Does OEM radio affects ECU malfunction?


Registered User
Feb 25, 2003
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São Paulo, Brazil
I am used to turn on my Simphony radio everytime I drive. Recently my ECU had problem (had changed) and would like to know if someone knows about Audi A3's electronics. I suspect that my radio "could" influence the ECU, because, some days before ECU failure, my CD stoped several times, like muting for 3 or 4 seconds. This symptom occured everytime I increase the volume.
The Symphony does share data with the CAN Bus which is also integrated with the ECU. So it is conceivable that an ECU fault could send duff data on the CAN bus which might confuse the Symphony headunit. the other way around I guess is possible also but if your ECU was faulty then it was probably the culprit.
That's an important information to me. But in the other hand, is it possible that the usage of symphony in a high volume for a long period could damage (overheat some component on ECU) the ECU?
Absolutely not, the ECU is not located anywhere near the Symphony headunit. The only thing you are likely to damage by playing very loud music are your ears (or speakers if sound is badly distorted).