18" Alloys & 19"s


Audi A4 TDI Owner
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Milton Keynes
whats the difference between them in all honesty apart from the fact there bigger

any pros n cons or mearly looks

is it gonna chew clutches and bearings any quicker

when does it get a joke do u see what iam saying
18's are just right imo. 19's are a head turner, tyres are about twice the price as 18's. 20's are just taking the mick and make your brakes look tiny :D....as for tyre prices for these, you better have a deep, or several pockets ;)
19" really make the car tram-line and upset handling. 18 inchers as a good compromise on looks and performance
thanks for the responces :)

only reason i ask is soley because of possible deal with phantoms 19's etc , not doubting the bloke or anything but just wanted to be aware of any issues i may face etc, tyres can vary for me for around 85 - 100 each thats 19's and i can get the 18's tyres at silly money , i get my tyres cheaper soley because i have couple family members in the trade etc and get that little bit off etc, with the car lowered 40mm on springs only it bounces around like pogo sticks (my way to describe it) and i want to get a new kit on there between now and end august to be honest, i dont want to be eating up tyres every 3 months and throwing out bearings and stuff if it makes sense, after all i got a diesel it dont exactly go that fast lol

so i guess your saying its touch and go
anyone else running 19's here that can speak of experience , heard good and bad things

i respect 18's will give you minimal greif etc
Im going to be going for 18"s in the next few weeks as 17"s just look to smal IMO. And I think 19"S look the part but for every day use, ride quailty and expense of tyres just puts me of!

Dito to what Dave said, i was contemplating 19's for my S4 but having had 18's on my old 2.8Q i reckon they're big enough. didnt notice anything major in terms of handling or what not when i went form 16's to 18's on the 2.8, and the S4 has 17's on it at the mo anyway so hoepfully wont make much if any diffreence to handling of the S. Plus 19" tyres are so hideously expensive (18's are bad enough) its just not worth it IMHO. :)
so long as you keep the same rolling radius as standard you won't have any technical problems.
If you stray from the standard your speedo will be out.
Tramlining tends to be caused by wider tyres not lower profile tyres or bigger diameter wheels.
you will notice a difference in ride quality the larger you go as the tyre profile comes down to rubber band width.
I am going with 18"s for brake clearance not looks.
If you are worried about tyre costs start thinking ahead and looking at websites like blackcircles.com (or .co.uk) they have sales of 18's regularly that beat your usual suspects for smaller tyres of the same brand.
cheers for that jcb, i aint worried about the tyres etc and prices more what it could or will ****** up on the car

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