replacing n75 with mbc 1.8t agu

Run it in parallel to cap boost else you will loose part throttle drivability

do i replace this small part with the 3 ways with the n75?
this the diagram the comes with the kit
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but my mbc is two parts not like the one in the picture?!
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Not sure what you said there...

I am not familiar with that type of bleed valve but from the picture I would assume you use the part with the screw bit on top and hook it up as per the picture above...

I doubt its a particularly accurate one so may take a bit of tweaking to get right (Forge UNOs is the one I would normally use) but you will need a couple of T pieces too... the supplied 'diverter T' might work as one of them but again, not something I have used so couldn't say if that part is any good..


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