying a replacement vehicle when I can walk in as a cash buyer with no strings or vulnerabilities (trade in / finance etc..). It will make the process far more bearable, and means I won't even feel compelled to be nice about the process!

In the meantime I will continue as is, and decide whether to live with the S3 on that journey or go for something more humble so I can add £500pcm to the cash pot.

Appreciate you guys coming on the journey, and sorry it hasn't ended up at a more interesting conclusion. The only upside is that a smarmy car salesman won't be dining out on any commission earned from my back pocket this month. A sour pill as I was up for something different, but it will do for now.
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thats honesty...good call Warren,your posts are always interesting and good to read so am glad you will be staying a wee bit longer.
good on you Warren, as much as I was hoping to hear you'd purchased a spangly new Ferrari F430 and tell us all how bleeding amazing it was and we could all live our dreams through you, i'm glad to hear that you are still "in the fold" so to speak. And you have raised a few interesting debates in the thread, which always keeps us all on our toes.

So may I congratulate you on your ulitmate choice of Audi S3
TBH Warren I cant see any real reason to swap overall, you obviously live fairly well, why add to the costs even more which would affect your overall current lifestyle mate, you have a very nice car, good to run around in, do shopping, bit of space, has a tad bit of throttle, lol, can take few people inside so overall its imho a perfect car for now, why change tbh.

I'd stay with it, good to see you're staying for while aswell.
But more importantly I'm not prepared to be bent over by some monkey in an ill fitting cheap suit, who is mistakenly delusional about the inflated values of their own stock pile.

Good lad - there's no point skinting yourself just for the sake of having some new shizz, and if the S3 still does the job...well you should have listened to the greek idiot all along. Cayman for hairdressers, 911 for crossdressers etc...he was right

Cheers guys, it's no hardship to be stopping round here as it's good banter and I feel like I'm only just getting to know some of you properly.

I've been a bit disappointed for a few days as I'd really got my head in gear for a change, and you kind of get a bit excited about it, then it doesn't go ahead and it all feels a bit flat really. This wasn't a change driven by despair with the S3, just more a 'What do I do at the 3 year T-Junction decision'. Overall the best dealer I approached was Bryan at Newbury Audi who certainly had the most balanced view of the world and it never felt like he was anything other than honest and respectful to me (he's been an Audi salesman for 22 years so he's not a fly-by-night). A very decent bloke.

On the way back from home tonight I gave the old girl (the S3, not the trouble and strife) some real stick on the backroads around Hungerford and Cirencester on the way home and I realised something. I'd kind of fallen a little out of love with the S3 as I've given it far too much cruise control and respect recently. Giving the car a bit of 'heavy boot' was a bit like 'after argument sex'(e.g. we kissed and made up!). It's made me realise that whilst its never going to be a thoroughbred sportscar, considering its humble beginnings and the age of the concept it's actually a pretty remarkable and underrated piece of kit.

With the chilled air piping through the front intake it felt unusually urgent and the grip level on what were pretty patchy roads was just immense. 70 miles of 19mpg and utter fun.

I'm now pretty certain unless something pretty monumental arrives at a price that's too good to miss that we will pay the S3's bubble off and keep the car a bit longer so that we can consider our options and then focus on moving out of Berkshire to the Cotswolds and a far more rural location.

Once again, thanks for all your input!
That's exactly where my head is at right now Warren... well, for now ;)
Good decision Warren, get it on the track more often and 'home in' on those skills. If you need another photographer let me know:salute:
Hmmmm, tough call.

I'm rather taken by the thought of some improved stopping friction by investing in some bigger Porsche / Brembo brakes, but then I'm somewhat tempted by the prospect of improved handling characteristics with some uprated H&R spring / dampers, uprated ARB's and a poly dogbone mount.

The deep rooted security born out of better braking; or a balanced and neutral handling characteristic which doesn't bring on the early onset of the need to urinate?

Which is best????? There's only one way to find out.....


Actually, maybe a DP would be a good idea. Or an uprated Haldex controller.:ermm: Or maybe I should just leave it be!

Come March 2010 watch this space! Power is staying where it is, happy with that, so it's likely to be 'safened up'.
Sounds like the right decision.

As I said in my earlier post, the S3 is a very good value car - especially when you're already a few years into ownership - and it's always good to apply a "value test". It's said that the cheapest car is the one you already own. :think:

Without making presumptions, £500 a month into savings will put anyone in a good place, financially. After a relatively modest start in my early 20s (spending too much on cars), I'm now in that place too. I find that the more I save, the less I want to spend.

A 3-year-old S3 is a dream car for so many people. :s3addict:
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If you are to be spending more time on track my vote would get big brake upgarde followed by the inevitable coil overs, my AP set up should be on so tested before the end of November so will keep you posted.

I must admit I would and have found it very hard to find an S3 replacement, it's not the best sports car or hot hatch but it does well at all aspects, cracking car.
hi mate had a s4 just got rid 4.2 bit of a guzzler bought 3.0 d a5 quattro sport getting it chipped and am told will be just as quick . as for the porsche the cayman its just a poor mans carrera thats the label you get with it you would be the guy who couldnt afford the carrera so you bought a caymen well thats just my veiw:thumbsup:
Hmmm, Porsches are the first thing I think of in association with old people :notme:

..Driving there Boxsters 40MPH in a national.....Or the 21 year old pyscos that own the GT3/4's that go 130MPH in a 30 :)

Up to you, YOUR car so make YOUR decsion.
I dont know anyone that thinks a boxter or Cayman owner is poor. IMO its a compete myth.
Spawned be green eye monsters who cant own any of them. Or people that know nothing about cars, or have no interest in cars.

Its like saying the 20T FSI, 20 TDI etc... A3 is a poor mans S3.
Or that a BMW 335 is a poor mans M3.
There are good cars in their own right.

Just because some else exisits in the Marques portfolio that is bigger/faster/more expensive, that doesnt make the `cheaper` cars any less capable or desirable.

I bet not a single Cayman owner gives a toss about whether Joe Shmo things hes `poor`.
And neither he/she should.


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Bearing in mind that he quoted your entire post I'm not sure how! Perhaps your original post should have been more elaborate :)

This is how: 'quoted out of context' in my eyes means that on the page I originally wrote it, about 2 comments under some idiotic rambling about how Porsches were for old people, my comment made sense. By the time we get to the bottom of page 3, quoting it makes no f-in sense, therefore out of context :banghead:

Elaborate? Naah, there's plenty of people here with a lot more to say :whistle2:

What do I know anyway, I could barely afford a Cayman, so I must be poor :yes:
This is how: 'quoted out of context' in my eyes means that on the page I originally wrote it, about 2 comments under some idiotic rambling about how Porsches were for old people, my comment made sense. By the time we get to the bottom of page 3, quoting it makes no f-in sense, therefore out of context :banghead:

Elaborate? Naah, there's plenty of people here with a lot more to say :whistle2:

What you've said is pretty conclusive and I don't think the context makes any difference!

But anyway....
What you've said is pretty conclusive and I don't think the context makes any difference!

But anyway....

Yes. Anyway is what I was thinkin' :whistle2: move along, nothing to see here, Warren is not a traitor yet

Busted HBD...:happy:

'Technicsly' I'd only be busted if I was hiding something - my Munich-fanboy-Beemer-bummer status is not something I've hidden...ever :p

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