Driving with Lights on in the Daytime


Defo worth the wait :)
Apr 9, 2006
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Recently when driving in the daytime, I have noticed alot more people/cars driving in the daytime with their lights on.

Does anyone on here drive with their lights on in the daytime and if so, why??

there must be alot of volvos in your area.
either that or its the twats that leave there fog lights on branching out a little further. lol
I do quite often!

Not all the time mind, I just sometimes get the urge.

I've got xenons as well and get some rather disapproving looks of folk!

I just think it looks cool, and also there is less chance of some halfwit pulling out on you.
I used to a bit, but don't so much now. However I am the first to put them on if visibility is at all reduced ;)

More and more cars are fitted with DRL's now, I see even the Golf has them. I think it is only a matter of time until we fall into line with parts of Europe where use of headlights in the daytime is compulsory, parts of Scandinavia, Eastern Europe and Italy already do this, and the Dutch have been doing it for years.
It annoys the crap out of me. Mainly when the lights are on some complete shitbox with an aftermarket HID kit and as the car bounces around due to its chopped springs the lights dazzle anyone within half a mile of them.

At the risk of being flames....the DRL's on new Audis I find quite distracting...its like fairy lights.
Always on when on the bike.

Dipped headlights on the car as soon as visibility is at all reduced.

My mate once told me he drove with his on because it may prevent an accident one day and it doesn't cost anything to keep them on so why not?

I have DRLs on all the time for the same reason, safety. I have noticed a dramatic increase in people driving with their lights on over the last 2 years. It's a good thing!
As soon as I start the car my lights are turned on. Makes people aware of my presence much more easily.
OK I can understand bikers having their lights on, as there is obviously less of them to see, however with the cars, I dont really have a problem with it, but it just seems to be a realy variety of cars driving with their lights on, from newbie DRL equipped cars to some old cars as well (not just Volvos) ;)

Just noticed recently that I see alot more cars with their lights on in the daytime.

Guess it makes sense about the presence on the road thing as well, I wont get started on the Fogs on in the day (or night come to think of it)though!!!!
I read somewhere that in 2012, all cars will be required to have their lights on while driving, even during the day. I think soem European countried already have this law.

what is worse though is that drivers who don't bother putting their lights on until it io pitch black. Their reason is they can see other cars (with lights on) on the road, so don't need to put their lights on...LOL
Yeah, you're right abdus. Daytime running lights become mandatory on new vehicles across Europe relatively soon. I think manufacturers are just implementing the changes early especially Audi who seem to be putting the 'bling' row of LED lights on everything now.

In terms of whether they are actually safer - I guess so in the long run, but I know of someone who ended up T-boning a car that pulled out in front of him at a junction. When questioned the other driver said 'You flashed your lights to let me out'. He didn't - all they could conclude was that a bump in the road made it look like he'd flashed his lights. Ultimately it was the other drivers fault as he wasn't paying full attention, but the fact that the lights was a contributary factor.

Now I know flashing your lights, according to the highway code, is a warning, like sounding your horn. However in everyday driving it has been reinterpreted to mean you are giving permission for someone to pull out.

My driving instructor taught me to put my lights on whenever the window wipers are on - if it's raining, visibility is reduced, and hence the lights.
Now I know flashing your lights, according to the highway code, is a warning, like sounding your horn. However in everyday driving it has been reinterpreted to mean you are giving permission for someone to pull out.
Jason,I haven't noticed this courtesy in any countries I've driven in,they look at you gone out if you flash them.

10-15% less accidents by having daytime lights oh and I don't switch mine on unless its a grey day/raining.
Anyone realise the bulb has a certain amount of hours in it ?
Got lights on auto, so if they are on l didnt put them on.:jester:
l admit that l get annoyed when driving along a bumpy road and think oncoming traffic is flashing at me, at night is fine but during the day it isnt. Then again, driving like a banshee out of hell will cause oncomers to flash if theres a camera ahead.:angrymod:
Jason,I haven't noticed this courtesy in any countries I've driven in,they look at you gone out if you flash them.

