Ebay have gone mental


Retired from service
Jun 10, 2003
Reaction score
World of my own
To make life simpler ebay have changed their fees on buy it now sales.
Instead of a tiered charging system it is now a flat 10% across the board.
Before - if you sold something for £300 on buy it now they used to charge £8.17 + 1.5% of the final price = £12.67
From July 21st same transaction will cost you £30
Plus PayPal charges, they really have lost the plot.
It's becoming an utter joke and I left similar comments about prices when they asked me to complete a survey regarding whether I would advice others to use ebay.

I sold a steering wheel on there for £110 + £10 postage (buy-it-now)

Advert Fee = £0.40
Selling Fee = £8.48
PayPal Fee = £4.28

So £13 in fees - they are the same ****** company ***!
They are a joke,I try and use gumtree
OMG I was about to have a right rant about this, effing joke seriously is, greed is becoming just outrageous with the site, they make billions of profit already, now to squeeze already unhappy people is beyond belief, they 1st changed feedback so sellers cant leave negative which was beyond belief, now they do this, once I sell my current listed bundle of gear collected over years of modding, will look at alternatives, I effing hate ebay/paypal & this alienates me more, just convenience tbh & laziness on my side unfortunately.
What alternatives are there because I got stung again last night by EBay, so thinking about using someone else.
Its had its day .whoever has the funds to start up a decent auction site do it now
Take there greed and ram it up them !
If I had the resources I'd start my own one tbh, so fedup with greed from these coorporations, ok they're in business to make money, but its just getting out of hand now, they know they have a huge audience but its imho abusing there position, it was made big by the users, so how about a little more respect of the users.

Also they need to change there stance at ebay/paypal, they're automating decisions on cases where it blatantly isnt the fault of the person with a case against them, I had 1 recently where the fool didnt even read the item description, title & box photo with massive huge lettering what he was buying, they decided he could return, until I called them & stated the BS decision was wrong, hence 2 minutes flat they closed the case manually in my favour, although I out of goodwill accepted the return as cant be ***** with animosity, but I had to make a stand on this one to show the buyer he cant run to ebay/paypal when he fecks up.

This feedbck situation boils my ****, really does, as a seller you're almost blackmailed to do as the buyer wants, ridiculous!!!!

The CS is another story, phllipino CS is absolutely effing useless, nearly lost a vast amount of money cause of them, effing crap!!!!
Can I just add, in no way of defending ebay, but the changes has little or no effect to the buyers, so we will continue to look on ebay for items and bargains! They know what they are doing!
TBH I have seriously been thinking about trying to think of a way to create a new site, of course not even close to the scale of ebay, but thats how things start, its not an easy thing to do tbh, allot of considerations needed & how to make it user friendly without becoming so ridiculously big it looses its core reason for being, for the users, which ebay has definitely done.
I think to make a site like Ebay you would have to offer all services free for an innitial period
You would need a private server .And huge bandwidth
then you would need a policy in place for scammers
You could build your own online bank and hire aythree and call it gaypal ?
On a serious note theres a few auction sites non come close to ebay
There are a few advertisng places such as The Loot, Gumtree and Swapz :)

But they are never as 'good' as eBay which is a shame. I've got loads of stuff to adertise on eBay and currently just put something up for sale on forums and Facebook and I really can;t be ***** putting it on eBay.
i too got the email of changes to buy now & worked out it would be helluva lot more expensive despite their "more simple" approach. BUNCH OF CROOKS - to paraphrase a quote - 'they are ******* on us without decency to call it rain' LOL

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