England.. Crap or what??


Big Ron
Sep 29, 2005
Reaction score
at work
Its got to the stage now that I dont even expect to win games (unless its agains Jamaica or Trini & Tabago)
:( :( we are just crap
Awwww ...Missing poor Sven already are we?:sadlike: :blownose: I know the perfect team for you, You can have Messrs:


Etc, I'm sure they'll do a grand job for you...and best of all the "Book of Excuses" that they bring is Superb, should be a best seller....:lmfao:
I fear you're now experiencing the same lack of home grown youth Scotland's been suffering for years. I think it has to go back to schools for this kind of thing. I mean being a footballer is as much as a career as anything else these days (not to mention better paid than most) and for our national teams to progress we need to put more into nurturing our youth with a REAL believe that they can succeed at it. Either that or they would rather sit in and play their PS3's than go out and play in the mud. :blahblah1:

Anyway, you're still ranked 6th in the world so stop complaining. :applaus: :laugh:
sure you lot lost the plot when you let Northern Ireland win 1-0 haha healy healy!

i hate football by the way!
Hey we are crap but i wouldnt go as far as saying we are as bad as Scotland....:sadlike:
Scotland ar punching above their weight yes.
But England are big under-acheivers. For years you have had a strong squad. Others like Germany, Holland & Italy have came and went interms of how good thier sqaud has been. But England have always had a strong squad they just seem to lack the X factor to do anything with it.
TBH every championship you go for you think you can win, which is more than a fair assumption as you do have a good team, just lacks that something that makes good teams champions.
You short of home grown Strikers. Most of the major English sides are playing foreign strikers. Still struggling to replace Shearer! Owen has had is time he will retire soon his wee legs arn'y up to it!
Pretty lame, but at least Steveo was trying some new players out :footy:
silver75 said:
Hey we are crap but i wouldnt go as far as saying we are as bad as Scotland....:sadlike:
:laugh: I was babbling on about the lack of home grown talent due to virtually no government funded youth support schemes.
Beerzo said:
You short of home grown Strikers.




Lampard & Gerrard can't play in the team together :think:

Lita from Reading should be in the full squad and NOT in the under 21's :yes:
Crouch is ok has a good scoring record but he is no Shearer, you need a hitman. For some thats over 6 1/2 feet tall he cant jump to save himself. There isnt a ball that he shouldnt win that gets crossed over to him. Yet lastnight he was consitantly struggling to beat guys a good bit short than him to headers.
Carrick - he is crap no where near worth 18m
Lampard is the most overated player in the Premiership. His whole game consists of hitting wild shots from outside the box with no real placement or technque. The guy obviously does something right i just dont see what others see in the guy. Gerrard is 10x the player Lampard is.
S3Andy said:
Lampard & Gerrard can't play in the team together :think:

not in a 4-4-2 anyway as they both play in the same position, the only way it could work is if you had Stevie G on the right

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