Got my FBSW !!! And air bag do i need a slip ring ? Ive already ordered wiring harnes

ImageIve bought my flat bottom steering wheel it has no multifunction buttons on it and my original steering also doesn't have buttons on it, so im happy also i have got the airbag and witing harness had been ordered via audi £35 and its correct one, I'm wondering though do i need a slip ring as i cant seem to get a straight answer audi man said my slip ring on my standard steering has the same part number as the one for the new flat bottom steering but people on here sometimes say i do and don't so I'm co fused and in a hurry to fit it lol
Sorry nhn my iphone is playing up i hate it so much that i keep getting the new ones lol
Come one guys tell me if i need a slipring and also which one sorry for being inpatient