Scumball Rally support...

Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
Sunny West Surrey
As some of you will recall, a pal and I are entering the Scumball 3000 Rally.

This represents a unique sponsorship opportunity, and probably the cheapest way to get your logo onto the side of a car, before it embarks on a four day trans-European rally.

In order to compete this year, we have to raise a minimum of £500 in sponsorship, to be handed over on the start line.

To assist (or even cover) this amount we are following the example set by a pal who is also entering the Scumball (who's fault it is that we are this year), by
selling space on the car. For a £20 pound donation to Winston's Wish - help for bereaved children & their families you can place your logo on the car, which will then be driven round Europe (and back hopefully!)

Larger donations will secure larger logos and location preferences, but these are negotiable. The important thing is your donation will go to a very worthy cause, not to mention get your chosen logo valuable publicity. Coverage from last years event was broadcast on Underground- Sky Channel 193 Rapture Tv, a video of which can be seen here YouTube - Scumball 3000 - 2006 as well as the rally itself being broadcast on Men and Motors in the near future.

Still with us? Good stuff! Because donating couldn't be easier. Just visit Justgiving - Team J2-OH! for the Scumball and click the donate now button and your donation will be processed there and then. You will then be emailed with details of where to send your logo for transferring onto the car.

When this has been received, a hyperlink to your companies website will be added to the donation site, so everyone can see how generous you've been!
All you need to do is supply the logo, safe in the knowledge you've just negotiated probably the most cost effective international motorsport advertising deal ever, as well as donating to a very worthy cause.

You don't have to own a company to sponsor Team J2-OH. Individual donations, however small, are welcomed. Please give what you can. Likewise, if you can help out with supplying logos for the vehicle or wish to donate parts to help get there and back then please get in touch!

Our chosen vehicle for this adventure is a 1995 Audi A4. The reliability was a major factor in this decision. We want to make it back as well!

The Audi needs four new tyres, some sort of suspension, a CB radio (seriously), front and rear seats (due to mould-uggghhh!) - or maybe a pair of buckets?, a front drivers wing and indicator (and I'm sure more). Tuning bits in whatever guise would be also be good. We also need to beg / borrow / steal a tent and some sleeping bags!

Thanks in advance for your generosity!

I'll keep you all posted over developments with the Audi prior the rally and of course of our progress across Europe and back!

I remember seeing last years event (I think) on Men & Motors not too long ago. Was good to see normal motoring challenges instead of the likes of writing off a RR without the bat of an eyelid.
Good luck mate! :racer:

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