RNS-E playlists


Registered User
Jul 23, 2006
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Wondering if anyone with an RNS-E whose played around with playlists can shed any light for me. Obviously not got the new motor yet but want to try to start organising music ready for when it arrives.

What I ideally want to do is have the top level folders representing the genre, then within each of these folders I'd have a sub-folder for the artist, then within each of these a sub-folder for the album.

I presume this is possible (no limits on folder depth?) but from what I can tell the tracks within each album folder will be played in alphabetical order. To force the tracks to play in the correct (i.e. album) order I'd need to prefix each one with a track number (01, 02...) or else use playlists.

Now with playlists, I've read that you can place them in the root of the SD card and have references to the files in the various sub-folders but I don't want to do this. What I really want is to have a playlist in each album folder just for the files in that folder, simply to enforce the play order. Firstly does the RNS-E support this and secondly, what would I see when I went to such a folder, would it show the playlist and the files themselves or just the playlist and hide the files?

If anyone whose played around with such stuff can shed any light I'd be very interested, there seems to be a dearth of info on this subject online, even on navplus.us
I played around with using playlists but gave up in the end. I found that because I have a folder for each album in the root that they will always be displayed and any playlist I had there would be at the bottom of the folder list. I find it far easier to just have album folders and as you said the tracks all prefixed with the track no. in each folder. If like you said you have the playlist in a folder with the tracks then you get everything displayed alpherbetically and you then have to scroll to the playlist to play it.

I would do as you said "What I ideally want to do is have the top level folders representing the genre, then within each of these folders I'd have a sub-folder for the artist, then within each of these a sub-folder for the album." but arrange the tracks with track no. then when you go into the folder just hit play and it starts with track 1 and not bother with the playlist. The other downside to the way you want to organise it is that while driving you will be going into lots of folders and coming out of lots of folders if you want to change album or genre. Far easier to me just to have album titles and thats it.
Ta for the reply, think I'll stick with numbering the files although this reduces the space available for the filename on the RNS-E and DIS displays.

Can I ask how it deals with ID3 tags? If present in the MP3 files does it display this tag name instead of the filename on the RNS-E and DIS displays? If so, do the tracks still play in filename order but display the tag name or do they play in alphabetical tag name order?
If i browse to an album and open it with all the tracks prefixed with "1-SongA, 2-SongB etc" it will show that on the RNS-E until it plays them then it will display the track name only i.e."Song A" and thats what you will see on the dis when its playing.

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