10-15% less accidents by having daytime lights oh and I don't switch mine on unless its a grey day/raining.
Anyone realise the bulb has a certain amount of hours in it ?

I've heard a rumour that the bulbs have a certain life span and that they are designed to outlast the actual car, don't know how true this is...

I've been driving more and more often with my lights on, if it's a bright day I'm not so inclined but as soon as it turns dull there on...
Although it will only make a small amount of difference to the amount of fuel you use (remember that the engine is working harder to power the lights) add this up against every car in Europe and it will make a large increase in CO2 emissions and profits for the petrochems/governments!
Although it will only make a small amount of difference to the amount of fuel you use (remember that the engine is working harder to power the lights) add this up against every car in Europe and it will make a large increase in CO2 emissions and profits for the petrochems/governments!

I think that is one reason Audi have used LED DRL's as they use such little energy.
So what if the bulbs only have a limited life! Get new ones!

It's not really possible to say what percentage of accidents have been avoided by driving with lights on, but even 1% is worth it. And don't forget the chances of hitting a pedestrian are reduced too.
When in Egypt last year, even in the dark, drivers didnt have their lights on, it was very strange!!

However the street lighting was SUPER powerful and drivers only flashed their lights to make other drivers aware that they are there, as for giving way to other drivers, it was non existent, every man for themselves, weaving in and out, like a go kart race track!!
When in Egypt last year, even in the dark, drivers didnt have their lights on, it was very strange!!

However the street lighting was SUPER powerful and drivers only flashed their lights to make other drivers aware that they are there, as for giving way to other drivers, it was non existent, every man for themselves, weaving in and out, like a go kart race track!!

Lol, I went Egypt in Jan and I'm off there again on the 29th. I think the driving over there is insane. I drove a taxi and it was an experience to say the least. One day there was a small water leak and water was running across the road, I don't think any of the drivers there had driven in the wet before as they all slowed to literally 1mph to go through it. And as you say, at night it's rare to see any drivers with anything more than their side lights on.
I drive with mine on in the day quite a bit. It makes me more visible which has to be a good thing same for me
It's not really possible to say what percentage of accidents have been avoided by driving with lights on, but even 1% is worth it. And don't forget the chances of hitting a pedestrian are reduced too.

I read this
" Permanently switched on lights on cars can reduce daytime road traffic accidents. A meta-analysis of 17 observational studies of the effect of daytime running lights found that there were 10-15% less multi party daytime crashes in cars with the lights switched on."
When in Egypt last year, even in the dark, drivers didnt have their lights on, it was very strange!!

However the street lighting was SUPER powerful and drivers only flashed their lights to make other drivers aware that they are there, as for giving way to other drivers, it was non existent, every man for themselves, weaving in and out, like a go kart race track!!

I went over to Luxor a few years ago, and loved one of the road signs that read something like 'It is the sign of a civilised society to obey the traffic lights'. Certainly made me laugh...

People will still have accidents and pedestrians will still think they are immortal and run out in front of you regardless of if you have your lights on or not.

Stupid people will still do stupid things no matter what you try and do to prevent it.
It does my head in when a car is parked on the road and has left their lights on, blinds me.

other then that driving with lights on in the daytime i sometimes do and sometimes dont. depends really what mood am in
Jason,I haven't noticed this courtesy in any countries I've driven in,they look at you gone out if you flash them.

Yeah, first thing I realised when I moved to Germany, flashing lights at another car and being polite confuses the f*ck out of them...

I read something a few years back that a human's eyes will focus on a light source first when looking in a given direction, even in summer I still drive with driving lights on.
Have to agree with Ricks, I hate it when people pull over and park up facing you and then sit their with their lights on full!!!
Every person that drives with their headights on it increasing the chances of a biker being taken out!

Bikes have head lights on as they're so easily over looked. If everyone has their headlights on then the advantage bikers have by standing out will vanish and people will be more blind to them.

