new addition

Sep 6, 2004
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west yorkshire
Well after my wifes problems last time (pre eclampcia) and our daughter coming at 28 weeks she has now given me a son.

Rhys was born 15/6/09 and made it to just 10 days shy of his due date. 6lb and doing well so far.

Ive been missing a bit as my wife has been in and out of hospital for weeks so glad that bit is over.

Looks like its time for the chop for me now .........................
Congrats on the little one mate :)

The thought of something sharp near my nether reigons makes me shivver!
Nice one! :beerchug:

I hope he continue to go from strength to strength!
:sign_welcome: Rhys and congrats to you & your wife! :applaus:

Glad pregnancy went well.

We're expecting our first on 4th November - second scan tomorrow!
Congrats to the new mum and dad and the family :)

What a feeling it must have been :)

Wish you all well esp the mum. She also needs the care at this time ;) not only the baby :p
Congrats to you and the whole family :sign_welcome:

Pity she couldnt squeeze him out the day before and he would have shared the same birthday as me lol
Its the chop or going fishing in my wellies lol

He actually arrived on my mums birthday :) but only just at 1am

thanks for all the comments, little monkeys been up all night nearlly and now hes sleeping all day :(
Sharpening the sissors as we speak then! haha.....

Hope mum and the little one are doing for the chop...rather you than me!.

snip snip!.

Hey Congrats Fingermouse, hope mother and child are both doing well, looking forward to the sleepless nights no doubt!!

We are due ours in just over 2 weeks, so we have that to look forward to, cant wait to be honest, 1st one as well, so its all new!!!

Hope all goes well for you guys.

@Igdos, congrats and good luck for the scan, you will love it!!
Cheers Nilz & congrats for you too... hope all goes well with 'delivery'!

AS-Net- the baby factory!:)
Congrats mate! Glad all has gone ok and everyone is healthy :thumbsup:

When you go for the chop, just dont look down! :faint:
there is nothing more life changing them having kids its just lovely , awesome , headwrecking , anger , tears ,stress , love , laughter , all rolled in to one you cant beat it you really cant i wouldnt swap it for the world congratulations man hope the baby is well and strong ....:icon_thumright:

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