Gops' Subtle mod thread

Good luck lad's, hope all goes well! At least you know your I good hands there :)
Come on the Gops!!!

Where are the updates?? :)
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Just read the whole of this build thread,

Luckily i knew who about the car before i started haha!

Gops you know my brother Andy jordan!!

Cars a weapon my brothers been waiting to hear what you was having done for weeks mate!
Gops, for someone that's reporting Live from b5, you're doing a pretty shoddy job so far :racer:

Assuming a working day is 9-5, 5 hours have passed, with just 3 hours remaining, and so far you've given us nothing.

False advertising man :laugh:
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They are probably too busy eating Pakoras!!!
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some plots up on my badger5 facebook page.
Tired so may find time to update some text tomorrow... as will gops once he's driven home and got some kip.



previous version entry level vs the 11 blade



The previous (other) version to me is the better spec.
Hi guys! Sorry it's been abit of a right R&D session.. The results speak for itself, Russ's turbo is better, but mine is more what Dan wanted as a baby hybrid! It's a very smooth drive and pulls very hard very strong! I like it, although it's not the most powerful, but it does go.. And I have NLS! 😁 It's frickin mad! But I have been told not restrain myself :|

The thing is I can easily go super hybrid, it's just the matter of the turbo now! But for now, I'm happy! I think it's down to the 11 blade design.. Talking to bill and the amount of air coming in is restricted by the amount of blades whereas Russ's can scoop and compress the air better! Needless to say, thank you to Dan for giving me the opportunity to test this turbo! It's been a real experience and I've learnt so much! One thing for sure is its bluddy expensive! Ill be laying low for a while! Lol
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And I have to say.. Big thanks to badger 5 for squeezing me in. Bill talked me through everything and hopefully ill be back next year! :cool:
Oh my lord all these gizmo's on the car is so addictive, may have to get bill to turn them off!! Lol! But yes I may like to upgrade the turbo next year to something more powerful, maybe a super hybrid.. We shall see :) all I can say is this turbo is enough to best an e46 m3
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Thought id just update the thread.. The car seems to have livened up a little! I did try and jiggle the engine since the DP was hitting the prop shaft, but my jack refused to even lift the car! I couldnt be bothered to buy another one because im renovating my room at the moment. My dad said he'll make a little spacer for the DP to move it accross a few mm so it stops hitting.

Apart from that, the car seems very nice! The DP is resonating and rattling but thats because its touching everything, i actually wish i had bill to make me a DP but i'd only do that now if i was gonna change to TFSI which I MIGHT do if I get bored :eyebrows:

Bill has done some amazing work with the map on this car. Low down it feels like theres nothing but on normal driving it suits me just fine. Higher up the rev range it actually keeps going and pulling.. Map 3 in 6th gear at 70mph it'll just keep pulling and pulling! I had a 330d infront of me who was driving irratically and he kept flooring it every gap he got. I stayed in 6th and of course he did pull forward a little but I just reeled him in without actually dropping down! The turbo is a good piece of kit but I do hear a very faint whine. When its cold it whines a little louder, but once warm its very quiet. I had this with my old turbo and im not sure if its to do with my piping because my old turbo had no in\out play, it had very little side to side play but nothing alarming! My Jetex filter's neck doesnt really look good, its fraying so I'll change it for my old s2000 filter and see if that makes any difference. I havnt used the ALS or NLS since i got the car so im being a good boy :)

So far its really good, clutch im still getting used to but its alot better! Engine mounts are old and need replacing, so im on the look out for some. I know Jardo had some old ones so i'll see if he still has them but so far its not too bad! Just gonna keep plodding on.. I am thinking next year of going for abit more power.. We'll see what Dan has plans for :) Hope this helps anyone looking for a baby hybrid! Genuine 300bhp with a turbo that is well built and not screaming its tits off is perfect. Earlier on today i had a play with a Clio 200 cup and had no real problem, turned out i was on Map 5!! And thats literally actuator pressure! All the power is sort of top end which is what you expect from a hybrid but all in all.. Good! :)
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Yeah i wanted to have a spare set to fill and swap straight out. A3 and S3 mounts are the same aint they?
engine mounts are interchangeable chaps. the 5 speed bracket from the gearbox to mount is different, but the mount on the chassis rail is 100% transferable if they're not identical.