DRL's are not just headlights turned on for a reason. I've no issues with the Audi DRLs as you wouldn't mistake a bike for one. Headlights on all day are another thing entirely.

Hopefully this post raises some awareness to this issue for those who weren't aware of it.

Every person that drives with their headights on it increasing the chances of a biker being taken out!

Not really, personally if Im pulling out of a junction and notice some headlights Im going to be more cautious regardless of whether its a bike, car, van etc....

Driving through London yesterday I noticed most bikes appeared to have fog/main beam on 11am which was f*cking annoying and made them highly noticeable. (guess thats the point)
I read this
" Permanently switched on lights on cars can reduce daytime road traffic accidents. A meta-analysis of 17 observational studies of the effect of daytime running lights found that there were 10-15% less multi party daytime crashes in cars with the lights switched on."

Yeah but what I'm saying is it's impossible the put a figure on it. You just can't measure it because you can't realistically state whether light had an affect on the way you drive.

Every person that drives with their headights on it increasing the chances of a biker being taken out!

Bikes have head lights on as they're so easily over looked. If everyone has their headlights on then the advantage bikers have by standing out will vanish and people will be more blind to them.

DRL's are not just headlights turned on for a reason. I've no issues with the Audi DRLs as you wouldn't mistake a bike for one. Headlights on all day are another thing entirely.

Hopefully this post raises some awareness to this issue for those who weren't aware of it.


Ridiculous. Lights make everyone more visible, it doesn't make a bike LESS visible!
Every person that drives with their headights on it increasing the chances of a biker being taken out!

Bikes have head lights on as they're so easily over looked. If everyone has their headlights on then the advantage bikers have by standing out will vanish and people will be more blind to them.

DRL's are not just headlights turned on for a reason. I've no issues with the Audi DRLs as you wouldn't mistake a bike for one. Headlights on all day are another thing entirely.

Hopefully this post raises some awareness to this issue for those who weren't aware of it.


Nonsense. Lights make people aware that there is a vehicle there. Whether its a car or a bike.

Do you think people will act differently if everyone has lights on? Because they cant differentiate between bikes and cars? People will just pull out of junctions because they thought it was a car and not a bike?

Its only going to be an issue if bikers are driving innapropriately. Oh but sorry I forgot thats normal motorists problem isnt it. To be aware at all times of bikers stupid behaviour.
Anybody notice watching Top Gear last night that Hammond didn't have his lights on whilst dressed in black riding a black bike on a dull day and ******* with rain on the dual carriageway...what a bell piece...:haudrauf:
I drive with my lights on all the time, Its the first thing i do when i get in the car. Mainly because i make sure my lights are always switched on when im on my bike.
On a bike I could understand why you'd want to have your lights on, BUT not on a car, I really hate it when its sunny outside and people have they're xenons on, my brother does this all the time and we always argue lol. I guess its just down to personal taste, but for me I HATE PEOPLE who do it :aggressive:
Nonsense. Lights make people aware that there is a vehicle there. Whether its a car or a bike.

Do you think people will act differently if everyone has lights on? Because they cant differentiate between bikes and cars? People will just pull out of junctions because they thought it was a car and not a bike?

Its only going to be an issue if bikers are driving innapropriately. Oh but sorry I forgot thats normal motorists problem isnt it. To be aware at all times of bikers stupid behaviour.

Sounds like an instant response rather than a considered opinion :crying:

Seems there's some people with chips on their shoulders about bikes and making some wild generalisations.

For what it's worth I never ride with main beam on. It blinds other people but as importantly, you can't actually judge distance from a light and the mainbeam hides the bike which then increases the risk of someone thinking you're further away or travelling slower than you are.

With regards all the "ridiculous", "nonsense" comments about bikes being lost amongt car's headlights, can you link to your research as there's countless amounts showing this to be a risk? It's one of the reasons why DRLs are not just headlights turned on.

p.s. I agree Hamster was a total plank!

p.p.s. Are the haters also the people who sit in traffic jams everyday?


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