Stage 1 map options


Registered User
May 28, 2013
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Channel Islands, Jersey
Hi guys and girls,
Im looking at getting a stage 1 map done soon, after the car has had a full health check up at the garage. I was wondering what are peoples experiences with generic maps, such as AMD, Revo, shark, bluefin. I live in Jersey so cant afford to pay to go to England and get it done by Bill or Rtech (will defo for the stage 2, in the future)
I basically want to know, what options i have for plug and play or send my ECU to the UK. Any good companies with trustworthy maps?

I have read all of the bad things that can come with generic maps, but don't feel i have an option. I would like to know what people have used and their ratings of them.
Car stats: audi S3
36k miles
Standard apart from, Badger5 TIP V2.2 (JR filter and heat shield)
Thanks in advance,

Never had problems with my plug/play superchips bluefin map works a treat
thanks spartan for replying, was the bluefin chip for your 2.0tdi? have you heard what they are like for an S3.
I'm running an AmD stage1 map on mine, it was done almost 10 years ago, and surprisngly, it responds to bolt on mods quite well!

Off the shelf map, I'd go Revo, Custom Code or APR stage1 generic map, but custom maps are the way forward in this day and age.
36k on a 13 year old car !! Do you push it to work or what !

As long as you meet the hardware requirements and the tuner makes sure your cars healthy I cannot see a problem,I spent nearly 8 happy years with a Revo remap and only broke a DV in all that time.
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Thanks for that JoJo, i will research those three and see what i can get here in Jersey or by sending my ECU away. Would love to get a custom but no where in Jersey does them!
And thanks vorhees lol bought it with 32K this year 2 owners. Never used it lol
Sounds good phil, hope it work out well. I have PM'd you

And Millar i sold my 1991 205gti with only 85K on the clock! its just the way jersey cars are. Only get higher miles on cars when kids and car lovers buy em and drive them 24/7.
I had an AMD map on my a4 diesel and then a Revo by AMD on my S3 8L. Both have worked fine, had none of the problems with either and both are good but can't draw a direct comparison. The diesel pulls like a train in every gear and delivers good economy. The S3 is much more responsive since remap and what can I say about economy, I tend not to look at the DIS when driving lol. It's been 3 years since these maps were put on and no problems. Both serviced regularly by Audi. My advice would be that if you can't get a custom map then get what you can from a reliable place, a standard map from a reliable source is better than no map tbh
I enjoyed my smooth and powerful with standard map profiles ie no spikes from vagcheck stage 2 custom ,but they guys have sold up to tsr now I think
Thanks ssline, thats what i was thinking. Its good to know some other people have gone and bought a generic map and are happy with it. And cheers, piste i will look into them.

Revo Steve, i phoned Enigma a couple of months ago but was cautious about generic maps once i started reading on the forum. Just wanted to see what else was out there before putting money down. He seems like a good place, I will ring him and see if he can do smoke tests etc before putting the map on.

thanks again guys.
Generic maps from known brand names 'can' be ok but... and its a big BUT.... due to age, mods and varied servicing on these cars (regardless of your 36k miles) then the engine still needs a health check and still needs to be ideally run on a dyno to ensure that the map is suitable...

Generic maps were developed back when the cars were new, the engine were fresh and under those circumstances the maps are generally fine for the health of the engine... but... I have seen std cars pull timing big time on the dyno and also seen low mileage cars wit very tired turbos... mileage means nothing, regular servicing to a degree helps but doesn't prevent pipes splitting with age or if those miles were done with constant 10minute start/stop journeys etc...

If you travel 5 miles a day in start/stop traffic you can do more damage than 30 miles a day cruising on the motorway in which case the higher mileage car would probably have a healthier engine...

Point is... by all means have a generic map from Revo etc... its good code but make sure its adjusted (as you can do this with Revo) correctly for your car and just turned up to 11... it will feel great for sure but won't be doing you any favours long term...

Tuffty is correct! Your car may have covered 36k miles but the rubber hoses are still 13 years old and decay every day, so will everything else. My honest opinion is save up some more cash, and make the trip to see bill or niki. I have nothing against stage mapping, I had a custom code map for 2 years and it was fine on my car, just fancied a change! Boy what a change it was, cars an animal and it was tamed down 20 lb/ft! A guy at work had his LCR mapped, day later it blew a rod! That had done 55k!! My point here is you never know with these cars nowadays, it may never happen to you but it's better to be on the safe side and make sure that if you do get a stage map then make sure it's a good one.. Custom map for me and always will be!
Oh god here we go yes,just go for a custom map as nobody else in the world can map your car

I must speak to Revo about this 11 setting as mine only goes up to 9 Tuffey :)
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Oh god here we go yes,just go for a custom map as nobody else in the world can map your car

I must speak to Revo about this 11 setting as mine only goes up to 9 Tuffey :)

I wouldn't... Bill tried it and his surged...

Generic maps from known brand names 'can' be ok but... and its a big BUT.... due to age, mods and varied servicing on these cars (regardless of your 36k miles) then the engine still needs a health check and still needs to be ideally run on a dyno to ensure that the map is suitable...

Generic maps were developed back when the cars were new, the engine were fresh and under those circumstances the maps are generally fine for the health of the engine... but... I have seen std cars pull timing big time on the dyno and also seen low mileage cars wit very tired turbos... mileage means nothing, regular servicing to a degree helps but doesn't prevent pipes splitting with age or if those miles were done with constant 10minute start/stop journeys etc...

If you travel 5 miles a day in start/stop traffic you can do more damage than 30 miles a day cruising on the motorway in which case the higher mileage car would probably have a healthier engine...

Point is... by all means have a generic map from Revo etc... its good code but make sure its adjusted (as you can do this with Revo) correctly for your car and just turned up to 11... it will feel great for sure but won't be doing you any favours long term...


Ahhhh lol thanks tufty and Gops appreciate the feedback and experience.
i totally understand about low mileage and short distance journeys.

I will take on board what everyone has suggested, maybe phone bill and get a quote on a couple of things to make the journey worth it! I will keep you updated, when the decision is made.
thanks again guys

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