i've seen a few mounts with small differences but all the same fitments.
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Ahh i see.. Will look out for some cheap mounts to swap over! I forgot to comment on the Manifold! As some know, I (think) that i have the first Badger5 Manifold, all be it standard port but high flow! Its keeping up well, sounds much better with alot more growl for sure! The collector glows but thats about it really, flows really well and fitted perfectly! Cant wait to see what the larger bore manifold will do on bills lupo!
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engine mounts are interchangeable chaps. the 5 speed bracket from the gearbox to mount is different, but the mount on the chassis rail is 100% transferable if they're not identical.

i've seen a few mounts with small differences but all the same fitments.

Thought so! Thanks nick!
Just got some engine mounts.. 85shore, will that be too stiff? Was thinking more 80 or 75 the stay in the comfort zone? Also I bought (by accident) some mk5 golf wiper arms. They're too long but I'm gonna attempt to make them work!
Just got some engine mounts.. 85shore, will that be too stiff? Was thinking more 80 or 75 the stay in the comfort zone?

I'm using 85 in mine and have done for the past 7 months or so now and a good 6-10k of the few S3s that's used as a daily that has had it done as far as I'm aware.

There's a small review I did in here mate from after I got them fitted further down the page-

The link on where I purchased the stuff from is in there also - I found that web site to be cheaper than ebay and other place when I was purchasing last year.
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Hello peoples! I thought I'd pop on here since so much has happened in the past few months. Lots of ups and downs but hopefully sorted soon..

So where do I begin.. Well after mapping etc, granted the turbo didn't make as much power as "expected" but I walked away with a faster car I gave in, so that was a bonus! It felt quicker as time went on.. E46 M3 CSL had to yield from me, countless scoobys, MR FQ 320 and 340 etc.. So I thought "jeez this is a quick thing!!" But things didn't stay very good.. I developed a rattle every now and then from the flywheel which now is a right pain! To top it, I'm getting another rattle which seems to be engine related. Not the happiest about that but not a lot I can do. It sounds very much like small ends as it's only at certain revs on certain throttle positions, not on idle at all. Mmm not going well. VVT is still throwing a set point code so my bargain VVT isn't as good! I have the warranty so will be sending back and getting a new one soon too. DP was rubbing on the prob which has now caused the flex to blow which sounds horrid!!! And not to mention my map sensor had poo'd itself. I was rescued by Alistair, who'd sent me a "facelift" version which seems to work better and is a different design to the APY one I had.. Can't say for sure whether there's any advantage (probably not) but it's nice to have boost once again! It feels faster but I was only getting 213 g/s on vcds and probably have a boost leak.

All in all I have a few problems. Could it be the way it was built? Probably but I hate pointing fingers and refuse to blame anyone except myself so lets just move on and resolve them right? Damn right! So what am I gonna do to resolve it? Well I've had a little chat with our very own badger and have a vague idea on what direction I want to go.. More power for sure, but most importantly; better running!! I want to change a fair few things like MAF (again) to a genuine one, and a brand spanking new MAP sensor, just to be sure.

First thing to do is sort out the VVT though. I have a lot if saving up to do because I'm essentially gonna rebuild the whole thing again. I feel as if she's not responded well to the last rebuilt so let's just start again.

Blank canvas. Badger 5. Beach buggy turbo's. More power. Updates to come.
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Lol where do I send my damages claim letter to?
First step gops we need to sort my headlights lol. Back this weekend maybe see you then. Sounds like you've had a few problems though didn't realise.
Whats up with your headlights Rav??
That's for sure Rav, we'll have a good look at them this weekend! Might try and do my VVT this weekend too!
Whats up with your headlights Rav??

Kiddah nilzy. Long time! Headlights starting to go cloudy now . Really let's the car down after a nice detail.

Gops yea around this weekend bro see what we can do.
Kiddha Rav, it has been a while!!

I was hoping you was going to say that as mine are very cloudy too.....hint hint!!!

Hope you and the missus are all good mate :)
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I WANT these turbos! Badly.
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